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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. HDMI is better than VGA - but not as good as DVI
  2. Shader 1.1 is very old - unless your lappy is over about 3-4yrs it should be ok
  3. If nothing else gives more space! :D
  4. Try to find a write test comparison, I agree that they have potential, but I do feel that the cost out weighs the benefits.
  5. I think we now know why myself and Seth avoid politics :D It actually riles me to listen to counter arguments - the fact remains that I cannot speak my mind as it is seen as politically incorrect! I live in a country that is too cowardly to speak up for themselves!
  6. The only way that I can see this working is with a VPN and I am not too clued up on how they work as I purposely avoid them as they have been nightmares in terms of working.
  7. Ok here is my example of a similar situation that I deem is wrong - Muslims or whatever that work in a supermarket - lets just say Asda for example and they take a job as a shelf stacker - BUT they refuse to stack the shelves with alcohol as alcohol is against their religion - WHAT A JOKE
  8. This one doesnt have a write speed test - but is worth seeing just for some of the benefits YouTube - Samsung SSD vs HDD and the vibration one makes me laugh :D
  9. SSD's are slower in Writing but faster in reading.
  10. Well - the my documents file is normally saved and backed up in the other partition and then when you do the restore it adds all the data in that back over to the C:/my documents
  11. I don't believe that they will - maybe in the laptop market, but for mainstream and enterprise use I dont think that we will see this change for at least 5-10 years if at all. They are not fast enough to even compete in the Business market.
  12. Spot on :) Some HP laptops have the option to start from the recovery partition or the OS when the system boots just after the BIOS post - other than that you are not aware it is there.
  13. Well I am intrigued to see what these ''professionals'' come up with - get them to register so we can have a real ''discussion'' :D Without trying to sound condescending - people who own computer shops VERY rarely know about the products - especially when it comes to individual components - we will see
  14. Do you have the disk for WoW - as when you install the game it asks where you want to move the install the game to and all you would have to do is create a file in D:/ called WoW and then reinstall the game to that location
  15. It will only run at USB2.0 if the Motherboard supports it - 99% of devices are able to run at USB 1.0 and 2.0 to make the devices more compatible so if your motherboard only supports USB 1.0 it will only run at that speed
  16. You dont want to really go messing with the partitions if you can avoid it - Move as much over to the D drive as you can as thats meant to be used for STORAGE really. and then delete anything that you no longer need/use from the C drive and that will give you more than enough space.
  17. I agree with Randy - you must have the ''share files with all users'' box ticked - but for the life of me cant remember where it is. I think its under the folder options in the control panel
  18. i understand what you mean Randy, BUT thats my whole point - I seriously do not think of it as a choice but more a lack of options! I avoid politics with a passion and people in my work are always banging on about it - i have my opinion and I normally do not voice it (quiet Wolfey :D) but in terms of Government at the moment I do understand that there is a big opportunity here to make history, but what I am saying is they could turn out to be worse than their predecessors - only time will tell
  19. You are missing a vital point - people complain about the people that run Governments (me included, I do not deny that) - but how do you know that the next person that gets elected is any better - Take Bush for example - what a warmonger just like his father and ask yourself if Clinton was still president would you have all the issues that you have now or not?
  20. Sorry mate - I do not believe I was walking this Earth then :D
  21. Glad its all sorted!
  22. As Seth has said the 'Government' especially in my country are a JOKE, I have no problem with people from other countries coming into ours - providing that they are here to work........ Hmmm how many of a percentage actually do that - I was reading in the paper the other day that a SINGLE woman (from another country) was allowed into Britain and the local council decided fit to shack her up in a 7 room house that cost the Council 12K a Month :eek: and this went on for about 3 years - 3 YEARS! WTF - so no one thought that it was strange that a single woman was in a 7 bed house and that house was costing 12K a month! and as for the American government - I approve of all the wars that they have been involved in :rolleyes:
  23. Right - when you install an OS - and boot up for the first time - you load all you MOBO drivers and chipset drivers etc. And then if you change a piece of hardware like a CPU or GPU then thats fine - you do not need to reinstall the OS as these are detected by windows - WHAT you cannot change is the MOBO and not reinstall the OS! So things you can change without reinstalling:- CPU GPU RAM Things you cannot change without reinstalling:- MOBO HDD (containing an OS) If you are using Vista then it ties all your hardware to the HDD and when you change something major - it asks you to call MS
  24. I cannot see SSD's really taking over the market - I do see the benefit in having them in laptops, but as we said a while ago they are outrageously expensive!
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