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Everything posted by michelsmith

  1. Most of the time you can tell if your computer video card is deteriorating by seeing little tell tale signs. Lines appearing or flashing can sometimes occur, however sometimes nothing happens at all. You might turn your computer on and have the dreaded black screen. You can try removing your video card and using onboard video, or replacing the video card to see if that is the problem.
  2. Check the following information How to troubleshoot issues that occur when you write data to a CD-R or CD-RW optical disc in Windows XP Hope this helps.
  3. Reboot your computer. When the initial BIOS screen appears, press and hold the indicated key to launch the BIOS setup. Locate the "Boot Sequence" or "Boot Order" listing in your BIOS setup. Depending on the type of BIOS that your Windows XP PC uses, the boot order listing may be immediately evident or it may be contained in an "Advanced Settings" section of the BIOS setup. Set the CD or DVD drive that you wish to boot from as your primary boot device. Set your primary hard drive as the second or third boot device (depending on your preferred boot order and the other drives that you have installed on your computer). Press the indicated key (often "F10") to save your new settings and exit the BIOS setup. The computer will reboot, and will attempt to access the CD or DVD drive that you specified before booting Windows XP from your hard drive.
  4. Once booting start, select "Safe Mode" from the boot menu. Scan your hard drive by running your antivirus software. If the program locates an infection, move it to your vault or follow the on-screen instructions. After program completion, if a virus was removed, attempt to reboot your computer and see if this clears up the problem. If not, restart your computer in safe mode. Restore your computer to a previous point. Click on the "Start" button. Select "All Programs", "Accessories", "System Tools" and finally "System Restore". Choose a restore point on or before the last day your computer worked without error. Finally Reboot your computer to see if it loads correctly.
  5. Sounds crazy but mine was doing it also and I went into the BIOS and changed the amount of voltage going to the RAM, from 2.5 to 2.8 and haven't had it happen since.
  6. Hi, Finally i got solution and formated my system. now my pc running smothly. Thanks for all.
  7. I think formating the computer is better solution for crazy virus.
  8. Thanks for quick response i will try your advise and try to format my pc.
  9. I have a virus on my pc. The virus has disbaled all .exe files so i can't use any anti virus software to remove it every time I click on an exe files error pops up saying this file is effected by a virus.
  10. Hi, I am michel smith and newbie here hope help to everyone.
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