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Everything posted by Mara

  1. Thanks for the link, Wolfeymole - I had no idea that IE actually had some safety built right into it - thanks! And beeceebee, thanks so much for taking the time to look through the site to ensure I hadn't just missed some hidden 'parental controls' somewhere at U Tube. Really wish there was a kid's version of UTube - drat! But thanks again to both of you - I honestly appreciate your kindness and help.
  2. While I think (hope!) that my computer is fully protected, unfortunately it does nothing to protect children from viewing nasties on the internet. My 'Site Hound' prevents most sites that have bad things lurking from being entered but ... How does one find 'parental controls' on U Tube? For whatever reason, the children in our area are permitted to use this site and, in fact, many of them upload their own little videos they create to it. While I don't mind that, it's not being able to control what else they can see on that site - and while I'm standing firm and saying no, I have promised to see if there is a way a child can use the site without being able to view some of the outright sick and/or dangerous ones. (While at a friend's house yesterday, it was discovered "that if you pry the top off a disposable lighter and then set the liquid on fire, it will make a flame thrower". Egad, especially because the 11 year old came home all excited to tell me about what he'd learned on U Tube - how about a child terribly burned???) I'd really appreciate help with 'setting controls', if possible ... thanks so very much once again.
  3. I'm truly sorry the pesky cold will affect so much for you! Perhaps this will make you smile at least ... Many years ago I received a phone call from a friend the night before her brass band parade - she was frantic as their drummer was in hospital. Although the only drums I played were snare, she insisted "it would be easy" and I, along with my pesky cold, finally agreed to do it. Early the next morning (poor nose running) I showed up to be hurriedly fitted in a red wool serge uniform and given instruction on how to hold the beastly heavy drum ... and off we started on the 5 mile parade - in the pouring rain. The red serge itched like crazy - until it got water logged and weighed a ton. The drum banged against my hip so hard I literally had bruises for over a month - and to add to the insult of looking like a drowned rat in public, I was in hospital by midnight - with pneumonia. But compared to what the horns went through and all the 'spitting' that was going on, I think I may have had it easy. Yup, I have the greatest respect for bands who slog through any weather to entertain - long life these courageous people! Huge happy smile.
  4. Gentle smile as I too seem to have come down with a wicked cold - I swear children's main purpose in life is to go to school and bring home every bug possible to the rest of us - ugh. Hope you're feeling better very, very soon ... while perhaps it's not impossible, bet it's darn hard to be in the band with a pesky cold!
  5. That's wonderful indeed! Congratulation to you and all members of the band! Any chance that your band has a clip on any of the video sites so we can see all of you in action?:)
  6. Thanks again for all the advice - it means a great deal to me as it's hard to be torn between protecting a child and letting him flap his wee wings (he's 11). Have learned that one must be incredibly specific when telling a child what they can and cannot do on the internet, though ... you think you've covered all the bases and poof, they come up with a new thing that can place them in danger. Think I'm about to sprout those long overdue gray hairs! :)
  7. Lots of choices here and thanks ever so much. I'll look through each and hopefuly choose (together with the 11 year old) the easiest and safest method for him to set up something. (It's for him and his 'friends' to discuss the 'Bakugon' toys). Thanks ever so much to all of you once again! :)
  8. I'm not too sure if this is the right place so I'm sorry if it needs to be moved elsewhere. Apparently there are places which allow one to set up their own website (free) - but how safe is it for children to do this, I wonder? And how safe is it for my computer? Thanks so much, Mara Although I'm not sure, I think it's this site the child is interested in using: InvisionFree (Free message board hosting)
  9. Great results, shrimply ... did you try the Secunia online scan as well? These two sites are terrific - both Secunia online scan and Shield's Up! Wonder if it's possible to have both these as 'stickies' - perhaps under a special section created for things all computer owners need to know in order to survive our computers. :)
  10. Hi Joe, welcome!! There's a lot of good sites but this one is indeed special and hope you enjoy it, too! Mara (Canada)
  11. How reassuring it is to run the scans at 'Shield's Up' and get the below results! (All the programs I use are free and either recommended here or through trusted friends - and best of all for me, they are so easy to understand and use). Results from Shield's Up: Your Internet port 139 does not appear to exist! One or more ports on this system are operating in FULL STEALTH MODE! Unable to connect with NetBIOS to your computer. All attempts to get any information from your computer have FAILED. (This is very uncommon for a Windows networking-based PC.) Common Ports and All Service Ports: Your system has achieved a perfect "TruStealth" rating. Not a single packet — solicited or otherwise — was received from your system as a result of our security probing tests. Your system ignored and refused to reply to repeated Pings (ICMP Echo Requests). From the standpoint of the passing probes of any hacker, this machine does not exist on the Internet. Some questionable personal security systems expose their users by attempting to "counter-probe the prober", thus revealing themselves. But your system wisely remained silent in every way. Very nice. Messenger Spam: None came through
  12. Yes, that's the site - yipee! 'Shield's Up' is the one I was hoping to find and shall bookmark it instantly! Thank you, thank you! I use Sygate simply because it's working great for me - and it's free :). I had tried the purchase types such as Nortons and McAfie (spelling?) and egad, both were huge in size. So I switched to Zone Alarm (freebie version) and really liked it until a few months ago when things went poof with it's newest update. Have the flock of 'security' programs I mentioned earlier but to be honest, the one I count on most is 'Site Hound'. Perhaps because it's 'right in one's face' the moment I try to connect to a site that looks innocent but has nasties lurking - their warning is literally impossible to miss (a vital thing especially since I'm not alone in using this computer - gentle smile).
