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Neil Cooper

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Everything posted by Neil Cooper

  1. hey Ken yes we are xD i would like to say thanks to everyone thats helped me with this problem, now fixed new motherboard and updated BIOS did the trick power up and down successfully a good few times now. hey Ken I-01001001, R-01010010, B-01000010 Y-01011001 nice im from the not so famous dull and boring 01110011,01100101,01100001,01100011,01101111,01101101,01100010,01100101
  2. Sorry, what i mean is that the internal CD,HDD ect spin up surge at start up, and i mean the HDD was taken straight out of the old setup and put in this one the booting up fine, the board was bought new with this problem. i have re-read what you have said and done it all but still the annoying start up happens surging, the external HDD are what carry on spinning after shutdown everything internal shutsdown fine.
  3. hey, the board was bought new, i've tried all this and same still i think its either a mb or psu issue but after tring a different psu in the Pc i think its more to be the motherboard i just have no idea what on it e.g chip,capacitor or what p.s even tried one ram at a time and removing the graphics card and using the onboard thanks again
  4. Hey thanks again for helping with this it should be free of malware after just reinstalling the os for about the 3rd time hoping that it might of been that obvs its not going to be but you know xD. i can do the log anyway if you want it means waiting for brother to give me the charger back as hes lending it atm. however to Nev's question for some reason toshiba sent the laptops out with out a feature of being able to view CPU or any other temp for that matter in the Bios, taking a guess apart from the last time i had it on about a week ago and being able to see the temp around 33 - 39 degrees the case stays cool not hot to the touch. ps i have to use CPUid to view temps. thanks again for helping me, really helps knowing people care enough to spend their time helping. specially when toshiba dont seem to care:mad: thanks
  5. hey thanks and at first no i took it out of my old machine and put it straight into this one it booted fine first time which surprised me but i did later i re-installed windows (clean install). i also know about the "smart fan" feature i thought thats why the fans are doing it however my HDD's and CD drives do the same is that anything to do with smart fan? P.s i forgot to mention i know the PSU isnt faulty as ive just swapped it in another computer mine continued to "surge" and the other computer with me PSU started fine. my PSU is a Storm 700watt PSU. one other thing that im not sure is normal with this board is after you shut the computer down the External HDD's i have installed carry on spinning weirdly (i can hear the arm swinging across the plate) i know this isnt good for them so i just unplug them now. LOL as you can tell if you've seen my other 2 posts i aint having much luck with computers xD anyway thanks for taking the time to help me. :rolleyes:
  6. I got this board brand new a while ago but since i installed it in the PC its "Surged" when powering on the (fans,drives,HDD) all spin up as they would do, then spin down, they spin up for a second spin down for a second spin up Ect. This cycle last about a minuet before finally the Pc starts successfully at first this didnt bother me so much but now its a pain. so far i've; installed lastest BIOS cleared the CMOS and tried to speak to support at Biostar about 3-4 times over it and never ever got back to me.... hoping someone might have had the same problem or might have ideas on how to fix this thanks neil
  7. yes i took it down to every component cleaned everything and installed a new fan thinking the old one was damaged but after putting it all back together it still has the same problem
  8. Thanks for the interest i've tried all this already ive stripped the laptop cleaned it put back together and then updated the BIOS but same problem.
  9. The laptop was sent off to be repaired a few months ago after failing to start at all wouldn't even power on tried everything in the end sent it off however now its really noisy the fan is always on full tried optimising it in BIOS, the reported temperature is normal around 30 when its idle, its loud from second its turned on. I'm guessing faulty temp sensor? any ideas?
  10. Need some help trying to figure out whats wrong with a friends Mac theres a few but the one i cant figure out is the screen i think the inverter has gone, the screen randomly goes blank but you can still see the faint black graphics, however this is fixed just by shuting the the Mac down and restarting, but the mac gets random pixels on screen there hard to describe ive never come across this before i just need help to see whether these are down to the graphics card, the screen cable or the inverter (which i thinks gone anyway). Thank you Neil P.s sorry about the Picture Quality taken by phone and was dark ill upload new ones when i can the clear is a screen shot of what should look like and the Display Photo rough of what it does and the one with the hand has "dancing pixels" along it.. thanks again oh its running Mac Os x Tiger 10.4.(6 i think) [ATTACH=CONFIG]1276[/ATTACH]
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