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Everything posted by Goku

  1. I too think that we are not alone in the universe. I think the reason they are not able to get to us is that they too might not have the resources or tools to come to our solar system which could be virtually light years away from them. What I don't understand is that why people imagine that aliens will be more sophisticated, advanced or will possess supernatural powers. It might be the opposite too but few people try to imagine them that way. Anyways, I hope we will be the one to "make the first move". :) It might be that we may find our own "unearthly" brethren in some other far-away galaxy! :) -- Goku
  2. Our hardware expert has gone offline for some time Dave so please shut down the computer and wait till he gets online. He will advise you appropriately as soon as possible so keep checking back for instructions at regular intervals. Thank you for your patience and co-operation. :) -- Goku
  3. Yes, I think that the "rootkit" belongs to Folder Lock and is a necessary file to operate the program. It might be that the file is encrypted and this is why the program is unable to remove it. As I said in my previous post, there are some legitimate rootkits too. :) -- Goku
  4. Happy Birthday to you Dave. :) http://bp1.blogger.com/_KpFHssaHN20/RjVNQr-gzRI/AAAAAAAAA64/-VItl4Wu5co/s320/birthday-smiley.jpg&usg=AFQjCNHkPDbblmGY8aAtREFfHkVgdDD6MA Hope you are able to resolve your problem today. -- Goku
  5. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Dave. :) Hope you enjoy your stay here. -- Goku
  6. Also, if you still want the Internet Explorer experience for Hotmail, you might want to try the solutions provided in the following article. How do I resolve my Hotmail email problems? However, please do post back here if any of the solutions work for you. This will help us tackle similar future problems we might come across. Thank you and Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  7. Yes, I read that. He also put up a hostile post which, I remember, included an angry smiley. And you are right. One Fun Stuff section is enough for now. I would like to see the Forum grow with more tech related posts rather than with more non-tech posts. :) -- Goku
  8. Hello Fab. The problem is at MSN's end and many people are starting to experience it by the end of the day. You can also check your account by typing in News, Sport, Music, Movies, Money, Cars, Shopping and more from the MSN UK or something similar. See if you are able to access your account now. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  9. Hello Mike. As you say, we do not know what his needs were but I don't think they were anything tech related. If I am right, then perhaps he wanted to bring out some unneeded changes like extra creations of more Non-Tech Forums but nothing in particular. As Randy says, it is a sad incident but we need to move on. Lets make sure that no more of our members leave us again. :) -- Goku
  10. Stylish, I have tried to search a solution for your problem but it doesn't seem like a very common problem. However, while searching for a solution, I came across a silly one that worked for many people. All you have to do is click the mouse simultaneoulsy five or six times. If going by the testimonies, six to seven people resolved a similar problem this way so I hope it works for you too. I am not really expecting it to work so please post back the results as soon as possible. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  11. Have you tried another mouse? Seems to me that your current one has gone faulty or corrupted. -- Goku
  12. Hello Fyodor. Please try the following tool to remove the rootkit and see if it helps or not. Avira Rootkit Detection But remember, there are some legitimate rootkits in programs too as Maynard already suspects. He will take over me for now. :) -- Goku
  13. Hmmm.. I wonder if this is Service Pack 3? Anyways, thank you for letting us know the status of the problem. :) -- Goku
  14. I don't think overheating or stressing the card can have fixed the problem. On the contrary, most people start experiencing problems when their graphics card becomes overheated. Did you make any software or hardware changes recently? :) -- Goku
  15. Hello and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Fyodor. :) The file you are stating is indeed a rootkit and, no doubt, malicious. If BitDefender is unable to remove it, then please wait till our Malware experts get online. They should be able to guide you through a solution. Meanwhile, you can do the following: Please download the latest version of HijackThis from Trend Micro and click on Download Hijack This Installer and save it to your desktop. Doubleclick HJTInstall.exe to install HijackThis. By default it will install to C:Program FilesTrend MicroHijackThis . Click on Install. It will create a HijackThis icon on the desktop. Once installed, it will launch Hijackthis. Click on the Do a system scan and save a logfile button. It will scan and the log should open in Notepad. Include this log by copying and pasting in your next reply. Notes: [*]Do not use the AnalyseThis button, its findings are dangerous if misinterpreted. [*]Do not have Hijackthis fix anything yet. Most of what it finds will be harmless, or required for your computer to run like it should. Post the HijackThis log as soon as possible. It will be reviewed and answered as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and co-operation. :) -- Goku
  16. Hello and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Kiko. :) Please download the following utility and perform the below instructions. System Spec 1. Download the executable version of the program and save it to your desktop. 2. Open the utility and you will see a list of your system specifications. 3. Click on the Edit toolbar and select Copy to Clipboard Ctrl + C. 4. Press Ctrl + V to post the specifications in your next reply. Please post the required information as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  17. Hello Jase. The version you are trying to download might be the same that you currently have. However, the prompt you are getting will uninstall the driver you currently have and install the driver you have downloaded. I don't normally recommend a driver update if everything is working fine, so unless you have a very good reason for a upgrade, you should be fine with the current driver. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  18. Glad you got it resolved Philip. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have. :) We depend on the members to help us with their valuable feedback and to help us answer posts. So check back with the forum when you can. Maybe next time you can help a member with a problem. That is what it's all about. People helping people. :) Once again thanks for letting us know about the status of the problem. -- Goku
  19. Hello Stylish. Did you start experiencing the problems after you upgraded to Vista? Also, do the USB ports work for other devices like Flash drives, keyboards or external hard drives? If they do, then the problem is with your Windows configuration or Vista itself. If they don't, then your USB ports have become corrupted and you will need to replace them. :) -- Goku
  20. Glad you got it resolved Dorsil. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have. :) We depend on the members to help us with their valuable feedback and to help us answer posts. So check back with the forum when you can. Maybe next time you can help a member with a problem. That is what it's all about. People helping people. :) Once again thanks for letting us know about the status of the problem. -- Goku
  21. Glad you got it resolved Doug. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have. :) We depend on the members to help us with their valuable feedback and to help us answer posts. So check back with the forum when you can. Maybe next time you can help a member with a problem. That is what it's all about. People helping people. :) Once again thanks for letting us know about the status of the problem. -- Goku
  22. Hello Doug. While searching for a solution, I stumbled across this. Flash install problems - how to fix Flash player installation problems such as the Youtube error: Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Please read through the instructions carefully and follow the test. If it fails, then please remove the uninstaller utility suggested and download the standalone package for Internet Explorer 7. Install it and reboot the computer. See if it helps the problem or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  23. Well, I really don't want to recommend it at the moment and I would keep it reserved only as a resort. However, if you are desperate enough to get it working, then you may risk using it. If you can hang in there, then we are still searching for an alternate solution. :) -- Goku
  24. Hello Doug. Please follow the instructions provided here and see if they help or not. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Let us know how it goes. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  25. Glad you got it resolved Rich. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have. :) We depend on the members to help us with their valuable feedback and to help us answer posts. So check back with the forum when you can. Maybe next time you can help a member with a problem. That is what it's all about. People helping people. Once again thanks for letting us know about the status of the problem. :) -- Goku
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