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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. Though some of us do a bit of photography and even image and graphics work such as myself, I doubt there is anyone here can give you a really good answer, you may be better asking on a photography forum. I did find a review with some technical detail and demonstration of what the program can do, though the review is now quite old as it was written some nine years ago, though still worth a look here :- http://www.luminous-landscape.com/reviews/software/noise-ninja.shtml However, these days various image and graphics programs have inbuilt noise reduction which can be quite effective, Even Photofiltre 7 which for a freebie is quite good, though it depends on the results you want of course. Nev.
  2. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. The problem you describe sounds a lot like a sticky hard drive where it is taking too long to spin up to speed. Once up and running it will then be OK as you are finding. If it is this problem, it is of course hard to diagnose as all diagnostics can only check the drive once it is spinning at the right speed. I suggest first to back everything up onto an external drive if possible in case the drive fails totally. Then have a read of this useful article regarding various hard drive diagnostic tools, I suggest using the Seatools linked to in that article. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/toolsofthetrade/tp/tophddiag.htm If any fault is found on the hard drive then the next thing would be to get a new hard drive as replacement as a just in case, and to use one of the many imaging software's to clone the existing drive contents onto the new drive. Let us know how you get on first with the checks, we can help further if anything or even nothing is found to be wrong. Nev.
  3. The technique known as "Out Of Bounds" is where you take a part of one original image and cut round it to insert into a frame so a part of the original image is outside the frame, or the "Bounds", therefore giving a three dimensional effect. Something I have played with recently and can obtain some stunning effects such as that. Here is one I did some time since. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/OOB6.jpg Oh, and yes it was a pint of Theakstons dark mild, a lovely brew and was enjoyed on the day of the original photograph. The landlady was a little puzzled as to why I wanted her to pose like that, hopefully she will like the result when she sees it tonight. Nev.
  4. Microsoft may still have a language pack available for XP, I can only advise looking on the Microsoft website, type "Language packs" into the search bar on the Microsoft site itself or search Google for XP language packs. These packs can convert Windows to run on whichever language you wish. Nev.
  5. Hi again, I was off line most of yesterday and it was late last night when my ISP regained a connection so didn't have time to look round much for you. However I have now found a site for different sequencing software, have a look at the entries and see if one of them may work for you. http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/cat/AUDIO_SEQUENCERS/ There is a good mix of stuff there, some free, some share or trial and some fully paid for. Also worth going to the home page to browse all the other categories of music, audio, midi, and many other software listed. Nev.
  6. Hi, not too sure if the rest of the computer can handle three different sound inputs, though if it will from the three different cards, you possibly need some form of sound and music sequencing software, most can record and play back multiple tracks, though not sure if they can do all three at once in real time. Nev.
  7. Hi dugg, When the motherboard was replaced, did you have to do anything then to make Windows Vista run with the new board? If you didn't, then the system recovery disks should re-install on the new hard drive I would think. Nev.
  8. OK, the above is a composite known as Out Of Bounds, or OOB, done with the free graphics software Photofiltre. Here are the two images used. I took this one first. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/Beerservesmaller_zps0ee669a4.jpg Then posed for this, http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/Apossibleone_zps07842747.jpg The magic is in knowing how to use the various tools that Photofiltre now has. Nev.
  9. At last technology can now allow us to order a beer, and also have it delivered fresh from the pub bar pump, straight to your picnic table by internet. http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y282/plasticpig/Beerbyinternet2_zpse1df298e.jpg Nev.
