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Five Minutes

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Guest xikom03@yahoo.com.tw



You're hunched at the computer, flicking the keys with the greatest of

ease - or, like me, poking each stroke with the speed of

a...umm...well, it DID rhyme!




You're mesmerized for hours by the wonders of Internet business - you

market, you negotiate, you design, you submit, you research, you

chat...a lot...




Enthralled and empowered by your cyber-independence, you plan and

scheme, plot and dream.


While life in the REAL world goes on around you...


"Hey Mom, can I have lunch now?? It's three o'clock!!"


"Huh? Whaa...yeah, five minutes, honey...lessee, click here..."


Funny how the daily grind hasn't ground to a halt...


"Dad?? Couldya sign this? It just says that you know about my tryin'

to burn down the school and ya assume full financial

responsibility...No big deal, couple alarms..."


"Darn HTML code...Hmm? Yeah...five minutes, umm...son??"


Things just keep rolling on...


"Ya GOTTA see this cool fort me and Billy Scuzbucket



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