Hi, thanks for your time - i really appreciate it -
I tried what you said - the date I downloaded that stupid thing was 3rd Aug 07 so I chose 17th July 07 - when pc was shutting down, I got a message with ccSvcHst.exe and something about not allowed but I barely had time to scribble this error code down then it disappeared and pc shut down and re-started. It said it was in middle of restoring, but then came up saying "Restoration Incomplete" and "Your computer cannot be restored" and "No changes have been made". It suggested I try another date.
I tried again with 24th July 07 - this time when it shut down it did NOT come up with that .exe message so I thought it would work. It re-started and said it was restoring and took bit longer so I really thought it would work, but again it said the same message: Restoration Incomplete, etc!!!!!!!!!
Also, before this, as I was loading pc and internet up, I got a message with that flashlight icon as it said it was trying to find Norton Antivirus - no idea why it did this. It asked me if I want to manually search for it . . . I didn't and just waited . . . it came up saying Cannot find Norton Antivirus as it mayhave been removed or renamed??!! Don't know why it did this, but last night I went onto the Technical Support part of Norton help centre, and had online chat with agent there - I did not allow Remote Access and I just advised him what had happened and he said it is best if he puts me in contact with a trained person who would Remotely control my pc and get rid of anything suspicious but was quite a lot of money to do this. I declined and told him so and ended the chat. I think it is strange that I only did that last night and now get this message about Norton not being found. It's just getting worse and worse!!! May be a coincidence because he wouldn't be able to do anything unless I gave him remote access, would he? And I didn't get him my machine name or antything like that.
What do you think . . . ? . . .