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Plastic Nev

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Everything posted by Plastic Nev

  1. Not having Windows 8 myself, I hesitate to say one way or the other on those you link to, other staff here do have W8 so they may know better. Have you tried a right click on the folder or file without the disk in, and is there an option to "Format" in the list? If so try that, it just might at least wipe the contents of the file folder. Otherwise it may just ask you to insert a disk, If it does, then that option is no good, but at least worth a try first.
  2. Hi Dawnsdad, and welcome. Any time you think you have an answer for someone, by all means jump in. Nev.
  3. I need a way to silence the PSU fan on my old XP machine without buying a PSU with either no fan or a quieter model. I guess at the end it will be disconnect the fan, or worse, stuff a used sock in the vent. The atmosphere may get a bit ripe knowing my feet and socks, but it just might shut it up. Nev.
  4. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Unfortunately there is little you can do about that as the location of Milton Keynes is the general area for the web server your Internet Service Provider uses, all web traces using the IP number that is generated by that server as allocated to you, all point to Milton Keynes. it is the IP number that has been allocated to your internet service that is telling folk and other computers that you are there and not your real address. As a matter of interest I sometimes appear in all sorts of odd parts of the country depending on which server is in use at the time, as my ISP uses several. If you click on this link, it will open with your IP address number in it, if you then click the "Look up address" button it will show the Milton Keynes address as that is what other websites will be seeing. http://whatismyipaddress.com/ip-lookup If you are wanting a change of that, you should give your internet service provider a call, it is them who are responsible for the IP address. Nev.
  5. Just to rule out the mains adapter/charger, will the computer run with that plugged in but the battery removed? If the computer will not run on the mains adapter/charger without the battery in, the charger is faulty. Nev.
  6. Considering you are now running Windows 8 which I don't have knowledge of the finer points of it, however I am thinking there may be a folder somehow attached to the DVD drive which has this Archie_Rib.jpg within it. If you select "Computer" the DVD drive should show there, if no sign of a folder attached there, right click on the drive, if still no sign of a folder, select properties is there one there? If you find a folder of any sort, right click on it and if it is there select "Delete" A folder shouldn't ever be associated with a DVD drive, but is the only thing I can think of now. Nev.
  7. Hum a bit late but last week bought a VGA splitter box to use both standard monitor and touch screen together, works well does the set up. Its the two way version of this, http://www.maplin.co.uk/svga-splitter-2-and-4-port-36773 Nev.
  8. Thanks for the feed back Ian, and you are most welcome to come back any time for further discussion and advice. It is what we are here for and love doing it to help other members to fix their problems and become as proficient as possible. We all then learn and benefit that way. Nev.
  9. Hi, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. What make is the Computer and the original monitor, is that also a Dell? If not, though I doubt it, there just may be a compatibility problem with pin connections, Dell are well known for having some none standard parts. However if it all checks out as OK, it just may be one of those duff ones that managed to get sneaked through quality control, so send it back under warranty. Edit to add, after a search, I did find others with flashing colours problems, they found that entering the menu from the menu button on the monitor, then selecting Factory Reset, after that there should be something called Burn in, all you need then is to turn off the Burn in setting. To see the full postings on this issue, look here:- http://forum.desktopreview.com/monitors-displays/236538-how-disable-flashing-colors-dell-monitor.html (Thanks to DSTM for help in this) Nev.
  10. Hi Ian, the SATA drives don't need the jumper thing moved as unlike the older IDE which connected with the broad multiple conductor ribbon cable that had one plug in use and one spare. If using the spare, one drive would have the jumper in the master position the other would go to the slave position. SATA on the other hand has to be connected direct to the motherboard for each drive, so I hope you have a spare connector on the motherboard. You cannot double up on the same data lead, the power supply side can be, and there are connectors available for that, but not for the data cable.
  11. Hi, for using copy and paste, some time since I wrote a tutorial, just click on this link:- http://extremetechsupport.com/threads/8247-The-art-of-copy-and-paste. Nev.
  12. Hi Ian, I think I can answer at least the first three with a yes to all, the fourth, I will leave to someone else as it isn't something I know of, having not done it myself. Nev.
