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Everything posted by BunniLeigh

  1. Hi guys, dont know how long its been since ive been here... and im ashamed to say, i remembered you when i needed help... i need to know about servers... how to run them etc... i have searched for weeks, but cant find any help at all !!! If anyone can help me.. would be gratefull.. thank you :)
  2. Well hello again, some of you may remember me... You helped me out so much in the past, and am ashamed that i did forget about the site :(.. I recieved an email the other day saying happy birthday.. (mind you three weeks early).. But its nice to see you all again.
  3. Thank you for your help, my friend is bringing the laptop back round here tomorrow, and i will update you then to what is going on, all he really wants to do, is put the partitioned drive back into the one that was originally there. again, thank you
  4. Hi all have a problem here, its a friends pc.. someone partictioned his pc, and i have now reinstalled win7 for him, is there anyway that i can put all his partictions back for him, thanks for then help xx
  5. thanks for your help, i did all the updates, and now its working fine :)
  6. Im at a loss :(. I have an old laptop, that used to connect wireless, but i reset to factory settings, and now it wont connect, any help please xxx
  7. Hope you dont mind me starting a new thread, but havent been here for ages, so sorry guys... but great to see you all again. :)
  8. Awww feel for you JellyBean, not my fav pastime
  9. lol seems i have started something here... i always use my laptop on wireless, but that is vista.. that has always only showed to monitors
  10. Thanks to both of you.... :).... i think i was confused because of the new icons on win7... i was connected using the wired.. as of course when i unplugged it.. my net went off. As usual fantastic response from you all. (specially for a daftie). Thanks so much :) Edit... i now no that i am using wired... and i have only one monitor showing.. didnt noticed two when i connected via wireless.
  11. lolol thanks JellyBean... i didnt think of that.. see said im daft lol.. will give it a try :)
  12. Hi all been away for a little while good to be back. Here is most probably a silly question, but one that is really bugging me. When i reinstalled win7 back on my main pc, i left my wired internet connection in.. thing is im sure its running off the wireless!!! How can i tell... im sure that its such a daft question but any help would be appriecated.:confused:
  13. sorry for the delay in replying.... thanks all for the help.. im guessing that the HD is dying, reinstalled OS 5 times, and now it shuts down with even the updates.. it was fine before with all the work it did... now ive reinstalled .. just using for net etc.. it seems fine. I realise that it is so difficult for you guys to try to help me out.. when i cant give you any errors etc.
  14. Thank you PSE, we have had a look at the fans, they all seem ok... have tried it again with the case open, and the fans dont seem to change at all... it just goes off.
  15. When burning films or playing games on the pc, the computer, just shuts down.. no errors or anything..... I have reinstalled Vista, but still get the same problem.. any help that i can try please. Thank you
  16. Well tried a few things then got fed up, so reinstalled windows... while it was doing the last stages of set up, i messed again, with the buttons on the side of the monitor, and somehow managed to reset it to factory settings... and there we are problem sorted.... waste of reinistall lol... but hey it wont hurt. THanks again
  17. Thanks RandyL, will give those a try
  18. Hi all, strange one here, for some reason this morning, a black line appeared down the right of my screen, so my windows vista does not fill the whole screen (tried to do a screen shot, but the line does not appear!!!) Ive checked the screen resolutions which normally is 1440 x 900, but this is causing the problems, if i change the resolution to 1360 x 768, the screen is back to normal, but everthiing seems bigger... if you see what i mean. I havent installed anything, ive tried the menu on the monitor, but all to no avail. Wondering if anyone has any ideas. Thanks
  19. Oh so glad i havent even tried it yet, think i will wait then. Thanks
  20. thank you Starbuck
  21. Is there anyway of checking to see if my add-ons are compatable with ff 4, before actually installing it?
  22. I seem to get a few of these "bank" emails, even from banks i dont.. well bank with !!!
  23. bought new drive today, works great, thanks for your help as usual, but hey... i learnt a new thing.... i tried to install and old one from and old pc first, and found all the connections different... so just learnt the sata thing. wow im impressed with myself lol. thanks again.
  24. yep tried device manager, no exclaimation marks, and i updated drivers, but it says that the correct drivers are installed.
  25. Hi Dalo, yes it used to work ok, when you put a disc in now, it makes a noise as if it is trying to read the disc, but cant, have tried lots of discs, but it seem to just do the same.
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