Hi everyone, Can I just start this post by apologising as I know nothing about computers down to the point I don't even know if i'm posting in the right section.
I tried to explain this probelm to someone else earlier on and they got a bit confused so hopefully someone will understand.
Basically I got a cheap LCD TV for christmas and wish to be able to use it as a moniter for my laptop occasionally.
I bought a VGA cable and connected the two together no problems and after a bit of fiddling around managed the screen so the picture was pretty much perfect.
Then I plugged the laptop into its power supply and although the picture is still on the TV I get kind of ripples down the picture. The only difference between the laptop when it is connected and disconnected from the power supply is that its picture appear slightly brighter.
I've tried fiddling about with the refresh rate but it makes no difference,any ideas?
And thanks in advance.