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Everything posted by Match

  1. Hi DTSM I really hope to get down there on a visit a some point but I don't see it happening till my Kids leave school, my Mom's been down three times and says how nice it is, and from what my Sis says the life style is a lot better than here.
  2. are you sure that it was just that capacitor that had gone or if any of the other circuitry had been damaged, and what did you use to unsolder the old component and resolder the new one in?
  3. Processor ...........AMD AM2 Athlon 64 5000+ Brisbane Core, Dual Core 2.5GHz MotherBoard...... Abit AN52 Ram ..................2GB (2x1GB) Corsair TwinX XMS2, DDR2 PC2-6400 (800) Graphics Card ....256MB Gigabyte 8400GS Hard Drive .........160 Gb Hitachi 0Y30006 Deskstar T7K160 DVD R/W ...........Pioneer DVD-RW DVR-111D ATA Case .................Asus TA-861 Black Midi Tower Case w/o PSU Power Supply ....550W EZcool Silent pPFC Power Supply Asus X70 4pipe CPU Cooler Operating system Windows Vista Ultimate 32 Bit This PC came together for a little under £270, and is mainly used for Internet Access and a little gaming, the main problems I've had with it are a conflict between the graphics card and Vista, which results in loosing screen settings after a re-boot, however after reinstalling for some reason the GPU thinks it has two monitors connected which seems to have sorted this out, the other slight niggle I have is that it gets rather warm when converting video files, but as I only do this once every full moon, I've never worked out if its the system or the CPU that triggers the alarm, and thus as yet haven't bothered to sort this problem out. But for what I paid and what I use it for I think that this is a good system.
  4. The idea of this thread is for it to develop into a reference tool, if you would be so kind as to post your machine specifications, or if you just bought it from the man at the shop because that's what he said you needed, then post the make and model, and if your really nice give us some idea what you use it for, and if you think it does the job for you. If you use the forum on a regular basis you can also link to this thread to save having to post what specification your machine is. Hopefully this thread could also help people looking for a new machine, on there choice of components, or what machine their considering buying.
  5. Thanks for the warning beeceebee, their is a lot to be said for Automatic updates, but it does'nt hurt to check the update history to make sure :)
  6. I think what your looking for is the windows live mail and messenger you should be able to find them here Hope this is of some assistance.
  7. Yes you can. I know this because I've got one just like it all the way from Australia :) but I believe that you need a Video Authoring Application like Nero or NCH, maybe some one here can recommend the best one for you as I Haven't tried to do this yet myself. but saying that I just had a quick look at the Nero 9 trial version and that looks pretty easy.
  8. So your in West Penrith? not that far at all from my sis!
  9. Hey DTSM Your Australian (No Sarcastic comments I'm new round here :)) But still say Hi to my sis for me, if you stand on the blue mountains with a big Banner she should be able to see you :)
  10. There's no particular reason why I'm scanning just reading through the posts and thought I'd have a look, after having a look thought that there might be other people like me that use other web browsers, Just basic curiosity really. I've been caught out a couple of times and I'm a firm believer in over kill. so generally I have ether two drives or one partitioned so that all the programs and OS get kept on C, and all documents, media etc are kept on E, first sign of infection that has got past my AV and C gets Formatted as like last week :( (no excuse for complacency)
  11. Hi all Thought it was about time I introduced myself to all you regulars here, and to anyone else that wants to know who I am for that matter. I ended up here after a quick Google, and must say that I was pleasantly surprised to find a site like this at the top of the list. I was expecting to find a sponsored site trying to sell me there products, to have that slot. But anyway I'm a bit of a refugee from a much smaller, similar site that due to being sold and sold again, and new owners appointing moderators that don't have a clue about managing a forum (that's not to say that they don't know about there relative fields of expertise). I decided that it was time to find pastures new with a more friendly atmosphere. and hence forth drifted in here. and after reading a number of threads thought that it was worth while sticking around. I'll not pretend to be an expert, but can find my way around a pc operating system (Windows), and with a few searches normally manage to sort out most problems that I encounter My interest in PC's dates back to my school days when I learnt on a Tandy TRS80, Sinclair Spectrum and BBC Micro (If you Don't know what I'm talking about that means I'm Older than you). and after leaving school my interest got shelved, till I decided to pay for a colledge course and 3 years later and a lot of pound notes I got a Btec Certificate in Micro processors & Electronic principals, and with this in hand I decided that a carrier change was in order. and so got myself a job as a Bookbinder and again shelved my interest in PC's, some time later in life with an excess of money I decided to get a friend to Build me a PC, just in time for the launch of the telewest broadband in the UK. and after getting married and devorced Two PC's later I'm here. My friend that built my original PC now runs a Rock Band giging in UK pub's with it's own web site and forum that I help 'Moderate' (If thats the right word for it. as I can't remember when we had someone outside the band post on it. other that your usual spam bots) and I look after the PA and sound mix juring the gigs (Sorry if you thought I was going to be a musician, just basically the roadie.)
