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Everything posted by danzil

  1. have you tried booting into safe mode and then doing a system restore.......what is the EXACT error you receive when doing a system restore. what opersting system are you using.
  2. ok is it windows sound that is the issue or all sounds....can you play cd's succesfully danzil
  3. ok.no worries....i take it you have access to broadband internet.. if you leave it with me,i will compress a xp cd and upload it so you can download it....... email me at dan.lancaster@bluebottle.com and i will send you the info on how to successfully get the CD. please state in your email if you need xp home or xp pro. kind regards danzil
  4. try this go to start>run and copy this in %windir%\ie7\spuninst\spuninst.exe then run it....does that help at all. kind regards danzil
  5. the error message you are recieving is to do with the following i believe... "and deep breath"and here goes... "medium speed error" and "power calibration error" messages are a problem that occurs with newer as well as older CD writers. These error messages mean that the CD writer can not write to the empty CD-R/DVDRW because it can´t adapt the laser output power to the power needed to write the CD-R. This may be have different causes some are as follows. 1)outdated aspi driver you can get a newer one from neros website http://www.nero.com/support then utilities i believe 2)firmware not able to use your cd's dvd's the only way to get new firmware is from the manufacturers site...please make sure you download the correct firmware for your drive model and revision check check then double check,flashing the drive with the wrong firmware could leave it unusuable. 3)dirty lense.......get hold of a cd lense cleaner and try cleaning it. 4)incompatible cd's dvd's try a different brand i hope that helps kind regards danzil
  6. hi. i am not going to show nor help you get a non genuine copy.....they are more trouble then they are worth and 9/110 times they are infected with various garbage anyhow so. here are some good places to look. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Microsoft-OEM-Windows-Home-Service/dp/B000GWKNH2 that is £60 i believe or http://www.eclipsecomputers.com/products.aspx?cat=35&subcat=159&brand=57&page=4 slightly cheaper. i may be able to find you a link to an untouched legit cd but i am unable to provide the product key.. sorry i can not be that much help i dont want to break any laws.....or rules of this forum. where about do you leave are you uk based or over seas......i have some xp original cd's i may be able to mail you one....or zip it and upload it to my server so you can FTP it off. kind regards danzil
  7. can you right click my computer>mange he go to event viewer>system can you see any red crosses in there,,if so what are they refering to.. have you install all the relevant VISTA motherboard + chipset drivers. drivers. what make of motherboard do you have... was these parts new.it may be worth downloading memtest and running that to test your ram... get in from http://www.memtest86.com. please provide as much info as possible so we can help diagnose your issue. kind regards danzil
  8. mmm i do not use clam win...but there should be an option to delete it or quarantine it... when it has completed a scan does it not say removed,quarantine etc. Alternativly download a 30 day trial of nod32 fromm http://www.eset.co.uk probably one of the best anti virus products out to date (my opnion) try browsing there web site for faq and how to's http://www.clamwin.com danzil
  9. download ccleaner and run that too.(http://www.ccleaner.com)this will remove all temp files and also cleans out other junk too...be aware this will delete your internet history too... kind regards danzil
  10. can you uninstall firefox...then reinstall it.....and DO NOT import internet explorer settings.....see if firefox will donload any files then.. what version of internet explorer are you using.....have you ran all the relevant anti virus scans etc...... have you also checked your security settings in your browsers. strange one this.... try re-installing internet explorer default settings go to tools>internet options>advanced then run the reset in there...... if that doesnt work then try a cmd line repair. go to start then run and copy this into it withou the qoutes. "rundll32.exe setupapi,InstallHinfSection DefaultInstall 132 %windir%\Inf\ie.inf" you may be prompted for the xp cd.. give that a try then post back kind regards danzil
  11. ok can you untick these items,,,they are not needed to be ran at startup... picture package vcd maker. picture package menu nclaunch qttask reader _sl sprtcmd jusched realsched dumprep 0-k aq3hel~ there is 2 spyware entries in there so hopefully this will stop them... as for the "warning cant open file hiberfil.sys and pagefile.sys." do not worry these are system files and cannot be scanned usually anyhow... have you had clamwin remove the gba 140.exe dialer....if not please do so.. can you uninstall your itunes and try an older version for me..i know there is a lot of issues with new version. you can get the older version from here .... http://www.filehippo.com/download/a6df88b958dcd78460d1681bc0009ce3/download/ kind regards danzil
