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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Not a foolish question. You will be able to obtain a can of compressed air from your local hardware shop or any online sites you prefer. I would recommend the former option seeing that the latter could take days to reach you. Whenever, you have the time, just go and buy one. They have a pipe like end that helps you in cleaning coreners that are normally unreachable. :) -- Goku
  2. Same guess here. Can you buy a can of compressed air so that you can clean out the jammed dust from your fan and the heatsink? -- Goku
  3. Thats what I am saying Doug. Microsoft would be better off making a remote controlled software than install touch screen in all their applications. As you rightly said, what fun is there in prodding a screen all day? :) -- Goku
  4. Multitasking should shoot up the CPU usage but since you said that you started experiencing the problems recently, I would recommend you to wait and let Seth have another look at the log. :) -- Goku
  5. Thank you for your patience and co-operation. Another thing I want to ask is that does the CPU usage shoots up only when Firefox is running and specifically at the times when you are using a Flash site. If this is the problem, then you might find this article from the MozillaZine Knowledge Base interesting. Firefox CPU usage Try the solutions suggested there and see if they work or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  6. Glad that you solved it yourself Neil. Sorry that we couldn't provide you with the solution earlier. Anyways, feel free to ask any questions or doubts that you may have. :) -- Goku
  7. When you posted your Task Manager picture, I saw the processes were running under the account name Praveen and so I took a guess. Anyways, this is unusually strange behavior for a computer that has not been infected with any form of Malware. Can you please wait till Seth comes online so that he may review your condition and advise you accordingly. :) -- Goku
  8. Then whats the point of the touch screen when you want to operate it without touching it? :) -- Goku
  9. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Jim. :) If that one folder is password protected, then the drive you are trying to copy the data from installed with an Operating System? If it is, then connect the drive to the port, reboot the computer, configure the BIOS to boot from the hard drive and boot into the Operating System present on the drive. Next just copy the folders on to some other drive or burn it to an external media like CD / DVD. Also, try Randy's suggestion first and see if it works or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  10. Interesting find Doug, however I don't fancy using a Touch Screen to spy everyone in the house. Might be a good enhancement for a security system though. ;) -- Goku
  11. Hello Praveen, have you tried to open Mozilla Firefox in safe mode that is to say that open it without any add-ons. You can achieve this by performing the following instructions. 1) Click Start. 2) Point to All Programs. 3) Expand the folder named Mozilla Firefox. 4) Select Mozilla Firefox (Safe Mode). See if the usage is still high or the metre decreases. Let us know the results as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  12. Thank you very much for warning us about the bug Nick. Feel free to ask any questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  13. I tried to search something on the issue but it appears to be bug in Windows Vista that hasn't got a patch yet. Many people suffer from the same problem though some got it fixed by updating the firmware / drivers for their network cards. Since I already recommended to you, I cannot advise you anything more. If you want, then you can wait till our Networking Specialist (Kelly) comes in and reviews your issue. Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  14. The problem must have been probably solved. Try a chat session with your friends and see if it works or not. If all goes right, then report back here to let us know about it. If there are any problems or conflicts, then post back here and we will try to find an alternate fix for the problem. Also, feel free to ask any other questions or doubts you may have. :) -- Goku
  15. Hello and Welcome to FPCH John. :) The problem you are experiencing is not unique and this is due to a bug in the latest version of Windows Live Messenger. To resolve this, try to revert back to a previous version of Windows Live Messenger until the bug has been fixed. Try and see if it helps or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  16. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Neil. :) As Wolfey said, please bear with us as our Network specialist is not yet online and we don't have much expertise in the matter. For the time being, can you please reconsider downloading the driver. From what it states on the site, the newest version is Intel IntelĀ® PRO/Wireless 3945ABG Network Connection Please redownload the driver and reinstall it so that we may eliminate any possibility of driver corruption. Also, can you please download the following utility so that it may configure your current Vista power settings optimally. Dell Recommended Vista Power Management Settings Try both of the above and see if they solve the issue or not. Post back the results as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  17. Hello and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Moch. :) There is no need to worry as you can download the drivers and reinstall them to solve your problem. Go to the following link and download all the necessary drivers you need. Drivers for Acer Aspire 3680 Series First, you download your VGA driver and install it. However, I recommend you to download all the drivers and install them so that your existing ones get updated. :) For your CD / DVD driveI agree, your issue might be solved with a newer firmware. The problem with these notebook drives is, that they are special versions for the notebook manufacturers, and these have to care about providing newer firmwares. Most don't. And if there were - for example - a firmware provided by Dell or Toshiba, you wouldn't be able to apply that on your Acer. Due to this lack of more recent firmware, I consider that only Acer can help you now. If the drive is under warranty, they may as well repair or replace it for you. :) Please let us know the results as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  18. You are always Welcome to ask questions here Denil. :) I believe that there are probably applicationsa running that might have been installed on that drive. Check all the processes and eliminate any of them that connect to the program installed on the drive in question. Next, try to reformat the drive again. It should be successful now. Let us know the results as soon as possible. :) -- Goku
  19. You should if the Factory Settings keep it still and don't remove it. Otherwise, I am afraid, you will need to create the partition again. -- Goku
  20. Hello and Welcome to FPCH Unknown_Hero. :) If you take out the hard drive, then no information can be extracted from any other part in whatsoever way. Hope this eases you. :) -- Goku
  21. No need to worry Bowler as even I get lost on these instructions sometimes. Here is a complete step-by-step guide so that you can achieve what I want you to do. 1) Log on to your Desktop Computer. 2) On the desktop, open My Computer. If you don't see My Computer, then open any folder. 3) Select the Tools menu and then select Folder Options..... http://www.fileinfo.net/images/help/win-folder-options.gif 4) In the Folder Options window, click on the View tab. http://www.fileinfo.net/images/help/win-folder-options-view.gif 5) Uncheck the box next to Hide file extensions for known file types. 6) Click OK to close the Folder Options window. 7) Close My Computer or the folder you have opened. Now go to desktop and select the file that has the name of your bank. You select a file by single-clicking on it. You should read a file name. Note it down. Now log on to your laptop and select the file that has the name of your bank. Right-click on the file and select Rename. Enter the file name exactly as you noted down from the file on your Desktop computer. When you are done, press the Enter key. Now try and open the file again. Hope this clears up the instructions for you. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  22. It does appear like an improvement to Windows Vista. Perhaps, it might become the next Windows XP for the future generation. It does look like an Operating System with a decent amount of potential. :) -- Goku
  23. That is very good news Doug. Just bump up this thread if the problem surfaces again. :) -- Goku
  24. Also Kerry, as you are using Vista, you might also want to have a look at the following sound troubleshooter. The troubleshooter covers some basic problems and therefore might also solve your problem. Tips for fixing common sound problems Let us know if it is helpful or not. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  25. No worry Kerry. Can you please tell me the make and model number of your sound card? It might be that the system need updated Audio Drivers. :) Use the following utility to extract the information regarding your sound-card. SoundCard Detector Let us know the results as soon as you can. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
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