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Everything posted by Trazza

  1. Hi all thank you very much for your replies and the time taken to do them. I think I was probably worrying for nothing as when I went to comodo's help page it explained that the "network" I was worrying about was actually the network via my router so I have told it to allow the connection. It's not that I do any banking or entering personal numbers via the internet, just the usual e-bay and web surfing so I dont think I need super duper security, just normal protection. Other than that it seems fine but I am hoping AVG will soon sort itself out then I can go back to that as I understood it much better and then I will reinstall zonealarm also. Once again thanks for your time.
  2. Hi all I did take Randy's advise and installed another anti virus ect, I installed comodo which says it's a anti virus and a firewall but as I dont really understand much about pc's it is confusing me. When I switch the pc on I keep getting a box appearing which wants me to connect to a network and asking whether or not I trust the other pc's in this network. As far as I know I did'nt think I was part of a network or am I misunderstanding things. The IP address is showing as 192.168.0.(dont really know if I should put the other numbers down cos I may be telling everybody how to get into my pc i'm paronoid I think). Anyway any more advice would be greatly appreciated even if it's download an easier security suite to understand (you would have to tell me which though cos it's a minefield out there and I could very easily get my legs blown off)
  3. well I got the name comado from the link above off Randy. the people who help run this site apparently recommend it.
  4. sorry but here is another question regarding above. If I install comado(it says it comes with a firewall) do I still need to install a antispy/malware programe or is the comado a complete security package?
  5. Just had a look at the above link and I think that comodo looks ok is it still recomended and my bigger concern is can I safely download it with no current anti virus in place
  6. Has anyone else had issues with AVG?
  7. Can someone please advise me on a free anti virus and firewall sites. Up till last week I had AVG 8.5 and it was fine but I got a message to upgrade to 9.0 as 8.5 was not offering further updates. I did this and from then on my pc worked like a snail. Yesterday I had had enough so I uninstalled AVG via add/remove programs and installed Virgin PC Guard. It seemed to work fine but after shutting down the pc and later starting it again I lost the antivirus part of the security. Today I have been in touch with virgin and basically after nearly 2 hours of remote assistance they have decided that they cant fix it and they will TRY to call me later if they have any ideas. Sorry about the rant but all I want is some basic security for my pc. All we do on the pc is surf the net ie ebay ect so no banking or downloading music and films ect and no naughty sites so come on guys and gals Keep my faith in this site alive and please please advise me on what to install or if anyone knows where i can download AVG 8.5 from i would be very gratefull
  8. Thanks for the advice Bee Cee Bee I will have to do that I suppose but in all fairness printer and photocopier are working just fine so i've got to the stage of saying why bother. Will probably do it early next week when i've got more time to sort it out, (and not feeling so darn well frustrated with it). Thanks again
  9. Thanks for advice, did this but my "camera's and Scanners"is totally empty.
  10. In reply to the last 2 post's. sorry for the delay but spent all last evening on the site maynardvdm suggestedd, but still no joy. In answer to snow when i go to device manager there are no epson entries and I have also realised that imaging device which was there when I started to sort this out has now dissapeared. I know it was definatly there as I was advised to check the epson settings within imaging device and there was an exclamation mark against it.
  11. Still not got this sorted. Tried different things all day and nothing. What do you think to me connecting printer to my laptop maybe to see if it will work. At least I will know if it's my pc or not.
