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Everything posted by shrimply

  1. Hi, its working now, I downloaded the new firefox which I mistakenly thought I'd already installed and everything is fine. Thanks, and its was just that website and only in firefox that it wasn't working,lol.
  2. Hi, just a small problem I think, ever since I started using firefox it crashes whenever I click a link onto The Sun website. I've got all the latest updates and have tried reinstalling. Can anyone explain it, to me who has little computer knowledge it seems a bit strange.
  3. Hi, I'm back. Been travelling so hopefully will be around again a bit more ( not that I suppose anyone missed me) The Laptop came back a while ago and I turned it on for the first time today, luckily everything is fine and all my data is still in tact. The repairs were apparently £94.40 worth with a "MB VGA TW3M" costing the main part of it, although I have no idea what that was, they also replaced the AC adapter, just glad I didn't have to pay anything. Sorry that the update took so long.
  4. Hi Seth, I'd like to think it was worse than that because I'll look like an idiot otherwise. When I took it in to the shop, he said often in these cases if you remove the battery and power supply and hold the on button on then that drians the current from it and sorts it out, but no such luck. So we'll wait and see what happens.
  5. I stuck using my dads PC and have been forbidden to download anything so am stuck using IE7 so far I got quite a long list of things I miss about firefox, some may be available on IE7 though. It automatically checks you spelling anywhere you type You can duplicate entire tabs and their history You can undo a closed tab It restores your session each time and remembers everything, even a half typed reply Ad-block plus removes pretty much all the adverts on forums And its completely customizable https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/4327, you can't get better than that
  6. Its been sent off for repair, we actually got someone in curries who seemed to know what he was doing, which was impressive. Still didn't find an answer but when the power supply is plugged into the laptop the light on the adapter flickers so he reckons its something to do with that, but it won't work on battery either so the problem may be quite large, just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed its compltely burst and i get a brand new one.
  7. Thanks, I'm just cursing as although all my personal files ( minus a set of photos) is backed up to my new harddrive, I was doing to sort out a system clone today, which is just sods law. And I can't think of anyone who has a laptop I could borrow in order to make a clone, so I'll be pretty much starting from scratch. Feeling kinda like lifes out to get me right now, I lost my wallet on Saturday so have to sort all that out today as well.
  8. Umm, we're kinda struggling to find any gurentee information, but we've got the receipt for curries, so we're going to have a go. And no i heven't checked the fuse, but it would run of the battery anyway would it not?
  9. My Laptop has just completely died, one minute I was surfing the net, the next it just died, now if I press the power I get absolutly nothing. Not a sound. Its not even a year old.
  10. I'd say that was a good price, my only concern is that if it came with 512mb of RAM and running vista its probably home basic, which from what I've read isn't as good as the other products, but what do I know,lol
  11. Well I can't wait to start asking questions to use you new found knowledge, I do really like vista but I think I'm more or less alone on that one. Sp1 does take a long time to install, only differences I noticed were that both ready boost and the internet seem a lot more stable.
  12. thanks, the whole system does feel slightly faster using it, maybe I'm just making up but I don't think so, Its upped my Windows Experience Base Score from 2.0 to 3.0, which although not major is a decent improvement for £14 I'd say, well worth doing. And I'm very pleased that I did and that I was able to get the right stuff thanks to the forum.
  13. Well having just upgraded from 1 gig, I can tell you a few things although I'm no expert. Vista runs OK on 1 gig, I have done for nearly a year, so if it is just basic word processing and things it shouldn't matter too much, bigger applications, will require a bit more RAM, not had a chance to try much out yet but the media centre is running much more smoothly when I'm viewing TV. If its somewhere like Dell and its going to cost you a tenner or something similar to stick in an extra Gig then I personally would. Luckily my new stuff worked but it can be difficult, although if you've got the people here behind you not much can go wrong in computer world. If its a shop and they're going to charge you a larger amount for the upgrade, I do it yourself, my RAM cost £14 and its not hard to fit. I'm sure the experts will give you more in depth answers though.
  14. It works, Thanks everyone, Arrived to day, brilliant service from Ebuyer as usual, ordered on Tuesday and chose free 5 working Day delivery. And it arrived on Thursday so you can't complain at that. Put the Ram in and no problem at all, laptops not really notciably faster right now but feel a bit more zippy. Also got a external hard drive that I've got to sort out so there might be some more questions soon. Thanks again.
