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Everything posted by Match

  1. lol your on my wave length. But putting a four barrel holy on a Essex V6 off a Chevy small block is something completely different, :) Right first things first If you have formated C: (Taken the engine out) first we need an engine to put back in so you will need a start up disk, but nice people that Microsoft are they tell you all about how to do that here so that saves me alot of typing :)
  2. Hi Matabhaine From what you say it sounds like you using XP on both your computers! but because their are slight differences between XP and Vista could you please tell us what operating system you are using so as to avoid any confusion? Thanks
  3. Hi Due to the technicalities of Microsoft Licensing, we have decided that the best way to help you is to refer you to The Microsoft Support site [/url]http://support.microsoft.com/gp/oemphone we regret that we can't advise you directly but due to site policy and so as to avoid any liable issues we feel that this is the best option open to us. we hope that this is helpful to you and that if you have any further problems that you will get back to us and we will try and assist you further.
  4. Thanks for letting us know but you really need to complete the disinfection process, because if the original file it arrived in is not deleted you stand a chance of reinfection.
  5. do you have the little sticker with the XP Key on?
  6. Have you tried to boot into safe mode or try the "last good configuration" option. Just restart the pc and begin tapping on the F8 key when it starts to boot. If all goes well you should see this screen http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn266/FPCH/win2ksafemode2.jpg Just navigate through it using the arrows and enter key. Try "last know good configuration" first and if that doesn't work then safe mode. Safe mode will look different, the sceen will have large icons and will not be set to your resolution. That is normal. Please try this and let us know how you make out and we will go from there.
  7. OK success Driver link Here what I suggest to try first is to Download the driver and then boot up in safe mode and try installing the driver from their. It might also help to disable the onboard USB in the bios if you can.
  8. :) Hi just had a look on the Maplin website,? they say all you have to do is plug it in and install the drivers :) sounds easy did they give you a Driver disk? because I don't think their link is much use unless you happen to speak Taiwanese. http://www.winic.com.tw/ZIP/W-U2004-CH.zip
  9. can you be more specific and tell us the name of the program?
  10. Hi paulsif can you give us a little information to help us please Make and model number of the USB PCI card The Make and Model of your auntie's PC or at least the motherboard, CPU specification. I think that it might just be a case of needing to disable the onboard USB, in the Bios settings to resolve the conflict, but if you can give us the information we will be able to have a better look and advise you more accurately. Thanks
  11. OK report back to us please, if you don't mind and tell us how you get on :)
  12. Hi just a little thought have you tried disabling AVG then installing the drivers?
  13. Hi Miller would you do a quick search for a file called _x-Finder.exe and get back to us please
  14. No problem, just glad that you are sorted with a smooth no crashing pc :)
  15. Hi Redgey Glad you got it sorted in the end :) as is so often the case It's something simple that causes the problem, but the problem is finding it Thanks for your feed back, It Gives me an idea of what may be causing another member a similar problem, p.s. could you tell us what AV you have:) thanks
  16. Hi Chris and Welcome to free PC help :)
  17. Hi Chris just reading through your posts, You mention that you have been trying to get another drive to work, Can you tell us if it is still in the pc and connected and whether you have checked that all the cables are in place, and I'm a little concerned that you may have solved one problem but caused another if you have been swapping cables about have you bent any of the pins on the connectors, also if you have a spare or another pc have you tried the drive in that one to see if it is a drive problem?
  18. Hi Mark Just to let you know that were not ignoring you, Its just that Dalo is the best man to answer your question, he should be around on Monday, if you need a reply sooner then please let us know and we will see what we can do Thanks for your patience.
  19. Hi mate and welcome hope you like it here :)
  20. Hi Mrstipple If you just want something cheap and nothing special have a look at this Accessories for COMPAQ CQ2000UK-M & EMPREX 19 inch WIDESCREEN TFT Package | Comet
  21. Thanks I'm glad it turned out to be the simple windows fix. :) If there are any other problems you have don't be scared to ask
  22. Full instructions from Microsoft here, and if if you don't mind report back to us please whether or not this solves your problem,
  23. Hi sycho I think that the first thing to try is a system restore back to a point before this problem started, and see where we go from there. you may also want to consider changing your RAM so that it is more evenly balanced, as it will work better that way, but I don't think that this is causing your immediate crashing problem.
  24. Hi and welcome, well your off to a good start, now you have worked out how to post, you can ask how to do the rest :) First computer I had, I had to ask how to turn it on :) so we all have to start somewhere
  25. Hi just a quick recap to make sure I understand right, You think that this problem started before you replaced the RAM. I'm assuming you mean Dual-Channel DDR2 SDRAM (533MHz), Can you confirm if this is correct. and could you also confirm that you have replaced the RAM or Just added to it? and if you have replaced the RAM can you tell us why?
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