  10. I have edited out the odd code so the original post is now readable. Nev. Having fairly recently replaced my old motherboard (Foxconn), and new CPU, plus a new WD 500GB, (Caviar Blue) I added Win8 to the new drive, ( The existing older HD had WinXP Pro ). It all seemed to work O.K, that is until I returned from holiday to find that on 'firing -up' the PC, and after waiting ages to boot up , I was confronted with ... "Recovery" Your PC needs to be repaired.. a required device is not connected or cannot be accessed. Error Code: 0xc000000e........ " You will need to use recovery tools on your installation media" Press Enter to try again Press , F8 for start settings Press , F9 to use a different ( The first two did nothing, pressing F9 took me to a Task manager page ( white on black) and then a choice of Win8 or 'other O/S..... Win XP Pro is O.K ! After noting that the new WD HD was quite warm/ to hot, I removed same ,and checked and re-checked all wiring ,plugs etc Not being too PC savvy I hope this has at least helped to provide some measure of help in identifying my problem ( if at all ??) Many thanks anyway
  11. That in itself is no small job Ken, extra pipe involved and planning where it has to go to get where you want it, is the main part of the job. I say well done for what you achieved. Nev.
  12. Back to the new fridge freezer, that has certainly started to pay its way, a £110.00 bill for last quarter or three months, is only £75.00 this time round and bearing in mind I am at home all day now since the previous bill, so lights are on and computer all day now. I am pretty happy with that. Now installing the latest money saving gadget, a new central heating condensing combi boiler, and up to my neck in copper pipe and plumbing bits and pieces at the moment. Doing it myself with no help means it is taking its time to get done as I am also rescuing as much plumbing fittings and pipe as I can, I hate wasting stuff when it can be reused. Nev.
  13. Hi, to save Ken some work :D I have had a look for help regarding that error code, Microsoft have a few fixits or other help, try this one first :- http://support.microsoft.com/mats/printing_problems/en-us If that doesn't work have a look on this page and look into the various pages from it to see if anything is relevant for you. http://search.microsoft.com/en-us/supportresults.aspx?form=mssupport&q=error%200x00000709%20default%20printer Nev.
  14. Hi, am actually busy doing plumbing work Ken, but this is a coffee break LOL. What you need to join individual video files into one complete movie is a video editor program, Microsoft provide one for free called Windows Movie Maker. You can download and install it from here:- http://www.download366.com/windows-live-movie-maker?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=366_Search_UK-Video&utm_term=windows live movie maker download&utm_content=Windows Live Movie Maker_366_JaviGoogle_UK_K=windows live movie maker download_CP=366_Search_UK-Video&placement=&target=&adposition=1t1&gclid=CIzlytuEsrkCFQbJtAodAjwA0Q There are other video editors available, but the Windows Live Moviemaker is the best of the free versions, to get better you do need to buy them, especially if you wish the finished movie to be in something other than the standard and limited formats that the Windows one provides. You can of course download and install video converters afterwards if required. That depends on what you wish to play the finished movie on, Adapter from Macroplant is a good free conversion software that can create DVD files for playing on a standard DVD player if that is required. Adapter can be downloaded from here :- http://www.macroplant.com/adapter/?utm_source=Adapter+(PC)&utm_medium=desktop+app&utm_campaign=Adapter+(PC)+
  15. This must be one of the funniest office pranks I have seen for some time. http://i72.servimg.com/u/f72/14/68/69/96/chair_10.jpg Imagine it, you have been running round the office, helping others, delivering paper work to the boss, stood at the photocopier for half an hour, another half an hour at the shredder, you are ready to sit down and have a rest and PAAAARP.
  16. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Nic. Firstly, I am not too sure how old this printer is so I need to ask if it was originally used with an XP based computer? If so, the drivers disk you have may not be fully compatible with Windows 7 and you would need the latest drivers to suit. you may find the Windows 7 drivers you need here :- http://driverscollection.com/?H=Stylus%20DX3850&By=Epson If your system is the 32bit, click the blue Windows 7 box, then scroll down to the download button to download. If Windows 7 64bit, then click the 64 bit version and scroll down to the download. See if that works for you. Nev.