  13. Hi Steve and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help, also my home town too so you will know which town centre 1960's monstrosity is at last being torn down. I am old enough to have seen it being built. Nev.
  14. Hi Steve, Open internet Explorer and click on tools, then select internet options, the next window to open should open on the General tab, here is where to change the home page for it to automatically open at her E Bay watch page. Just delete whatever is there, then copy and paste the address of her page into there. Then make sure the dot is in the button for "Start with home page" That should make sure Internet explorer will always start with the page she wants on E Bay. Not too sure about making Internet Explorer open as the computer starts up, it may or not be possible. However I personally will advise against it, during start up there are many tasks done automatically, these take a little time as you know, so adding Internet explorer to that list is only going to make things slower still. There is also a security risk too, because if Internet explorer opens and connects to the internet before the antivirus and firewall have properly started, there is remote risk something could get in via the open browser. Something you don't want. Nev.
  15. Hi. That image from last May must be somewhere on your hard drive, do you still have the disk that image came from? There may be a clue as to file numbers either on the disk label, or on the software on that disk if you still have it. Let us know what you can find about that image if you do still have the disk. Nev.
  16. I doubt the VLC player has anything to do with it, I still think there is some similarity in file name, so you need to find the old file from last May and either temporarily delete it or change the file name. Nev.
  17. Firstly a warning, due to the fact most people are reluctant to admit to looking at porn sites, the malware writers have always targeted them. Some but not all porn site owners have cleaned up their act a little in recent times, but they are still a risk. Next is to delete those E Mails and messages. If you don't already have Malwarebytes download and install the FREE version from here:- http://www.malwarebytes.org/products/malwarebytes_free/ Be sure to choose the free version. Once downloaded make sure it is then updated with the latest data base, then run a quick scan. If it asks to remove or delete anything it finds tell it to do so, It should also open the log as a notepad page, please copy and paste that in your next reply. Nev.
  18. Hi, did you do the replacement of the PSU, or was it done for you by a shop? Also what was the reason for changing the PSU, had it blown? If done by a shop, my first advice is to take it back as they were the last to work on it and may have inadvertantly changed something. Let us know please. Nev.
  19. Hi, further to this, you have asked this question on at least one other forum and received advice there:- http://computerhelpforums.net/threads/reinstalling-windows-xp-please-help.35645/ Do have a look at the key you have obtained and see if there is any match to the sticker as Synapse suggested, other than that, follow the good advice to ring Microsoft, do not mention the use of the key gens. This post is to let others know you have asked elsewhere so conflicting advice can be avoided. Nev.
  20. Hi, no problem about being some time since your last posting. One thing we must know, do you have the disk for the XP system that was installed, the company that supplied the computer should have provided you with it at the time of purchase. If they did not do so, even after this length of time, providing you have original paper work you should demand the disk from them as it is going to be needed to perform a repair. Hopefully all that is wrong is a system file has become corrupted, the original disk can fix that, so let us know if you have or can obtain the Windows XP disk and we can then go further. Nev.
  21. Hi, yes you can attach the image, I think we would both like to see it and maybe have a better idea of what is happening in order to help you with it. Click first on the reply to thread button, then on the bottom right you will see the three buttons, click the middle one for "Go advanced" First write your next reply in the text box, then scroll down to and click the box, "Manage attachments" A smaller box opens, on the tiop line there is a button for "Add Files", click that, then use the next "Select files", to then navigate to the photo you wish to attach. Then you should see the attached file. Finally, click the "Submit reply" button. Until we see that, I cannot honestly think of a reason as to why it is happening. Edit, this time Randy got in before me, LOL. He may have a point, if there is a file name similarity the program may be pulling it off the hard drive rather than the disk. If you know the full name of the original older image, search using the search box and once it is found and you know which folder or sub folder it is in, change the name of the picture to something else. See if that stops it appearing. Nev.
