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Jared Hill

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Everything posted by Jared Hill

  1. is there a best class or class mix? or all about even? :confused:
  2. ty gulp lots to read
  3. an urge for the little monkeys room, so wile they were busy, we set off for Disneyland.....
  4. So I'll hopeful get it this thursday if its in the shop when I go to town so any noobie tips or tricks I should know?
  5. Takes two to chat :p I'll make a chat in gaming, I just thought the gaming was for gaming problems. np
  6. Hum might get it then:D Jagex have messed up runescape again so badly I can't play it so I needed a new mmorpg to play anyway. Ill look out for it next time I go to town.
  7. From the clips of guild wars on youtube it looks like a pvp bases mmorpg, so I think ill stick with 2moons for that, more flashing colours (and already have a few high accs on it) lol :)
  8. Horse (arn't "E"s fun :D)
  9. Looked at guild wars but I need a key code so I cant play for free
  10. sorry for getting your hopes up on the mmorpgs its the awful graphics runescape Im on the most :p Others I play/played are Tales of pirate, Shattered Galaxy, RF online, 2 Moons and Dofus. If you want Tips on any of these im pritty good :D
  11. Geko (whats a water hog:confused:, did you mean warthog?)
  12. Bunny! http://www.in-sect.com/scr/cute_bunny.jpg http://www.alivenotdead.com/attachments/2008/04/32989_200804130436182.thumb.jpg Evil Emu! http://img68.exs.cx/img68/822/emu.jpg :eek:
  13. Rat has been used :p so back to Raindear
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