  17. Hi Ray, if any of these so called "problems" are registry based, please don't go there and leave well enough alone, messing with the registry is only something to be done by someone with an extremely good working knowledge of the registry and how it works. Not any of these automatic systems can possibly work correctly as every single registry is different from any other from the minute you open the computer from new as entries are made and changed by programs installed or uninstalled, and most other operations also. We never ever recommend any sort of registry cleaners, they can and quite often do cause more problems than they are worth. The idea that stray entries, orphaned entries, or even the rare and odd wrong entry, should be removed is not true, Windows knows to just skip them. Believe me they do not slow your computer down or otherwise interfere with it's operation. Only when entries are removed by a so called cleaner which shouldn't be removed, is when problems start happening. Nev.
  18. Hi, while we wait for your next reply and the log that Starbuck asked for. The noisy fan, it can just be in need of a clean as dust will stick to the blades and unbalance it, or it can be the bearings are wearing out and may need a replacement fan, though I have heard of a noise being caused by a wire having been displaced and just rubbing on the fan blade as it spins. an inspection of the fan with the cover removed may tell you more, check for dust around it and clean out if any found first. Nev.
  19. That is a bit much for a cable Armageddon, Amazon have male to male for £1.44 if you did have to buy them. Have a look here :- http://www.amazon.co.uk/Monitor-Replacement-SVGA-Cable-Black/dp/B001MQGOLU/ref=sr_1_1/275-7807869-6491358?s=computers&ie=UTF8&qid=1377878498&sr=1-1 Also I would check the monitors for dead pixels once you get them up and running, someone must have had a reason for selling off at that cheap a price! If you haven't got DeadPixelBuddy, download it from here to check those monitors with. http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Benchmarks/Dead-Pixel-Buddy.shtml or use the web based one here:- http://deadpixelbuddy.com/ Nev.
  20. Hi Ray, yes I went the way of installing Revo (Revo uninstaller) as that way I could pick and choose. I do believe there is actually some software available to do the clearing of unwanted manufacturer installs, though they might not give you the chance of keeping the odd thing that may be useful, and possibly wipe it right back to just the OS and drivers. I don't know for sure, just didn't fancy risking it. I now always use Revo on any machine to get rid of an unwanted program, it does a much better job of tidying up the loose ends that the Windows uninstaller leaves behind. http://www.revouninstaller.com/start_freeware_download.html (This link starts the download) It was quite obvious that either the previous owner or some technician in the shop had used the original factory reinstall disks, as it came with everything dated back to what was obviously the time of manufacture. That also meant a big length of time playing catch up with all the Microsofts Windows updates, it took a good few hours did that as it also included the install of Windows 7 service pack 1 as well. Just waiting now for that special moment to catch a friend on skype and scare the hell out of him by turning the webcam in the lid on, I will of course be dressed in a suitable scary outfit. :cool: Nev.
  21. Hi, I would also be looking in the local press for local mobile technicians, there are three or four in my area who visit, at least one offers a no fix no fee, though no idea as to what the charges are. Nev.
  22. Hi Ray, to be on the safe side as with trojan downloaders you don't know if it did download and hid something nasty, I recommend you follow all that Starbuck asks for here:- http://extremetechsupport.com/threads/10689-Before-posting-for-Malware-Removal-help..WinXP-Vista-and-Win7 Then copy and paste the results in this thread for one of the guys to check out for you, better safe than sorry. Don't as yet empty the quarantine till they say it is OK to do so, it can't do any damage while locked up out of the way, however the guys may want to have a deeper look at it. Nev.
  23. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Providing the password itself is not being kicked out and the system is accepting it, you may have a corrupted user profile. Have a look at this Microsoft article about how to create a new profile and to then be able to rescue your data. http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/fix-a-corrupted-user-profile If on the other hand it is your password being rejected, we cannot help further I am afraid. Nev.
  24. Hi Slumdog, how did you fix it please? It might be useful to know for others having similar problems. Nev.
  25. Hi Joddle, Lets have a look in device manager first, on W7 click start and in the search box just type "Device manager" It should come up as the top entry, hopefully there will be a red or yellow mark against one of the entries, possibly "Sound video and game controllers" Expand it by the arrow on the left, then double click on the faulty one, click the driver tab then the disable button. providing no incompatible device is connected, the uninstall should remove it totally. Nev.
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