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Everything posted by Goku

  1. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, InFerect. :) Does Windows keeps running simultaneously if you are not playing games or the condition still persists. Try keeping the computer idle for 10 minutes and see if it turns off. I hazard a guess but I think it might be a malware issue. However do not do anything unless the experts here advise you to do so. Try and see if you can operate the computer normally without rebooting or not? Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  2. Red, I do not know much about your processor issues but I think the problem has got nothing to do with the 'System Idle Process'. Let me make myself clear. The 'System Idle Process' doesn't do anything, its just what the CPU does when its not doing anything. If the 'System Idle Process' is at 98% it doesn't mean your processor is 98% busy with the 'System Idle Process' hogging it, it's actually just 2% busy. So thats one thing ruled out. The hardware experts will be here soon and I am sure that they will help you resolve your problem. :) By the way, you have posted the thread in the right forum. Also, a very warm welcome from me to you. :) -- Goku
  3. There are many ways to know your system specifications. Have a read of these articles to get a basic idea: Ways of locating hardware and other system specifications. How do I find my system specifications? Post them as soon as you can. :) -- Goku
  4. I am not much experienced in these matters Flockster but I think that what you needed was a bit more of Video RAM that is to say that you needed to upgrade your Graphics Card. You already had more than enough RAM needed to run the game previously, so upgrading the RAM wouldn't lift the lag. You must have experienced a performance boost due to it but there might not have been any difference in your gaming experience. So, to overcome this lagging, you need to upgrade your graphics card. Lets see what the experts have got to say on it. :) -- Goku
  5. I don't know much about the problem but I think it can be resolved easily. Does she have a cable with which she can connect the IPod to the PC? If she does, then do so and copy the music files back to the hard drive. If you found my instructions incomplete, inappropriate or confusing or need a step-by-step guide, then you might want to read this article. Copy Songs From iPod to Windows Hope that helps. :) -- Goku
  6. Wow, the stats are very accurate and informative. The first of its kind I have ever seen. Kudos to the site moderators and administrators. :) -- Goku
  7. A very enlightening and informative post indeed Seth. Thanks for posting it. :) -- Goku
  8. I wouldn't trust this site either Doug. From the user reviews I have read on various sites, this appears to be a moderate piece of Spyware. Even the description on c|net states that it is a spyware. Better ignore it and move on. :) Lets see what the malware experts have to say on this. :) -- Goku
  9. Thank you for the compliment Dalo. Hello to you and Maynard from me too. :) -- Goku
  10. No worry Wolfey mate. There is a small and inexperienced Tech in me too that is curious to learn. Here or there, you will always be the same Wolfey. Thanks for the Techie style welcome to you too Doug. :) -- Goku
  11. Thanks you for the warm welcome Seth. I was used to a Tech oriented site but having kicked out of it, I might be a little out of practice. I think I will stretch my bones in here a little. :) -- Goku
  12. A foolish question but do you have any ad-blocking software? If so then disable it, reinstall the Adobe Flash Player using the stand alone version from here or here. Then try and check if you can watch videos on YouTube or not? Source If you need a set of step-by-step instructions for configuring and tweaking the appropriate settings, then you might find something interesting here. Hello, you either have JavaScript turned off or an old version of Macromedia's Flash Player. Get the latest Flash player. Hope that helps. Good Luck. :) -- Goku
  13. Hello all, I am new to this site. Thought I would introduce myself. As it says, I am Goku and some people like Wolfey, DSTM, Seth and AdvancedSetup know me. I will try to be as helpful as I can. Hello to you all. :) http://i.mycommentspace.com/63/6317.gif -- Goku
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