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Everything posted by Cobra

  1. Says Me, and 'everyone' doesn't add them between the compound and heatsink. I would never do such a thing.
  2. NEVER place anything between the heatsink and CPU except heatsink compound. Since very small foreign particles (dirt, fingerprints, etc.) can interfere with proper heat transfer from the CPU to the heatsink, a temp sensor could prove disasterous.
  3. A 4830 requires a 450 watt PSU. Your computer's PSU is only rated at 250 watts. You will have to upgrade the PSU before getting a better card. ATI Radeon™ HD 4800 Series - System Requirements
  4. A common misconception regarding Dual or Quad core processors is that they run twice or four times as fast as a single core CPU with the same clock speed. That is simply not true. A quad core CPU @ 2GHz is not the same as a single core CPU @ 8GHz (if such a speed was available). "Unlike clock speed increases, multiple cores don’t scale linearly. While a 2ghz CPU is twice as fast as the same CPU at 1ghz, a quad-core CPU is not four times as fast as a single core." Read more here: Do you need a Quad-core CPU? Geeks to Go! – Tech experts answer your questions and here: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/252977-28-quad-core-single-core-games
  5. Cute pic, JB. Little B has some major dimples. :)
  6. I ran KIS for 2 years on all of my computers and never had a problem with it slowing down anything. It is possible to get carried away with setting some monitoring to aggressive levels and experience a slowdown on older/slower systems, but default settings s/b fine.
  7. From the Sky Tech News story: "It[sic] likely to be free so it'll be attractive to all hardware manufacturers, so we should see a good range of netbooks running Chrome OS in the second half of 2010," he told Sky News Online." Free would be a good start, and will likely cause people to overlook some quirks if and where they might exist.
  8. I hope they succeed because competition is a good thing for customers, but I see a long uphill battle for Gooooooooogle. Heck, I'm just now getting comfortable with Win 7 RC and have never used Vista. I'm an old dog and don't enjoy learning new tricks.
  9. JB, I've got an Atari 5200, about 20 games, plus an adapter to play the 5 or so 2600 games I have. It's mint, and probably worth $2.00 to a collector. LOL. I used to call in sick to work just to play the thing.
  10. Maybe I overlooked the post, but have you followed Wolfeymole's advice to: *Right click My Computer *Left click manage *Double left click Storage (in the large window on the right) *Double left click Disk Management (local) *and check to see if the drive is listed at the bottom of the right side window.
  11. It's not showing up IN My Computer because the drive hasn't been formatted. If you just follow the directions at the link I provided, after you're through it will show up unless there are other issues with your system..
  12. Has the new HDD been formatted?? How to Format a Hard Drive With Windows XP | eHow.com
  13. 1st pic: The day before Hurricane Katrina arrived @ my house (~180 miles north of the Gulf of Mexico). 2nd pic: A few hours before the storm peaked, well after it's stength had subsided since moving inland. Winds were gusting to ~70mph, and they officially reached 90+ mph (in my area) later in the day. Notice the rain is dripping off the roof at an angle. Hurricane Katrina - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  14. You might warn I4n to bring a portable tornado shelter. http://www.pchelpforum.com/images/smilies/001.gif We have such "breezy" weather here in middle America.
  15. ?????????????????????????????????
  16. I see a few settings I run differently with my Gigabyte boards. The one that stood out the most is your choice of "Turbo" under Performance Enhance instead of "Standard". The problem here is that you're asking BIOS to overclock your manual overclock when system demands increase. This will limit your ultimate CPU speed (max O/C), and cause problems such as spontaneous reboots.
  17. Those are all good questions and ideas because I asked/tried them a couple of years ago when deciding to try this O/C thing. BTW, I'm sure of CrystalCPUID's qualifications. SpeedStep is definitely working. I use various programs to monitor temps & CPU speed/multiplier application, including but not limited to: Core Temp, Right Mark CPU Clock Utility, PC Wizard 2008, CPU-Z, etc. I found this some time ago and found it worth adding to my references: Sticky: Core i7 and Core 2 Temperature Guide
  18. FWiW, I made a mistake in the last post (got my 'puters mixed up. :confused:). The RAM is 4GB of G.Skill '1066' @ 1069MHz & 5-5-5-15 timings. Like I said, nothing fancy.
  19. I have an e5300 in one of my computers. I always run Speedstep and auto everything (regardless of the board/CPU) once I do all the manual experimentation and playing around. In this case, 3.67GHz @ 1336FSB is fine for my use. I use the factory cooler which came with a q6700. RAM is a slightly different story. This computer has 2GB Corasir XMS2 @ 1100MHz & 5-5-5-15, nothing fancy there. Prime95 will run for as long as I care to test with it. CPU temps top out @ 59C under 100% load.
  20. Hahahahaha..............That's a good one. @ Randy, do you suffer from OCD??
  21. I want to vote 2 more times since I have 3 Gigabyte boards in use. :cool:
  22. Toshiba Corolla SR5 Liftback.....................
  23. That should have started with FWiW, not FFiW..................
  24. FFiW, I've got my 'jukebox' going and have listened to: Deep Puple - Lazy & Rat Bat Blue Allman Brothers - Southbound Van Halen - Ice Cream Man, Eruption, & Jump Steely Dan - Aja Blackfoot - Train, Train Three Dog Night - Try a Little Tenderness Rare Earth - Born to Wander Eric Clapton - Five Long Years Gary Moore - The Sky is Crying (Live) and such.......................
  25. Old country folk here still refer to getting married as "Jumping the broom."
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