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Everything posted by shrimply

  1. Yeah, at least I think so, but I want the server I use to work no matter what isp I'm connected to. For instance, I have multiple accounts set up in Windows Live Mail, Yahoo, Aol, My uni account, and they all have they're own SMTP server, none of them use oranges, and this means I can use Windows live mail to retrieve and send email from these accounts no matter where I am, I want the O2 set up in the same way if that's at all possible.
  2. Hi people Having a few issues and since I have no real knowledge of how these things work internet searches are proving useless. Basically I've just started renting a flat and have finally managed to get O2 home broadband sorted ( delays caused by BT not O2, big surprise). However I'm now at my parents house, who are with orange broadband. I've been trying to configure Windows Live Mail to receive and send email from my new O2 email account, its receiving without a problem but no matter what i do I can't get it to send email. I can get it to work if I use Orange's SMTP server, but that hardly solves the problem. I've used every combination of security and ports I can think of or find suggested on the internet and have tried both smtp.o2.co.uk and relay.o2broadband.co.uk nothing works and I'm guessing its because I'm not connected to O2 broadband, but there has to be a way to configure it so that it can send mail from any ISP, is there not? Many Thanks.
  3. Thank you everyone. Sadly Wolfy a new reptile is not an option at the moment as I don't have the space or cash.
  4. Speaking purely as home user I have to say that I find Vista a lot better to use. I have it on my laptop and initially I did have some problems but after upgrading to 2GB and SP1 was installed its really smooth. I haven't had any great problems in comparison. Going back to XP now I find it a lot less easy to navigate, and it just generally feels a lot clumsier in my opinion. I'm one of the outnumbered Vista fans, but I'd never choose a computer with XP on it now. Everything can be done a lot quicker in vista once you've found your way around and as a plus it looks and feels a whole lot better quality.
  5. Hi guys, very quick question. Started laptop today and got this massage Box heading was keyboard manager, cocreateinstance() failed Everything seems to be working but was wondering if there was an explanation. cheers
  6. Hi, I'm busy studying for exams at the minute and that means reading through a lot of ppts and word documents. I seem to spend my life copying and pasting terms into google. So I was thinking, while browsing using firefox, possibly though an add on, if I highlight some text and right click I get the option to search google for the highlighted text. I figured that there had to be an addon for office 2007 that allowed me to do something similar but I haven't been able to find one. So thought I'd ask on here because if there is something available then I know that someone will know. Cheers
  7. This is a bit of a bizarre problem, its not a huge issue but has been annoying me quite a bit lately. I imagine its a relatively simple solution but explaining it could be difficult. Basically the thumbnails will no longer click into possition when I drop them into windows explorer or move them around they just end up anywhere like in this picture. [ATTACH]220.vB5-legacyid=465[/ATTACH] They will go back to grid view if I switch off of thumbnail view and back on, but otherwise they stay where they are. Is there a way to make the folders start automatically clicking into a grid view. I really hope you understand because I am having great difficulty explaining it.
  8. Thanks, at the minute its working and that what matters, I'll keep everything backed up and use it until it works no longer. Its a Advent 7203 and I found full dismantling guides for the laptop it was based on but took one look at them and though it wasn't worth the hassle. Its not like I could do anything about it anyway. http://cache-www.intel.com/cd/00/00/28/42/284266_284266.pdf http://cache-www.intel.com/cd/00/00/28/42/284283_284283.pdf thanks for the help. I guess I'll be purchasing a new laptop, or desktop soon. It all depends on my position but to be honest I'd rather have a desktop, this is my first laptop and I've had nothing but bother with it but then maybe if I got a better make it might help.
  9. Just thought I'd let you know that despite my best efforts I couldn't get the back off, I don't know If I'm missing something obvious but despite removing every screw in sight it still didn't want to budge, so I have no idea whether there is any loose connection. It is still working at present though.
