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Everything posted by zinglebarb

  1. Did you do any of the rest I suggested ? The freeze ups and reboots would corrupt the partition table the fact it boot sometimes and then doesnt others to me points to a hardware issue
  2. Is the ram overclocked. The ram tends to be the first to fall over. Are you on stockcooling? what I would do is slacken the ram timings first and test with something like Prime95. If it still falls over I would tweak the vcore a notch or 2 and I would set the Vdimm to its operational maximum. Also have a look at what other voltages your bios allows you to tweak one often forgotten when overclocking is the northbridge
  3. Right click my computer select properties and then Advanced system settings then startup and recovery. Untick auto restart apply and close Right click my computer select manage then event viewer have a look around critical error and warning for any possible clues of these crashes. You say it loses the drive does this fix itself and the system works after a try or 2? this could be as simple as a bad cable or a failing hard drive |MG| EVEREST Free Edition 2.20 Download download and install this click computer then sensor and monitor the temps Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool download and burn this iso to disc with imgburn or nero and boot from it ( if you get a full screen logo at boot click the tab key and look for boot select menu hit the F key it points to and select cd rom) this will test the ram
  4. There is not an answer to this. Overclocking is never cut and dry.
  5. There will not be a pushing need to upgrade for years. If your system works well then dont fix what aint broke. My Vista X64 machine runs sweet as a nut I will run windows 7 and have done since early beta but as I run a caddy system I can swap as I wish
  6. That image is huge you may need to shrink it to make it usable. Reduced by 50% and converted to jpg
  7. What about GFX temps? does the PSU get hot?
  8. @OP you have added pictures so I am now unsure of what you need
  9. Well I just set up an account for wordpress and uploading images seems simple just published Zinglebarb's Blog in a couple of minutes is this not what you meant? just did that from quickpress
  10. not up on blogs either but can you not add an image. You could just source a rights free picture add you info to picture in paint then host it on photobucket.
  11. Try this I tested it on a Vortual machine and it didnt work but it might on a proper OS.Boot from the Vista dvd and select repair my computer get into advanced and select command prompt type sfc /scannow and see if it works as I say it might not If I have to ill install and exact match for your computer in VMware service pack it up and source you the dll that way
  12. I take it you didnt rename the old one? in future rename so the old one you would call authui_old.dll did you have any service packs installed? was it 32 bit ?
  13. Your CD drive or DVD drive is missing or is not recognized by Windows or other programs try this
  14. What you will need to do I think is somehow copy a virgin file to replace the modded one. you can source the file here authui.dll: Information about Process authui.dll scan it first. Ok now to get the file copied over hmmmmm .This is where it gets fun for you. It can be done using a live cd operating system and the easiest to get hold of will be Ubuntu. There are full instructions of how to mount the hard drive here Use Ubuntu Live CD to Backup Files from Your Dead Windows Computer :: the How-To Geek Simply (thats a laugh aint it lol ) copy the dll into system 32 and as long as thats all that was changed hopefully the system will boot. I have done stuff like this before and in theory it should work its just if your upto it as its not the easiest fix Ubuntu Home Page | Ubuntu find the ubuntu iso here
  15. google crucial and your country ie crucial uk run the scan my system and this will tell you how much ram the system can take and its configuration. Then you can order some ram off the net and upgrade it yourself. Memory on 99% of laptops of seen has been childs play to upgrade and on 100% of towers
  16. did you try both addresses? if so then that proves that its not just a browser issue. Do you have your Tiscali sign in details and the easy set up cd? if so I would perhaps uninstall the Tiscali software and run the cd again. Do you have a date in system restore of about a month ago? if so it may be worth trying that
  17. when you say a new network address can you elaborate ? does it disconnect and reconnect ?
  18. press win key and r to get a run box type cmd type this command "ping www.bbc.co.uk" without the " and hit enter tell me what happens Change of address "ping extremetechsupport.com"
  19. so it dials and connects as before? you cant embed an image from your pc is has to uploaded to somewhere like Photobucket (which I prefer as it does not give you the spam like imageshack does )
  20. ok when you turn your computer on the modem being usb is not connected to the net(usually). There should be a dialer come on the screen with your details in that connects you to the web. What did it say in the connections setting in internet tools. Is there anything in system tray that relates to Tiscali?
  21. ok in internet tools click on advanced and reset both the options at the bottom of the box Does the modem connect to the pc via usb/ethernet or wireless?
  22. Is it a usb modem or a router modem? if it connects via usb then iirc you will need to actually log onto the modem did you used to get a dialer thats now missing? if so open a browser click tools internet options connections there should be an entry for your isp make sure its default set and the box always dial default connection is ticked If its a router press win key and r then in the run box type cmd then at the a:\ type "ipconfig /all" without the " and ensure there is a space after the g. Give use the default gateway address Edit you downloaded ccleaner on that pc? o a different one and moved it over
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