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Everything posted by Match

  1. The blue one on the right
  2. Right just disabled the screen saver, no good, as for the Docking station its in a tower system not a laptop, if that's what you meant by docking station? O and yes It's just the screen settings that are resetting as far as I know. or can tell.
  3. Sorry Goku wish it was that simple, yes it sets the size/refresh rate but as soon as I reboot it reverts back to 800 X 600 at 65 hertz :( I go through that procedure a lot except I normally just right click on the Desktop, at first I thought it might be because of a conflict between the vista and Nvidia control panels, but I was told that the Nvidia control panel just links to the vista settings.
  4. I find that using a soft log bristled wooden handled paint brush taped to the end of the vacuum pipe most effective, as just using the brush seemed to just move the dust around and just using the vacuum meant getting to close to components, where as using this method the vacuum sucks up the dust and the brush moves it off the components while the wooden handle isolates the brush from the vacuum. the reason I tape the brush to the pipe is that I leave the PSU plugged in but turned off so as when I'm holding the case I'm grounded, and after cleaning I check that all the cards and CPU are seated correctly.
  5. Sorry the news is bad tried un-installing the old drivers installing the new, still the same, resets the screen settings on re-boot :(
  6. ok you posted while I was posting , I'm downloading it know I'll Install it and keep you Posted :)
  7. The current drivers that are installed are Nvidia Dell
  8. Yes I am Using Nvidia driver from the Nvidia site. Dell Drivers from the Dell site. but I have also tried the Generic Vista Drivers. Thanks for your interest
  9. Hi everyone had this problem for a while, but as been as I'm new here thought that it would be a good place to start with. Right I'm running a AMD 64 duel core CPU on a Abit AN52 mother board with an Nvidia Gforce 8400 GS graphics card using Vista ultimate 32 bit OS with 2 Gig of RAM and a Dell E773p monitor problem is that everytime I reboot the pc the screen resolution and refresh rate resets to 800 X 600 and the refresh rate resets to 60 Hertz Call me idle but I find having to set it back to 1024 X 768 at 75 Hertz annoying I've tried updating and reinstalling the drivers, and deleting them totally before reinstalling them, searching the net I've found that this seems to be a common problem with Nvidia and Vista but no one seems to have an answer yet! just wondering if anyone can shed some light on this problem whether or not it is a Vista problem or if there is something in the Bio's that can be change to resolve it Thanks in advance to anyone who posts a reply. :)
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