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Everything posted by shrimply

  1. This is the error that's coming up Unable to send or receive messages for the Yahoo account. Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include server problems, network problems, or a long period of inactivity. Server: 'pop.mail.yahoo.co.uk' Windows Live Mail Error ID: 0x800CCC0F Protocol: POP3 Port: 995 Secure(SSL): Yes
  2. Thanks, yeah I'm using the windows firewall on all the machines. It seems strange that it is only Yahoo, but all the other accounts I have set up use IMAP.
  3. Hi, I'm hoping you can offer some advice as I'm at my wits end on this one, google isn't even suggesting that anyone else has this issue and I have tried everything I can to solve it. I have three computers One running Vista One Running Vista x64 and a netbook running Windows 7 RC On all three I have Windows live mail set up identically, so no matter where I am I get all my emails in the same place. But I'm having major issues with the yahoo account on the netbook. Yahoo is the only account that uses POP forwarding. Basically when it tries to update from the yahoo account it either freezes up or eventually tells me that the server terminated the connection. I've tried reinstalling several times, made sure it is the latest WLM version, tried every setting under the sun for the Yahoo account and tried disabling both the antivirus and firewall. But so far it refuses to recieve messages. Since the only difference is the OS I feel that windows 7 is to blame, but I asked on the official forum sometime ago and basically got told it was a program issue and to ask elsewhere. If anyone has any idea whats going on here i'd be grateful of an explanation, because it appears i'm the only one with the issue and i can't make sense of it.
  4. Thanks I persevered and won, it was completely locked, so apart from the sections you were allowed to fill in you couldn't copy anything. However, after saving as a .docx file its only the difference between a 1 and a 0, like most things in computing.
  5. Thanks, everything seems to be how it should be. I shall try reinstalling unless you can suggest a better idea and then report back. Probably won't be until sometime tomorrow though as I'm a bit busy this evening.
  6. Hi, I'm not sure if you can help me or not, I realise this may not be something that the rules allow you to answer. However, I thought I'd ask as its beginning to annoy me and I've done it before but can't now. My sister has asked me to alter a word document (.doc)for her, its to do with her school work and it has editing restrictions, to only allow the filling of the correct sections, but there are certain sections that don't apply to her or need to be slightly different due to the type of music she is doing. The school are determined to teach classical and she is doing traditional music, the powers that be have deemed this OK but the department itself are making it as difficult as possible. I by the way am not a musician so this is as much as I know. I know in the past that I've used 7-zip to open the document archive and then altered or deleted one section but can't work out what it is and google is being totally useless. As I say understand if you think this is against the rules but some help would be good. Thanks
  7. Thanks, No new addons, but I'll list what I have installed in case it makes any difference Adblock Plus All-in-One-Sidebar British English Dictionary Cooliris Google Toolbar IE tab New Tab Homepage I'm not using the private browsing feature and haven't ever done. Previously there seemed to be two different types of page regarding to remembered passwords. There was the type which the username and password were already displayed when I visited the page. These ones still work the same. And the sites where the username and password weren't displayed when I visited a page but were brought up upon entering the first letter of my username. These ones have the described issue. I'm guessing I should maybe try reinstalling as I've searched but can't find anything about similar problems.
  8. I'm good thanks, heading back to uni tomorrow. Everything seems OK, in the security section as far as I can see and I just updated yesterday to 3.5.3 but I was having issues before the update.
  9. Hi, I'm wondering if you can help, I've tried googling but haven't had any luck. The issue is that recently I've had to type in my full username before firefox brings up my password for passwords that its remembered. For instance, previously if I was logging into this site, all I had to type in the username box was "s" and firefox would automatically fill in my username and password. Now before it will bring up my password I need to type in "shrimply" which to be honest is a pain. Anyone have any idea what's going on.
  10. I did manage to get the renamed one back, and I promise it wasn't working when I posted but when I tried renaming it and left it blank it reverted back to "Removable Disk" so at least that's sorted. Sounds like the rest I'll have to learn to live with, I think I made the wrong assumption that since they used USB headers they would work just like USB ports, obviously that's not the case. At least now I've managed to name my cards and not the drive I can easily recognise which slot has a card in it. I notice that if I right click the card drives in my computer and select eject, it seems to stop reading the card. Is this effectively the same as "safely removing" and stops the card being read by the PC? I'm presuming it is. Thanks
  11. Funnily enough I did, but never ran it as everything was working, is that my problem?
  12. One more issue - if I try to "safely remove" a card then all the card slots disappear and won't reappear until I restart the computer, surely this isn't right.