  10. Hi thanks I will check, but I struggling to picture why that would cause complete failure. I'm sure it depends on the wiring which will vary. But I'd of thought that the problem you suggest would simply prevent charging, it should still run on the battery fine while there's charge in it. Or is this completely wrong. As I said its running fine now and has been turned off and on several times since yesterday evening without fault. Hoping it will keep on going a bit longer.
  11. hi all, looking for some advice. I think my laptop is on the way to laptop heaven, which is a joke since its only 18 months old and had most of its parts replaced after 9 months but nevermind. I really don't have the money to replace it right now but will probably pay to replace it rather than wasting money repairing an ageing laptop. Anyway the problem appears to be with the power supply somewhere, the laptop runs fine if its left alone but fails to start if its transported anywhere. I try to turn it on and get nothing. I can get it working by removing and replacing the battery several times and plugging it in without the battery connected etc. The thing is after its working its fine, it runs fine it runs on the battery fine, charges the battery fine, I can remove and and replace the power supply without issues. If it was a loose connection I'd expect to be unexpectedly loosing power and such. Also I just had one of these incidents, and once I turned it on the laptop beeped ( very loudly at me twice) and I got a screen up which I can't really remember but I pressed F1(to continue) and it booted to windows. However, once onto windows it had lost the time and date, which I'm guessing means the bios (phoenix) has been reset or something. I'm just really very confused about the problems, particularly the fact that it lost the time. To me, not that I know a lot, but the symptoms just don't add up. Any thoughts?
  12. Thanks, your suggestion doesn't work. I'm sure it should but it doesn't. I get the warning up about changing the normal template but once I open a new word document it just reverts back. It really is very annoying, I'd much rather have it off and hit enter twice when I want a new paragraph, its what I've done since i started using word processors and its hardly a chore. It actually irritates me quite a bit. Its just not a needed feature, I'm so used to hitting enter twice that I usually do anyway and then need to delete a line.
  13. Hi, obviously I have very little idea about what I'm talking about, but I wanted to questions a few things, hopefully it's considered on topic. But, baring in mind the question was about an entry level system surely there is very little importance between AMD and intel, I know that if your wanting a higher end system this may be important, but I can't really see it being an issue. The same applies to the graphics card being ATI My interpretation of entry level may be wrong. For instance my laptop, now about a year and a half old is 1.7 Ghz containaing the intel centrino duo ( so everything inside pretty much is intel from my understanding). 2Gb of ram, and the graphics memory is 128mb I think. Now, this does everything I need, its as fast as it could be pretty much, it certainly rarely keeps me waiting. And if I wanted a new PC I would be happy to buy one with similar specs. Just seemed to me that some of the advice was getting a little bit away from entry level. Not that I wouldn'd spend as much as I could on a new system of course but what is entry level actually classed as.
  14. One of the first things I changed when I got vista, and funnily enough took me a while to work out how, was to change the button on the start menu to shut down. Mostly I'll shut down at night but during the day when I'm out for a few hours at a time I hibernate it.
  15. They might be getting better but they ain't cracked it yet. Yesterday my internet access was suspended from Lloyds TSB, Halifax, Abbey National and Egg banking. I mean come on, if I had an online account with one of them and wasn't clued up I may have fallen for one email but talk about wasting your time.
  16. Thanks, I kind of had to eat my words as I just found out they're brining out the hp 2104 which come with the intel atom and promises to beat the competition hands down. But its out of my price range, so I thought I'd let you know I've just ordered the hp 2133. It has its flaws but its cheap and should do all I need it to. Just hoping I made the right choice now. Anyway thanks for all the help, I'm sure I'll have plenty of questions after it arrives, if you don't mind that is.
  17. Thanks, just thought it was better to find out if it was possible first. Instead of looking like an idiot and asking if I was allowed to do something that wasn't possible, if you see what I mean.