  22. Hi, if you don't mind me nipping in, in your first post you say the drive is powering up. If none of the fixes above works, try this. What you should feel if holding the drive in your hand at the moment of plugging the drive into the USB port, is first a gentle build up of slight vibration as the disk or disks spin up to speed, possibly accompanied by a slightly quiet whine sound. After a short time you should then feel and maybe hear slight clicking vibration and sounds as the read head moves across the disks looking for information. If there is no spin up vibration and sound, or if no clicking, there is a mechanical fault within the drive. A light tap on the side with something like a very small hammer or a screwdriver handle just might release the read head if it has stuck, or loosen the disk drive enough for the disk to spin. If there is a definite mechanical fault where none of the above works, no amount of software can work or do any good, even if the electronic part of the drive is letting the computer know there is a drive connected. In cases like this, it has been found that freezing the drive in the domestic freezer can sometimes allow the drive to run and data copied. To freeze it, it must be tightly wrapped in a polythene bag or better still cling film, this is to prevent condensation forming during the freezing process. It needs to be kept in the freezer for a reasonable length of time, over night is usually the recommended time. Remove the drive from the freezer and connect it to the computer as quickly as possible before it has chance to warm up again and see if it can be accessed then. The freezing method has been known to work but not very often. In most cases it fails, but still worth a try tonight before going to sleep. Nev.
  23. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Edit:- Ken posted while I was still writing, however, as he says it is impossible for RAM to hold memory after shut down. I ask basically the same though, do try the disk elsewhere. Does this happen with any other of that manufacturers disks or is it just one disk? If it is just that one disk and no others I would try the disk in another computer if possible, if you have only the one computer perhaps a friend can oblige? That will either rule in or out the disk itself, though I do tend to think the manufacturer may be correct and it shouldn't be possible, however it does depend on the type of disk they use and how they record the information onto it. To explain that a little further, most mass produced CD's and DVD's are created by a plastic moulding process, the information is physically moulded into the plastic before the silvering is applied, that type of disk it is impossible to record anything onto it by means of a read/write CD/DVD drive or any other method, as everything is a moulded product. The type of disk that is bought as a blank and can have data information burned onto it is a different thing altogether and the recording is actually a kind of chemical process and it is actually possible to write data over existing data at least once, they do say it shouldn't happen but I have seen it myself, this can be due to the so called closing process, which actually is nothing more than an extra bit of code written onto the disk, not fully recorded or burned in. So if your manufacturer is only running a low volume output, he may just be using the second process and a batch type burner, it is in the end a cheaper method when only low numbers of disks are required. It's only where large volume production is required that the moulding process becomes a cheaper option. So to conclude, it may be possible that somehow an older image has been burned onto that disk even though it is supposedly a closed disk. The only way to be sure is check it out on another computer. Let us know if that can be done please, and what is found if it can. Nev.
  24. Hi Ian, the Windows XP mode seems a big let down, I can't get it to fully download either and have decided to leave it alone for now. As for dual booting from the same drive with the two operating systems is a good idea, do you already have a partition making software as it will be needed if you follow this guide I am going to link to, as you will need to install XP first if you have a new unused copy. XP does not have any partition management tools so a third party one will be required. The article mentions GParted but there are others such as EaseUS Partition Master which is a free one. http://www.techspot.com/guides/143-dual-boot-windows7/ It is a bit long winded, and a little old now but everything still applies. Next is the idea of using two drives, again it can be done providing the motherboard has a spare SATA port. You can get a SATA power doubler if only one SATA power lead is available from the power supply, however you cannot split or double the SATA data leads, so you do need a spare SATA data port on the motherboard. Otherwise you will be like me, two drives and having to change leads over if wanting to run the other drive. (Why hasn't someone made a data change over switch for that purpose, any one know?) Install one operating system to one drive with the other disconnected, then disconnect that and connect the other drive and install the second operating system on that. Once installed on both, they can both be connected, it is then a matter of accessing the BIOS and telling the BIOS to boot from whichever drive you wish. Nev.
  25. Hi Ian. It might just be a good thing that you haven't as yet done much with the computer. It may just be a glitch, or perhaps some other fault which if the blue screens and crashes continue, it may be best to reformat the hard drive and re-install Windows 7. The messing with the XP mode and subsequent uninstall, just might have done something to damage the operating system. As you suggest, leave things and run as normal for a few days, in the meantime I will see what I can find and also if I can eventually download and install the XP mode. we are both into new ground here, yet if problems are common, why isn't there much to find on the web about it? Nev.
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