  15. Brilliant, thanks all i'll let you know how it goes.
  16. Thanks you, see that's the basic stuff that I need, And the one that I linked to is the right stuff? Crucial 1GB DDR2 667MHz/PC2-5300 Laptop Memory SODIMM CL5 - Ebuyer Just worried I order the wrong thing then end up stuck with a useless bit of RAM, thanks for all the help.
  17. Looking at the PC wizard I think its the 667 but I've got nothing more to go on than what I posted, sorry.
  18. The Laptops just under a year old, and as I said its running vista home premium, which I know a lot of people say needs 2GB, it runs OK. But I think it might be a bit faster with some more RAM, I asked on here a while back and got a few different opinion on whether a RAM upgrade would make any difference. And since I got some money I thought for £14 I'd give it a go, but I'd rather give it a go with the right stuff. As for the Laptop book, I'd have been as well to burn it when it came out the box, basically an expensive way to kill trees. What it says is "you must use a DDR2 (Dual Data Rate 2) RAM module(up to 2GB maximum)" and at the back it says "256MB to maximum 2GB 533/667 MHz DDR2 SDRAM" And thats all the info you get about the RAM apart from how to change it. However, I think you've confused me so much that I'll just leave well alone,lol I have absolutely no idea what I should do now.
  19. Thanks, Yeah its a laptop. The problem is that it would appear a couple of site that send out RAM "guaranteed" to work like crucial have the wrong type of RAM for my laptop which is an Advent 7203. All the sites also suggest that the laptop comes with two 512mb stick which it doesn't. So my understanding was I should get a second one matching the one PC wizard picked up, which I think is what I linked to from Ebuyer. Do you think the only way for me to successfully upgrade the RAM is to but a 2GB kit, if so I think I'll just let it be. Thanks Wolfey, links helped a lot Especially the one about the 333mhz cause that did have me a bit confused.
  20. Hi again, a while ago I asked about adding an extra 1Gb of Ram to my system running Vista on 1gb. I got a few different opinions. I got some money for my birthday and am about to order some bits and pieces from Ebuyer and though that I might as well fit an extra 1GB to see if I could improve the performance a bit. Now I know absolutely nothing about Ram and while trying to figure out what I need have got completely confused. Firstly I downloaded PC wizard and it gave me the following information. http://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b160/shrimply/Ram.jpg So I thought thats fine, I then put my model information into crucial ( the scan refused to work) and it told me I needed a slightly different set of RAM. 2GB kit (1GBx2), 200-pin SODIMM, DDR2 PC2-4200 upgrades for Advent 7203 Laptop/Notebook, CT793208 from Crucial.com So I'm guessing I should go with what the PC wizard picked up. I found this and I think its the right stuff, would be grateful if you could confirm it or tell me what's wrong with it thanks. Crucial 1GB DDR2 667MHz/PC2-5300 Laptop Memory SODIMM CL5 - Ebuyer
  21. Thank you,lol will look into it, lol. Feeling really daft now but at least you helped me get it all sorted out.
  22. Yeah, I'm especially grateful to Flair, the only bad news is it looks like I'm going to have to use the Ubuntu to get the USB stick formated back to be used with windows, and somehow that disk got snapped in half yesterday.
  23. Well, I owe you a big Thankyou, I managed to use the /FixMbr properly and it fixed the problem, glad it was a simple fix in the end, I really do wonder why I do these things. Its a shame that Ubuntu won't install solely on the USB drive but I guess I'll wait until I get another computer( an old one) before I attempt to fiddle with it again. Also I am so glad I made the vista CD, I can't believe the companies don't ship the disk with systems, its invaluable to morrons like me. Thanks again everyone for all the help.
  24. Ok, i'm back and it appears no better off, I tried the /FixMbr and got /FixMbr is not recognized as an internal or external command,openable program or batch file. Maybe I should try /Fixboot but was worried that might damage something. Think I'm being daft though. Are you suggesting that I install Vista for a second time on the same hard drive?
  25. Don't ask me Wolfey, I'm just the idiot that managed it,lol. The boot sectot seems to make sense, is it likely to do any damage to the OS or anything else if I carry out those instructions? I had considered, shrinking my C: partition slightly then copying the memory stick on the the hard drive ( using Ubuntu) but I have no idea if that would work, and it wouldn't fix the problem as such just mean I didn't have to use the USB stick Oh and Wolfey for future information which term would you prefer I used when talking about a USB flash drive.
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