  18. Thanks, yeah I've looked at the MSI Wind and the Samsung NC10, both of which are really nice, but I don't think for what I need I can justify the £300+ price tag. Especially once all the extras are taken into consideration. The HP is cheap and looks the part and reading the reviews of people who actually own one they're all happy. I dunno, I have this problem where I am going to spend more time making my mind up than actually buying one. Oh completely off topic but do HP have a thing against intel, its just most of their computers I see don't use intel and pretty much all reviews I've read online about the mini-note say that if they'd fitted the atom it would of been top of the game.
  19. No sorry, in room there's an Ethernet port which my laptops connected to, but its locked to my laptop. I was looking for a way to share an internet connection between two computers like you can via an ethernet cable and thought it was possible using a special USB cable, although I'm not sure. AS I said I have no idea if it will work here even if it is possible, but will have to contact the university to make sure its OK for me to do.
  20. Hi, title say it all really. I'm just trying to cover all bases for when I get my netbook and making sure I order everything I need. I'm pretty sure there is usb cables that let you share the internet. See the problem is in my uni flat the internet port is locked to my laptop. So I'm unable to provide the netbook with an internet connection when there. Not a big problem as I will have wireless connections when around uni and at home but if I could get an internet connection to it that would be good. Obviously I'll have to contact the relevant person here to make sure that sharing like that is acceptable or even possible. Oh obviously my laptop only has the one ethernet port or I wouldn't be asking this. Thanks
  21. Well my dad agreed to help me out a bit so looks like I'm finally going to get one, I reckon it has to be the HP 2133, the price beats the rest by a long way and it apparently runs both ubuntu and XP really well. I've also discovered if I find that I'm struggling with the shorter battery life (although I doubt I will) i can get a 6 cell for about £40. Anyone want to stop me before I do anything stupid.
  22. Thanks, I think I've made my decision, but thought I'd run it past you guys first. I think for the looks and build quality I'm going to go for the HP 2133, but not the vista version (which is something I'm sad about). Rather the linux model here HP Compaq 2133 Mini-Note Netbook Laptop - Laptops at Ebuyer I'll give the linux supplied ago and then see if Ubuntu works better but ultimately I'll probably buy and install XP on it, which it seemingly runs fine. ONly downsides are the fact its not got the intel atom and has a low 2 hours batter life but looking at the reviews on Ebuyer I think its a good one. Saying that I am still looking into the other options, the MSI wind for instance would be great but look a little too much for me.
  23. hi, what do you mean, hard drive wise the one i'm looking at is 120GB I don't think I'll need any more than that. My main concern is the ability to boot from CD/DVD.
  24. Thanks, I've kindof taken for granted that booting from usb will be an option, since it'll be brand new ( isn't it a standard thing these days?) and its a netbook so being able to boot from a usb device is pretty essential. However, I will go away and make sure. But providing it does then an internal drive plus adapter will be just as useful as an external one?
  25. Hi, sorry I know I've been asking a lot of questions lately, Basically I'm still looking at netbooks and although I haven't got one yet I've done enough looking that I probably will be getting one. But have been trying to work out the costs involved and it seems to me that an external hard drive is probably a vital piece of kit. I know that for installing any sofware off a disk I could just make a disk image on my laptop and mount the file with a virtual drive but for recovery etc being able to boot from a disk is important. I may also be buying a linux modle and installing XP on it, I'm sure as a student I must be able to get an OS cheap somewhere but not had any luck so far, although I can get a XP pro upgrade for practically nothing. SO would also need a drive for that. OK back to the question, external drives are expensive,so if I was to get an internal drive like this one LiteOn 20X DVD±RW DL & RAM SATA LightScribe Black Bare Drive - OEM - Ebuyer and a usb to sata adapter like this one Plexus USB to IDE & SATA Adapter With Power Adapter (Supports 2.5" / 3.5" IDE & Serial ATA Hard Disk) - Ebuyer is it possible to boot from a set-up like that? Not only would it work out cheaper than an external drive but the second piece of kit is something I imagine it is handy to have around. Thanks
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