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Everything posted by shrimply

  1. thanks, its this one, told you it was cheap ----A-CM106[uSB Sound Card] the problem seems to have been resolved, I unticked the SPDIF output which I wasn't using and that seems to have solved it though I don't know if that should have or not. All the other setting seem to be right. I do have another question but it doesn't seem worth starting a new thread for, I have my speaker the wrong way round i.e the left on the right as this makes more sense, Is there any harm in solving this by switching the audio cables round on the back, putting the white into the red and vice versa, I don't think there should be but am worried that it may confuse the one with the power supply. Think the speakers are going back anyway as they seem to occasionaly pop, so might as well get them replaced.
  2. hi, I just got myself a cheap set of speakers and an external sound card for my laptop, for a number of reasons really. I've been playing music through them and am really impressed with the quality, it sounds, at least to me pretty decent. The problem is playing films, doesn't seem to matter what, the people especially sound really echoy, this is only a problem when using the new sound card, when plugged directly into the computer the speakers sound as I would expect them to. I think one of the main problems is I have no idea what all the settings on the sound card software mean, but I've had a good play around and nothing seems to make much difference. Thanks
  3. Well, its fixed, kindof, I have a couple of new questions but they are a minor inconvenience more than anything else. Basically in typical me fashion I completely destroyed the guest account, then ended up deleting some stuff from the registry and I actually have a guest account now with the correct level of access. Thing is I also have a folder called TEMP in the users folder, and I am asked for permission before I can view either the guest folder or TEMP folder from the administrative account. I'm pretty sure neither was there before so bit confused about it. Edit- deleted the TEMP folder and that seems to have solved both problems
  4. Hi, I'll have a play about, Its my documents and files really, I don't mind anyone accessing the programs as it makes sense that they are available for use, I'd just rather no one could muck up my personal files or folders, not that I expect they would, just rather it wasn't a possibility.
  5. Thanks I appreciate it, I don't know how these things always happen to me.
  6. Hi ,all still no luck, UAC is turned on. I tried disabling the guest account and re-enabling it, with the same result. I tried setting up a standard account and it doesn't have full file access, so I guess this is an option, but I'd still like to know why the guest account isn't working. I know I'm difficult, thanks for all the help.
  7. There is nothing in that folder, which leads me to believe that I'm not sharing anything with the other accounts. Maybe I'd be better off setting up a standard account with no password protection instead of a guest account.
  8. Thanks everyone, I have had a look around but can't find " share files with all users" anywhere, that's probably just me being daft And you can't use parental controls on a guest account, I'd probably be just as well disabling it and re- enabling it and see if that made any difference. Does it have anything to do with network file sharing, because that's definitely turned off and if I click " show files and folders I am sharing" there is nothing there, but I don't know if that is linked to folder sharing between accounts.
  9. I don't think so, If I right click any of my folders sharing is turned off, the only shared folders are in the public folder and they are only for on the home network. As a guest all I have to do is computer-->Users-->Me and I can open any of the folders/files without a password being requested or anything. Unless there is a setting somewhere to allow the folders to be shared on all the accounts on the computer, but I can't find one.
  10. I have had a guest account set up for ages now, its so other people in my house can use the laptop if I'm away and I occasionally have friends at uni that need internet access etc. I though that this meant they wouldn't be able to access or be bothered by any of my stuff, apparently not. Just been playing around with the guest account to make it more usable, updating some stuff and disabling others and have realised the account has complete access to all my files, now call me stupid but I thought the whole point of a guest account was that it didn't. I presume I've mucked up a setting somewhere so advice on how to get is properly sorted is much appreciated.
  11. It seems to have recovered from the amnesia, after the second computer restart everything came back as before, all my history and everything. Thanks for the help, I honestly don't think I could switch back to IE, firefox has too many little features that I use all the time.
  12. At least 90 days, but its not even recording the pages I vist
  13. Hi, I seem to have managed to destroy firefox, it happened after reinstalling BBC iplayer, although I don't know if that has anything to do with it and I'm pretty sure there is nothing there shouldn't be on my system but I'm running the usual scans now. Basically its lost its memory, all my history and bookmarks are gone, my homepage isn't working despite still being set-up right in options. But worse than that it isn't adding to the history and I can't add new bookmarks, neither can I go forwards or backwards. And all my saved passwords have gone, any idea what I've managed to do?
  14. Hi, quick question. It was just a thought I had but have no idea if its possible. I've just started at uni, studying biology. Obviously there is a lot of stuff I'm typing up that word 2007 just doesn't recognise. I wondered if there was packages available to add to words spell checker instead of me continually adding to the dictionary, which can obviously get messy if I manage to add a misspelled word. A add on biology dictionary would be brilliant but think I'm probably asking too much.
  15. Hi again just looking for a bit of advice, I can get office ultimate for £38.95 or something like that which really is too good a deal to turn down, for a program like publisher itself that's a good price. The thing is though I already have the Home and Student installed on my laptop ( 1 PC licence). I'd like to transfer this package to an older PC and install Office Ultimate on my laptop as it is the computer I use at uni. Is this possible or am I able to download and install the programs I want on the laptop and the other 4 (Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote) on the other PC.
  16. Thanks, I ran CCleaner and unistalled Gimp,Open Office, Java and Adobe. And that got me there. SO running it now then I'll have to reinstall them again. Never thought that having a small partition would cause any problems.
  17. Just basically it can't complete as there isn't enough free space.
  18. Thanks, found out the defragmenter won't run, which makes life a bit difficult. I'm presuming a third party one wouldn't be able to operate either.
  19. I think it will let me, it asks if I want to continue anyway, I just don't know if it would do any damage. But I don't mind using a different defragmenter if I have to.
  20. Hi its a dual boot between Windows XP home edition and Ubuntu, so there is a 8GB XP Partition and a 8GB Ubuntu partition with a 60GB partition in the middle to share my pictures and documents etc.
  21. I mentioned on the other thread that my new XP hard drive upon analyses says it needs defragmented. When I went to defragment the partition (8GB) it says I shouldn't because there is only 3% free space and it likes 15%. Besides uninstalling some programs and then reinstalling after the defrag I don't really no what to do. Any suggestions.
  22. Hi, use Ctrl + Alt and the direction arrows to get it the right way round.
  23. Hi, hope you don't mind me posting a quick question here, when I analyse my XP hard drive ( the hard drive was just out the packaging last week) its saying that I need to do a defrag. This seems a bit strange as my vista laptop hasn't been defragmented for the last 6 months and the scanner is still saying that I don't need to defrag. I guess I probably messed about with the pratitions a bit, could that be a reason and should I carry out a degrag like it suggests.
  24. Thanks, I'll just make do with scrambling behind the computer when I need to, I know the set-up is common on most PCs nowadays and thought there was possibly a simple small switching device I could use along with the sound card, but obviously not, nevermind.
  25. I actually found a program called GBPVR which is almost exactly what I was looking for, still having a bit of a problem with the EPG but I'm sure i'll get there. I don't understand why so many of these programs have such flaws when windows Media Centre manages to do it so simply and well, a first for Microsoft perhaps.
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