  13. Hi again, I'm having a few problems with the internal card reader on my new computer. And I'm basically putting this down to not really knowing what I'm doing. First is there a way to make them not visible under computer when there isn't anything in them, like with USB ports, I've found myself searching through a list of 4 "Removable Disks" to find the one I have a card inserted into. Its kinda inconvenient. Secondly I have managed to rename one, I though if I right clicked on it when there was an SD card in it and clicked rename, it would rename the SD card. Apparently not the case:rolleyes:. I now have one that is named "2GB SD" no matter what is inserted into it. And although I can rename it to anything I like it won't give me enough characters to put it back to the default "removable disk", I've tried uninstalling the drivers and everything but it won't go back. Can anyone help, I can't believe something so simple is the biggest problem I've got with the new computer.
  14. edit- it is now working with a slightly different username, One works using Edited for your safety and the other Edited for your safety Beats me why, but at least it does work. Speeds still up at 4-5mb/s compared to 1-2mb/s before the issues started
  15. Absolutly fuming with Orange this morning, I'd thought after two years the least they would do was send out the updated version of their livebox. But instead we got one the same as we already had, obvioulsy one that's been previously returned to them. What's more the stupid thing doesn't work, using the same username and password in the configuration pages I get "invalid adsl authentication" - what a load of nonsense, looks like that one will be going back.
  16. Well mine is back to how it should be:D Did a bit of research yesterday, apparently it was a "problem" with some of google's servers and the issue was localised to certain (UK?) ip addresses. Haven't found anything official from Google but hopefully it was just a problem and not a general change. Mines back to normal, if yours isn't Plastic Nev, then I presume it will be soon along with anyone else who's having the same issues.
  17. Yeah, I'll probably just send the old box back, I have great suspicions that it will never be checked anyway. I didn't seen any BT vans and we live about a mile out of town, so if the had been working on lines on our road we'd have noticed. But it would appear it was them that was to blame. I just can't understand why Orange's first port of call would be to send a new livebox, surely like every other company they'd of favoured passing the blame on to someone else. And in this case it seems to of been well deserved. But if they'd phoned before sending out a new router then I could of told them it was sorted. And surely the first port of call should be for them to check the line anyway before their own equipment We'll see what happens, so far we've received the envelope to send the old live box back but never received the replacement. Am chuffed with the speed increase though, its the best we've ever had and pretty much constant throughout the day.
  18. Ohh, is this a permanent change, and if so why on earth have they done it. I regularly switch between a web and image search, it seems crazy to remove that option.
  19. It bizarre, I still have the options on the main google pages, but when I do a web search or image search the options aren't there, so i can't easily switch between them. [ATTACH]343.vB5-legacyid=670[/ATTACH] But it isn't limited to the one browser:confused:
  20. Hi all, Just been doing some browsing and the options along the top, ( map, images, web) etc seem to be missing from the top of the search results page. I though it was Adblock plus playing up to start with but I've tried disabling it and using IE, also looked on .com instead of .co.uk Anyone know anything about this, it can't be just me. I certainly hope Google haven't removed this permanently, it isn't at all helpful.
  21. Thanks Just the audio on the card reader doesn't work as there is no where to hook it up, and no need for it. Looks a bit daft having two lots of audio ports on the front of the machine, but i bought it so I had a card reader. The moniter is brilliant, well chuffed with it. It makes my Tecknika Tv look look somewhat inadequate though. Only complaint is the thing seems to attract dust, I don't know how but I wipe it down one day and the next there's a white covering all over the plastic again. Probably just live in a dusty house.
  22. Thanks, the whole glowing blue thing is a bit cheesy but I think its cool and I like being able to see into my computer, and my card reader could do to be replaced with something a little less cheap looking plus it has audio ports which don't work. However the fan control on it has the unexpected effect of dimming the LEDs attached to the case fan - which is a cool party trick if nothing else. It runs well which is all that matters. Also, probably because I've only been around cheap computer I wasn't expecting it to run so cool, the air coming out the back is cool rather than warm. I also managed to temporarily get the wireless card running, I know I should just buy a new one but with the bank account already in negative figures I just can't face buying anything else online I'd rather wait until SAAS get a move on and sort out my loan. Its running on an unsigned driver, which means I have to disable the whole only use digitally signed drivers thing each boot up. Not practical in the long run but its easier than running it through the netbook and it does work.
  23. Finally heard back from Orange - apparently resolution has nothing to do with them. They are sending a new livebox and we need to return the old one to be tested. On the up side we get a router upgrade, on the downside if they test the livebox and find it to be faulty then who knows where we are, probably end up getting charged.
  24. Just thought I'd update with the fact that internet speeds are still up, I think they're quicker then ever. Last night, after peak hours I was getting 4.5mb on a wireless connection. BT say the max we can get is 3.5mb. I'm totally confused Speeds had been down at stupid speeds for over a week I emailed orange 2 days later I got a reply saying I'd have to phone them if I wanted anything done Emailed them back saying if I phoned them it'd be for a MAC Couple of hours later everythings fixed - but no word from Orange.
  25. And a picture was promised http://i293.photobucket.com/albums/mm67/D_Hunter315/aS.jpg PC doesn't usually sit on desk but I'd of struggled to fit everything in otherwise and you'd of seen the tip on my floor.
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