  12. Great any help would be gratefully received
  13. I have done as you say and the start up type was already set to automatic but when you say click on start then apply the only box i can select is stop
  14. Hi all hope you can help me, I am running windows xp home edition and have an epson dx7450 all in one printer. Today for the first time in about a year I tried to use my scanner but it would'nt start kept saying epson scan cannot be started (printer and photocopier working normally) so i uninstalled all the epson programs via the add/remove programs and tried to reinstall it. I now have exactly the same issue cant get the scanner to work. went to the epson webchat where they recomended i try uninstalling/re-installing again whichi did they then said 1. Click on Start > Control Panel (if necessary select ‘switch to classic view’). 2. In the Control Panel window double click on the Administrative Tools icon and then the Services icon. 3. In the Services window scroll down the list in the right hand pane until you can see the Still Image Service. 4. Right click on the entry and click start. Close all the windows down and try using Epson Scan again. My problem is I can't find the Still Image Service. It's not there can anyone help please or does anyone know a easier way to fix my problem. sorry for the long post but i'm now stumped
  15. Hi i have uninstalled the latest update from windows by following your instructions and decided to try and see if ie7 would work, guess what everything seems normal again. when i rebooted the pc i could accsess mozilla via my icon and ie7 via the internet explorer button. Thanks once again for all your time and help, it is much appreciated. trazza
  16. Hi I have done this and still the same problem. Could it be something to do with downloading service pack 3 and if so how can i rectify this?
  17. Hi all very sorry for the delay but my pc internet completly crashed at about 10.10am and it has taken me this long to get back on. To reply to the last few messages in reply to maynardvdm I do not get an error message there is not time to display one and in reply to RandyL here goes, ie8 has been removed from pc now as it was the problem why my pc crashed this morning acording to my isp who eventually got me up and running again, ie7 will now not start i click the icon and as soon as it opens it closes itself down, (at the moment i am going through mozzila firefox) my web page is google, System restore completed but made no difference it took me back to ie7 which does not work, service pack 3 was installed in the same update as ie8 so dont know which was first, I have no idea on the java but if you have to do it manually then no no updates, I have popup blockers. Once again sorry for the time to reply but it was beyond my control also sorry about the writting have'nt got a clue what happend there. Thanks trazza
  18. Tried it anyway and it said that if i uninstalled ie8 my pc would just go back to the previous ie i was using. Guess what ----------- It did just what it said on the tin I am back to ie7 and its not working am having to update windows again just so i can get on the internet. (just so your not confused am on my sons laptop at the moment whilst mine is updating) Thanks trazza
  19. I know how to uninstall ie8 my only problem is that when i have uninstalled it i can no longer accsess the internet to download ie7 and if i could it does'nt work anyway.:(
  20. Hi all I am having a problem with my internet explorer. My system is xp home. Yesterday there was an update icon on my pc and my husband clicked on it thinking it was just an operating system update but in actual fact it was to update to ie8. when i saw this i tried to stop the download and it seemed to work but when i tried to go on the internet it would just shutdown after 1 second. Decided drastic measures where needed so firstly I tried to do a system restore (no difference). I couldnt come on here cos i had no internet so as my e-mail and messenger were still working I got my son to download ie7 and send it me via msn. I then uninstalled my ie7 via add/remove programs then reinstalled it from the msn download. Still when I tried to accsess the internet it shut down after 1 second. The only option left to me was to go to the help and support section and update windows which i did. The only problem is now i have got ie8 and loads of people are saying that it's not as good as ie7 at the moment. I really would like ie7 back. Has anyone heard of this problem before and if so do you know how to sort it. Many thanks trazza
  21. Thanks everyone for all your help. Laptop is now working fine and I managed to delete all but the latest system restore, hopefully getting rid of the problems I had stored there :)
  22. Thanks for replying so quickly BeeCeeBee. Now i understand what you mean. As for the quote thingy I havent been able to suss that out at all, when i want to post a quote all i can do is paste then copy it on to my board so you are doing much better than me. As it says after my name I am pc Illiterate (and I think that is probably an insult to the average pc user) Once again Thanks very much for your time.
  23. Hi I am really hoping that your last reply was meant for someone else because otherwise I dont understand what you are talking about.
  24. Hi again BeeCeeBee Thanks for your reply. I have never lost the restore points (when I go into system restore they are all there even the one after dell flashed the bios) the problem is that when i choose one in normal mode and tried to restore it said restoration incomplete no changes have been made to your computer. Is there any other way to see if system restore is working other than trying it If not I am going to leave it for now and hope for the best Thanks for all your advice it has been greatly recieved and appreciated
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