  12. In fact after having a quick look it would seem that there are quite a few to choose from so I will rephrase my first question to is there one that you would recommend.
  13. Hi just curiosity really, but I was just looking at this and thought I'd have a little play (Wouldn't believe how much trouble that gets me into) But anyway the thing is I hardly use Internet Explorer and normally use Firefox, and I was just wondering if there was a similar application that supports Firefox?
  14. Could you give us a little more information please, Make Model, Age if known how long you have had this problem and if you installed anything just before this fault appeared. If you Built or had the system custom built could you please tell us Motherboard make and type and the case make and type and whether or not the case came with a PSU or the PSU was bought seperatly PSU (Power Supply Unit) Thanks PS. Does your PC still boot up and what OS are you using might also be usefull
  15. Lol, and we moan about the roads not being cleared in the UK, sort of puts things into prospective really.
  16. It's reported on the BBC news this morning that Google have unveiled it's first major upgrade to its global mapping software. Users may now explore under the surface of the sea's, the expansion includes 20 content layers, and takes another step towards total coverage of the globe. link to the original report here
  17. I was looking for the collapse option then realised you was talking about turning off a PC :) I've got to admit though that since I have been using Vista I tend to turn my pc off more as it's now only two clicks (START/Power Button) compared to the XP (START/Shut Down Computer/Shut Down) So if Microsoft put a power button next to the start button in Windows 7 then I will probably turn it off all the time Yes guess you can call me Idle
  18. Tbh with the use of 'spiders' and 'bots' I think that you can add a multiplier of X100 if not X1000 to your figures I think that the current UK population is about 60million + so that's a lot of targets and as these people are normally from less regulated countries they don't have the legal constraints we have.
  19. Although I voted for plug left in, smack me round the face with a wet trout this Idea is brilliant. and more to the point with a little adaptation I'm sure I can come up with some sort of metallic bracelet that can be connected in the same way, and with the Live and Neutral wires removed must be the safest way. (sorry if your not from the UK and have no idea what I'm talking about)
  20. Sorry will do in future, but wasn't sure how you felt about post's with links to other sites, thanks for the warning, I'll get round to Introducing myself soon but as for now I think we need to get this thread back on track :)
  21. Good Point Plastic Nev, you can never be two vigilant as I found out the other night, after receiving what I thought was a link to a picture from a friend on windows live messenger, turned out to be a nasty little trojan!(Virus that allows access to your computer and passwords). that kindly slipped past my AV software, and then sent it self to everyone on my WLM list. Luckly enough I was able to contact everyone who rieceved it in time to stop it. But the point is you might trust the person with your Life but as in this case it wasn't them sending the link. and for the sake of spending 30 sec's to just ask the person what it was and if they had sent it then it would have saved me doing a complete re-install of my c drive, so here's some simple rules for the less experienced. O' and just to add I no longer recomend AVG Antivirus!! Original Article
  22. Hi as events unfold life gets interesting? what happened is I picked up a nasty little bug through windows live messenger and ended up formatting C, just to make sure. however curiously when I reinstalled, my graphics card now thinks I have now got two monitors!, and low and behold the problem is solved. If any one can offer an explanation, or even better tell me how to fool it into thinking it has two monitors without having to reinstall again, that would be great. but for now I'm just going to leave it alone :)
  23. Well lol if I whip out the Nvidia card I will get no signal displayed on the monitor. I know this because the only two ports I have to plug the monitor into are on the card link to a picture and review
  24. The Graphics card driver is: Provider NVIDIA Driver Date 14/1/2009 Driver Version The monitor Driver is: Provider Dell Inc Driver Date 3/10/2003 Driver Version The Nvidia driver is the one you linked me to yesterday and the Dell monitor driver is from the dell site. However I only installed the monitor driver after this problem started, till then it was a Generic monitor driver. the thing is Wolfeymole mentioned an error which reminded me that the first time it happened I got an error message in the boot up screens, thing is though I never got chance to read it and I don't know what I'm looking for in the Bio's, and its not happened again since.
  25. No I haven't, but I'll get one and give it a go. and then let you know unless someone can come up with another suggestion :)
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