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Jared Hill

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Everything posted by Jared Hill

  1. Dont realy matter as long as your having fun =p bear
  2. Ok being as the wolf is all for it lets do animals then ;) Rat
  3. Well if other people want to, I could add an extra rule to lesson the amount of words they can use, something like the second letter of the word can not be a vowel, or they must be linked by something, for example, all the words must be animals. I dont mind whatever you lot prefer ;)
  4. Ok, sorry, I know im posting alot, but, to make up for it, the 3rd pic on this post is of a blonde chick with a nice *****, enjoy:) http://www.graphicsarcade.com/funny_pictures/animals/images/funny_animals_pictures_07.gif Glodal warming isn't bad for everyone http://halfwaytoconcord.com/wp-images/truth%20about%20global%20warming.jpg Now the pic you've been waiting for.... http://www.sanqld.com/pic-sanqld-funny172.jpg Awww how cute told you it was good :D
  5. Just found this and made me laught:) http://shogun.shafted.com.au/temp/llama.jpg I like street art illusions, like the bathroom one:) here are a few, http://www.grand-illusions.com/images/articles/opticalillusions/beever/mainimage.jpg http://crossthebreeze.files.wordpress.com/2006/09/pavement_drawing.jpg know they are not funny but still cool :p http://media.bigoo.ws/content/image/funny/funny_402.jpg
  6. shooting at the monkeys but they were to fast, then the monkeys started to charge. but then out of no-where, the king of the potatos came with a tank and....
  7. http://www.skagityoungprofessionals.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/fat_giraffe.jpg and for the cute ;) http://img01.picoodle.com/img/img01/7/3/11/f_cutepuppym_1069e43.png and the not so cute :eek: http://learys.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/l6200677.jpg
  8. Im lstening to Foo Fighters-Low atm:D Its got a very funny vid with grohl and jb (Dave Grohl and Jack Black)
  9. lol I like the song but its darn hard to drink alown with other people I bet
  10. lol apart from no 31 dunno what kind of jerk men you know but I look after my girl freind when she is sick (and when she isn't). And one extra point, a cat cant carry you home when you get drunk :p
  11. The aim of this game is to not repeat a word already used. To play you start off with a word for example, start, then the next person's word has to begin with the last letter of the previouse word, example, tank, and so on. Thought we could give it a try i'll start us off "Game"
  12. -k out the post office and ask for the 3rd lucky win ticket, it is a winning ticket he said. but as I set off for Disneyland, I come across.... (sorry cheated a little with the start sorry ifs it not ok)
  13. A physic hamster, called Mr Snuggles. he told me that I must....
  14. Hi, my name is Jared, sure it wasn't hard to guess my name:) Im 19, not great with pc problems but like mmorpgs and strategie games. Ive had my first problem with the pc today that I didnt know what to do, and with this fantastic site I was helped in about 5 seconds :D
  15. tyvm everyone and sorry goku i couldnt do a print screen because the problem is on the laptop and its touch pad only so im using the pc to get help :D Thanks again for such fast and helpful replys:D
  16. Sorry for posting this, ive read some of the other post and my problem has been solved.;) Im very greatful for your help and will highly recomend the site.:D my solution was the ctrl+alt+*up arrow key* No idea how i made flip in the first place tho
  17. My laptop has gone sideways :confused: the Windows toolbar is at the bottem but its not straight, its hard to describe. The start button goes vertical so are all the icons and the time on the tool bar. My desktop has also been fliped 90* so have all the seperate icons like word. Could someone please help.
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