  13. First, I have Avast, Sygate Firewall, WinPatrol, Malwarebytes, and ThreatFire ... plus my computer is set to auto download all Microsoft Windows updates for my XP (and when I go to MS update site, it shows 'auto', as well). And I'd only hoped to find a site that would run a scan and let me know if I was 'running invisible' on the internet. So while the link isn't quite the same thing as above, I ran the free scan and wow! Results: 1. Your system does not have all security related patches from Microsoft installed KB955069 KB954430 KB954459 KB957097 2. http://secunia.com/gfx/32/Flash.gif This installation of Adobe Flash Player 9.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats! 3. http://secunia.com/gfx/32/Flash.gif This installation of Macromedia Flash Player 7.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats! 4. http://secunia.com/gfx/32/Java.gif This installation of Sun Java JRE 1.5.x / 5.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats! 5. http://secunia.com/gfx/32/Java.gif This installation of Sun Java JRE 1.6.x / 6.x is insecure and potentially exposes your system to security threats! And best of all, along with scan results, links to the appropriate necessary downloads are provided - yup, wow! Not too sure how I managed to get two versions of both Flash and Sun Java (unless I made that pesky assumption that a newer version overwrites an older one) ... and completely stumped how I don't have the latest updates from Windows. Thanks ever so much for the kindness and help once again - how lovely you all are! Kindest thoughts, Mara
  14. Apparently there is a safe site where one can go and they check the security of one's computer? Found a couple sites while browsing the internet - but with all the hidden dangers lurking out there, wonder if someone would please be kind enough to provide the link to a safe scan site. Thanks so much.
  15. Privacy seems to be a thing of the past, sadly. As does security for our financial matters and more private things, such as health issues. And with holiday shopping starting already, it really does pay to be as careful as possible. My pet-peeve is the debit machines in all the stores where one uses cash from own bank account when paying for things - I love the convenience but so often it's virtually impossible to hide the key pad when typing in one's pin-number. One hand to hold the thing, one hand to type in the pin number - which leaves no extra hand to cover the thing while typing - surely there must be a better way.
  16. You should feel a "certain amount of pride" - truly! For how easy it is to simply forget the huge sacrifices made on all of our behalf - good for you, Plastic Nev. Our Memorial Day is held on Tuesday, the 11th (11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month) - and undoubtedly it will be pouring down with rain here as well. Drat, one would think that Mother Nature could surely cooperate!
  17. Happy, happy birthday! Hope it's been a lovely one filled with lots and lots of love and laughter (and presents, of course!).
  18. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you!!
  19. Yes, Mr. McCain must surely have faced a lot of struggles during this campaign (not the least of which was having someone running as a possible Vice President that undoubtedly caused many to run in the opposite direction when voting). While every government makes mistakes (heaven knows ours here in Canada often makes me cringe), it has never detracted from the esteem I've always had the the American public. For all the negative publicity - some truly earned - it doesn't detract from the thousands of acts of kindness the American people have given to others in great need throughout the world. I believe in my heart that the new President Elect will bring out the best in this great Country, in spite of the woes he inherits very soon - yipee!!!
  20. Oh dear, I'm a day late but do hope you had a truly wonderful Birthday filled with love and laughter!
  21. That's all right - our moose can take it :) - in fact, if one is ever lucky enough to be really close to them, they often give the impression they're laughing at us - and who can blame them!
  22. Love so many of these photos but think the two cats snuggling in a tree is one of my favourites - just turn up the sound - and I hope you enjoy this as well. Chiquita
  23. I agree completely! I respect and weep for the soldiers, not cheer for the war. Never understood Vietnam hell either and don't like this one. What in poop were our leaders thinking! Maybe we should go back to the 'good old days' when Country's leaders lead the fight - physically and in person. Perhaps it would make them think long and hard if it's their own lives at stake.
  24. Thanks so leaping to my defense, DSTM - gentle hug! Laughed when I read the "moose or two" as when a friendlie came from Virginia to visit, she was honestly horribly disappointed to not see a moose wandering down the roads. But yes, I do consider Americans 'my neighbours' - they live directly beside us for thousands of miles and they - and us - zip back and forth across the borders all the times.
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