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Everything posted by Trazza

  1. Hi Dalo, according to the info in computer information I have 1024MB of Ram. Is this not enough?
  2. Hi Nev my security is Norton and as for the screen shot the message only appears for about 3 - 5 seconds and like it says on my profile i am a dummy when it comes to computers, I wouldn't know where to begin to "post a screen shot". If you would care to advise me how to do this I would be very gratefull Thanks Trazza
  3. Hi can anyone shed any light on "high pcu usage". Several times a day I get this message popping up on my screen and I dont understand why. I have cleaned the pc thinking that it could be the reason and although it was really dusty inside it doesn't seem to have made any difference. I am running XP home with service pack 3 and everything seems to be ok except for this message. I dont like borrowing trouble but if this is a problem I would like to try and solve it out before there is any damage done. Many thanks for reading this thread and any help would be gratefully accepted Trazza
  4. Thanks got it all working now. Trazza
  5. Hi all another update. After great research I found out that I was only on xp service pack 2 so downloaded service pack 3 and found that I am missing "IDT high definition audio CODEC which I have tried several times to repair ending up deleting it then reinstalling it, but still to no avail. In the device manager it still has a yellow queastion mark against it. Is there anyone who can help me please as this is driving me insane. Thanks Trazza
  6. A bit more info the device manager sound video and game controllers don't have any yellow exclamation marks but there is one that is yellow but again don't know what it is. It says PCI device whatever that is. When I go to the dell site it is telling me all the different drivers that need updating but won't allow me to do it saying that "the application is missing required files" Hope this will help you help me Thanks Trazza
  7. Hi Nev Here is an update on my problems. sorry I couldn't get back to you last night but my daughter took her laptop out with her so i had no connection. Since last talking to you I found another disk with drivers on and basically found the wireless drivers ect and am now able to accsess the net but it seems that I now have no sound only an annoying beep when I do something the laptop doesn't like. When I go to sounds and audio device properties it says "no audio device " went to msinfo32exe and when I went to system infomation then sound device the page was blank. I have tried everything I know but to no avail I dont even know which sound card i'm supposed to have. when I connected to the Dell site to try and find out it asks for my service tag which I entered but it got too complicated then asking me to update drivers but when I tried it said it was not downloaded correctly but I don't know why not. Once again thanks and I hope to hear from you soon. Trazza
  8. Hi Plastic Nev I am using the disk that came with the machine. I have done this before on a similar machine and everything went like clockwork but this time I don't really know what has gone wrong. Here is a list of the problems 1 When reinstalling it never asked for my product key 2 Now i have no network drivers (keeps telling me to connect to the internet to download them) 3 Have put every cd that came with the machine and still missing about 7 drivers 4Whilst i was reinstalling on the first laptop I think it asked me if i wanted to delete the existing partition (can't actually remember what i did) but this time it didn't so i am thinking I have done something wrong Please help
  9. when reinstalling windows xp should I delete all the exsisting partitions and start again or just create a new one in NTFS. Thanks in advance Trazza
  10. Hi all thanks for your help. Avast is now installed on my laptop. The problem was with some settings on the laptop and after putting things right there Avast was loaded and is now running fine.
  11. I had AVG on main pc and didnt like it changed to AVAST and thought it was really good and now want it on my laptop as well. Seems you cant always get what you want
  12. Hi Erik went to the link you supplied but thats all I can do . when i hit the download free 5.0. button nothing happens. thanks anyway
  13. can anyone recomend another free antivirus please . I dont want AVG as the only reason for using avast was problems with AVG. I dont want the laptop unprotected for any longer than I have to Thanks once again Trazza
  14. Tried from the link you supplied and again the same ouycome but I have noticed that when I click the download now button the box that appears saye "you have chosen to open setup_av_free.exe which is a binary file from http//software-files.l.cnet.com would you like to save this file? I then have the option to either save file or cancel Thanks Trazza
  15. Hi Dalo that is where I have been going. I've tried to get it from Avast, PC World and C.Net all with the same outcome
  16. The file is nowhere on the laptop. Ive done a search and avast cannot be found anywhere. when I go to the help with downloading avast page it says there should be an option to RUN OR SAVE and they recomend save but my options are SAVE OR CANCEL there is no run option so I save. I am obviously doing something wrong but I can no longer see the wood for the trees.
  17. I am not getting the box which says save to just save or cancel. when i hit save my downloads window opens but as soon as it finishes downloading it disapears. I have tried looking in programs to see if it's there but it's not. when I go to my search option and type in search for avast it's not there. for some reason I seem to be unable to download it properly and I have tried six times now. Please if you have any more suggestions feel free any and all help would be appreciated. Thanks once again Trazza
  18. Hi all can you please help me. I have a dell laptop xp edition which my son has given me and when I switchd it on it said that avg had expired. On my desktop I have avast and really like it so I wanted to install on my laptop. I went to the free avast install site, downloaded the programe and clicked save. I then deleted avg via add/rmove programs and went to set up the avast scans ect, but i cant find it on the laptop so I am now running with no antivirus. does anyone know what i am doing wrong, hopefully before I get any viruses. Thanks Trazza
  19. Hi, I am using outlook express. What I am trying to do is this. When I am on the internet and I want to open a new tab I press control and T and hey presto a new tab appears (brilliant) and what I was wondering is whilst surfing the internet and I have to put my email address in to get replys etc is there somthing like control and Z I could press and my email address would automatically appear in the field. Many thanks Trazza
  20. Hi there can anyone help please. My pc runs with windows xp home edition and I was wondering if anyone knows of a way to just press a key and your email address would be inserted into your text. I only know a few shortcuts and i think they are very user friendly and as I am such a slow typer having this set up would be a great help. Many thanks Trazza
  21. Hi all, wonder if anyone can give me advice please. My brother has asked me if I can set up his router for him but when the router arrived it said that I had to connect it via the yellow cable. The router is a sky one and he has only got 2 laptops in the house and does not want one to be permanently plugged in.. Can anyone give step by step details of how I should set this up please. Included with the router is a mains plug, a grey wire to plug in the phone line a yellow cable 2filters an installation cd
  22. Thanks very much for your prompt reply Randy. I will do as you suggest and do a scan occasionally or if i think there may be a proble. Regards Trazza
  23. Hi , I am opening a new thread as the old one was to do with AVG. Today I have downloaded Avast antivirus and zonealarm firewall (both free editions) and removed AVG from my pc. I ran a thorough scan and it came back ok. What I need to know is can I set Avast up to run schedual scans or do I not need to do this.
  24. ok guys I am going to be brave and download avast and zonealarm and get rid of AVG. I just hope you will all be here with your advice when I need it.
  25. Hi cpw this is the setup I had on my pc.Free AVG9.0 and zonealarm firewall. I got rid of both and put comodo on but would really prefare AVG as I understand it better. Do you think if I put AVG back on with a different firewall it would work better?
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