Legacy Windows Archive ( Read Only )
Read only archive of EOL Windows Systems.
System crash after install SP2 on SBS
by Guest zulsystems@gmail.com- 2 replies
Hi!! When I install the SP2 on my Small Business Server 2003, the instalation process give me an error and undo the instalation. Then I restart the server and after the logo of Windows 2003, when is switching to next screen (windows screen with the message 'applying computer' setting and log in) the system give me a blue screen without any message (only with the typical message that may be it's a hardware problem bla bla bla). If I try to open Safe Mode or Last Know Good Configuration I have the same problem. It's possible to use the System Restore Point if I cannot access to a command prompt? What can I do, please? I would appreciate your comments ver…
slow connection to file sharing folder every 2 week.
by Guest Edward- 2 replies
I have a window 2003 std version with SP1. and currently updated critical MS patch. Symatec SAV10.1.4 . Purely, it is used for file sharing only. RAM 1 GB, CPU AMD Opteron. Dual-Core. Netbackup client installed. HD, Drive C: total size: 15GB, 8.6 GD free. Drive D: total size: 100GB, 40 GB free On every 2 week, Monday morning it will get slow response to access file sharing. We can't found any schedule task running to slow it down. Number of users access that server is around 20 maximum staff. Number of sharing folder is around 20. Question: 1. How do I able to trouble shoot root problem of such slow access UNC issue ? 2. What tools do I need to u…
Caps lock and Num Lock
by Guest jewellui@googlemail.com- 4 replies
Is there a way to disable caps lock and num lock? I just don't want caps lock turning on and num lock turning off.
Ms. Office become error after runing system restore
by Guest heri- 5 replies
hi... after i used the system restore to restore my system to previous condition, my Ms. Office become error, it alwasy ask for reinstall and reconfigure every time I start using it (i.e when trying to open a document, it would go trough installation first) and when i try to remove and reinstall it , it doesn't work. please some one help me, what should i do?
DVD/CD drive read games, but not music/pictures CDs?
by Guest David Simpson- 0 replies
Friend of mine is having a wierd problem with his CD drive. 1. If he puts a game CD or DVD in, the game starts. 2. If he puts a movie DVD, the movie plays. 3. If he inserts a music (Bought, not made) CD or a picture (made) CD in and when he explores the disk, it brings up blank explorer window. Also, the drive lable never changes from "DVD-RAM Drive (D:)". 4. If he inserts his Recovery Disk in, it comes up blank, also. He has already replaced his drive, and it is doing the same thing. I've tried everything I know (updating drivers, un-installing drivers, etc) with no luck. He really doesn't want to re-install windows. Any other suggestions out…
cant get internet options to pop up.
by Guest bob- 1 reply
Running Internet explorer 7, on internet tools i click internet options and wont pop open, same happens off my desktop when i right click it and click on internet options . Please Help thanks bob
Host browsing problem
by Guest NELZ- 1 reply
We cannot browse websites on the same Windows Server 2003 on which they were created using IIS 6.0. We can, however, browse them on any workstation on the same network! Please help, thanks.
- 0 replies
When loading sidewinder precision pro on my new XP computer, software 3.0 contains incompatable drivers. Going into control panel then game controller and selecting the sidewinder autodetect option, the popup "your gameport or gameport drivers are not properly configured. Please contact the device manager" appears. I understand that software 4.0 is needed but do not know how to get it. Suggestions? Thanks. Ash
net framework
by Guest Jim- 5 replies
why do I need net framework?/
double xp trouble
by Guest beach girl- 4 replies
my laptop was working fine, a client computer on a home wireless router. Out of nowhere it won't connect to the internet and there is an error message saying limited or no connectivity. We hadn't done anything new or different so I don't know what happened. I checked in device manager and there was a yellow alert symbol by the PCI modem. It said there wasn't a driver installed. I tried to reinstall it, repair it, update it but nothing worked. As a last resort I uninstalled it and rebooted but that didn't work either. Next day, the screen is blank. I reboot, the initial windows xp logo comes up with the blue bars underneath then it goes blank. The compute…
Not everything in startup loads (random)
by Guest Roy- 4 replies
Hi all, Several things set to run at startup randomly fail. Usually Nod Antivirus, Comodo Firewall, Ad-watch 2007 or the volume icon. Is there a registry or other fix for this problem or is it more complex? I have scanned for viruses & spyware but found nothing. Look forward to you ideas. Roy. -- http://www.btinternet.com/~godalming/index.htm
SFC and Windows update
by Guest Stephen- 1 reply
As I understand it, if the system file checker discovers a missing file, it is replaced from the original installation CD. However, this may be out of date. If I subsequently run Windows update, will the out of date file be detected and updated? What is confusing me is that if Windows update can detect an individual file being out of date, why can't it detect the missing file in the first place and replace it? In other words, why is SFC needed? I shall be grateful if anyone can put me right on this. Stephen
Safe mode - cannot login
by Guest Alan T- 8 replies
I tried to login to the safe mode with the password that I used in normal mode but failed. Is there any special password to login safe mode?
Malware ?
by Guest Alan T- 10 replies
I got sometimes pop up a screen really saying that your computer is infected, do you want to install XXXXXXXX, I clicked cancel but still opening up IE with the address of a anti-spyware company website. It seems this company had invaded my computer and install a program in my machine want to sell his anti-virus/anti-spyware product.
Keyboards do not work on new install of XP
by Guest Richard- 2 replies
I have a brand new Dell M90 laptop, it came with Vista loaded but Vista is not allowed on our work network so I partitioned/formatted/installed XP Pro. Everything works on this pc except any external keyboards I connect. I have connected a mouse, hard drive, flash drive and all are recognized and drivers loaded. When I connect any keyboard or USB num pad the found new hardware wizard comes up. The wizard goes through the motions and at the end says The hardware is not installed, can not find the software. The laptop keyboard works fine. I have downloaded and installed MS intellipoint 6.1 software and still get no where. The keyboard is a MS digi…