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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. No problem - it is a very easy task to perform, but can give some of the biggest benefits.
  2. You dont need to replace the desktop if there is nothing wrong other than the HDD - just buy the cheapest biggest drive that you can afford. there is no point spending £50 on a 500GB drive if you only need 200GB that will cost £25 Drives can die at any time >> I had one for 6 days and it died :mad:
  3. Ok for the RAM - visit the manufacturers website and find your RAM type on their it will tell you 4 or 5 settings like 5-5-5-15 Refresh 60 if you look in the BIOS and yours are LESS than what the website says its underclocked and you are not getting the performance from the RAM that it is capable of delivering
  4. It's dead - simple as
  5. Right, I am a bit confused here - when you try and make a shortcut - it does but you cannot move it?
  6. Oh dear - sounds like the HDD is really struggling, backup data ASAP
  7. Ok - if you are not confident with the BIOS then leave alone, but it is not overclocking. The RAM has specific timings that it is 'optimised' to run at. The problem is when you insert them into a MOBO, then dependant on the MOBO it will underclock or overclock. Not very many set the timings at what they are meant to be
  8. Do other USB devices work in your PC? other than that as Wolfey said and try in another PC
  9. Hi, and welcome to FPCH :)
  10. Ahhh at 8 or 9 years old I was doing those planes that are made out of plastic and you glue them together and paint. so when I wasnt glueing my fingers together I was hanging them from my ceiling via fishing wire :D
  11. he he - you have far too much time on your hands Seth - and they did in first contact - but only because they went back in time ;)
  12. You could also do with checking that the timings are set right for the RAM in the PC's - most technicians, just install the RAM and let the MOBO choose the speed for it to run at. This is not always the best way as MOBO prefer to run 'safe' and maybe underclocking the speed of your RAM.
  13. As Seth has said if its showing in the task bar - have you been delving into the msconfig/startup items recently, you may have removed one entry, but you need to remove the others that are redundant
  14. right - what you describe seems really odd. Have you changed absolutely anything before this started to happen?
  15. I agree with Wolfey, and also if you have never reinstalled the OS within the 5 years that will not help - most users reformat every 1.5-2.0 years,
  16. Come on AMD - get the GPU's mounted in the same way as the CPU's easier for everyone and much more capacity for cooling them. This was rumoured to be the way AMD were looking a while ago and I think if they pull it off they will tip the scales in AMD's favour against Intel and Nvidia. I hope that they manage it as I would love a comeback from the AMD boys, but they better do it fast before they are overwhelmed by Intel and Nvidia.
  17. Those of you who’ve been eagerly following AMD’s processor announcements over the last few months will know that AMD is working on a new product codenamed Fusion, which can feature an integrated GPU inside the CPU package. It’s a project for which the Fusion name makes perfect sense, but AMD has now launched a new Fusion marketing campaign in which the word ‘Fusion’ encompasses pretty much everything that AMD does. AMD’s chief marketing officer, Nigel Dessau, explained the move, saying that AMD was the first company to develop dual-core x86 processors, native quad-core CPUs and 64-bit x86 CPUs. ‘What we’ve been known for is doing the next thing first,’ explained Dessau, but AMD didn’t know the best way of getting this across to the market Sourced from AMD launches Fusion strategy | News | Custom PC
  18. Ah yes, I was not here for that or IE would have at least 1 vote :D
  19. I trialled FF when it was first released and wasn't convinced - good old IE IMHO. I thought that FF was a bit clunky back in the day.
  20. Here you go - updates and is FREE Download NoAds 2006.07.28 - NoAds stops Internet popup ads from getting in the way of your web surfing - Softpedia
  21. XP or Vista Doug?
  22. just one word - ''Shocking'' :eek:
  23. Following reports earlier this month that Samsung was evaluating some sort of partnership with SanDisk and considering “opportunities” with them, comes word that the world’s largest flash supplier has made a $5.9 Billion hostile bid for SanDisk, or $26 per share, in response to their “unrealistic expectations” during negotiations. Apparently, the companies have been in discussions for four months, to no avail, about a possible combination. Samsung says the offer is “full and fair” and constitutes a premium of 93% over SanDisk’s closing share price the day before the news broke that the companies were in discussions about a business combination. Sourced from Samsung goes hostile on SanDisk - TechSpot News
  24. I try not to take things too literally from the enquirer ;), but on a personal note this would not be a good move in my eyes- Valve make some amazing games HL2 and the ingenuity of the Steam engine (not trains Wolfey :D) in terms of online logging and them hosting the applications is a breakthrough in my opinion.
  25. The web is rampant with rumors that Google is on the verge of announcing the acquisition of game maker Valve. The Enquirer reported the story earlier today, citing nothing more than “well placed sources.” But while getting into the video game business seems like an odd decision for the search giant, the site speculates the reason Google would be most interested in the company is its Steam distribution platform. Valve has dismissed the reports, calling them a ''complete fabrication'' but the company has been known to be open to discussion about potential sale. Sourced from Google to acquire Valve? - TechSpot News
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