  12. ok.. when you load up outlook what is the message you get....can you see hte email account to edit it..... if NO then you will need to reset it up.....the only thing i can think of (why its asking for an ip address) is that you are setting it up for microsoft exchange,,,,if it asks you what emaila ccoutn to set up try choosing pop3. then running through that.....things to remeber, most email providers use your email address as your account name...your passowrd is usually the same as your dial up/ broadband password..and i believe virgin use the following pop3 server = mail.virgin.net and smtp server = mail.virgin.net here is a link on how to set up email with virgin http://www.virgin.net/helpme/email/
  13. have you tried re -importing intrernet explorer settings...i do not use firefox that much but hey it may be worth a try... kind regards danzil
  14. glad you have found the fix.....thank you for posting back the solution,this may help others. kind regards danzil
  15. may or may not be relevant but can you download and install the latest driver for your printer.... also can we have the spec of your machine,and model of printer....... kind regards danzil
  16. when you set up this pc,did you add front audio to the pc (audio jacks on the case that connect to the onboard audio header in the mother board).. if so it may be wise to check to make sure all the connection are in the right place....if not this can cause all sorts of audio issues.... have you installed ny codecs and/or audio software lately.that may have caused this..... i didnt see this poost so sorry fo the late reply. kind regards danzil
  17. mmmm weird. so you have made all the sound settings in skype use the logitech web cam....but you can not use it when in a live chat...how strange....(thats if i understand correctly).. what model of acer laptop is it....is it the aspire or travelmate with the camera built in..(i know you use a stand alone one as well, jus an observation)..... i have a LOT to do with acer so if we can not find the solution i would be more then happy to call them for you.. have you seen if there are any driver updates for your webcam... can i have the model of the webcam so i can see if there is any compatibilty issue's with it.... can you try setting the webcam's audio as the default in windows>sounds and audio....see if that helps, i had this issue with an acer aspire and i had to set the windows audio playback, and recording as the webcam to get it to work with skype, msn, and trillian.but i got htere in the end.... try these things out then post back
  18. no worries.glad to help let me know how you get on mate. (no im form the uk not australia,i mention the word mate and people say,"are you from australia" ummm no gloucestershire hope all works out for you. thanks for the appreciation
  19. Hi CMC872, firstly how much space do you have left on your hard drive..... AVG (my opinion is no good),ty downloading a 30 day trial of nod32 (remove avg before installing) from http://www.eset.co.uk. download ewido form http://www.ewido.com and update that and run a complete system scan... right can you please give me the specs of your pc.ie memory size.hard drive size.cpu speed,and most importantly what operating system. to adjust the virtual ram do the following procedure.http://www.avid.com/onlineSupport/supportcontent.asp?browse=&productID=97&contentID=6999 post back in i an help more.. i will postback some mopre solutions in 1 sec... its my daughters 1st birthday so the door keeps being knocked and the bell is about to die.ha ha kind regards danzil sorry for any typos ,i wrote this to quick
  20. yes totally agree.a huge leap from millenium edition (window ME) to windows vista...... i say a lot of experience im only 26 years old.......whipper snapper.ha ha. bu hey 9 years not too bad well having html under your belt is a great thing...if you can right html then im sure you can do some hta apps which is excellent.this is a lot of money in web building im more into windows scripting host language wsh...like bat files and the like....i have got myself out of trouble qiuet a few times with the odd .bat file. did you help code this site,do you have any examples i would be interested in taking a lot. yes i like the idea of helping each other. till the next time RandyL take care. oh and yes the number 2 pencil's ha ha excellent,i still make the same amount of typo's with them as i do with the keyboard. Unfortunatly you dont get a delete key with a pencil kind regards danzil
  21. sorry i have completely missed this post... not sure i totally understand this one.is this your desktop icons,or every text. try this ok in vista if you go to start>then control panel...make sure oyu are in classic view. go to regional and language options> make sure everything in there is set to your correct language and location.i.e =UK. if this does not help then post back and i will try a few more suggestions. kind regards danzil
  22. update the one care scanner and do a full system overhaul with it...just incase you have any conflicting reistry entries lurking in there... anyway im glad you have no more blue screening. post back if it happens again. kind regards danzil
  23. Hi RandyL thank you for your very kind comments. i am glad i can be of help.i have been tinkering with pc's since i was 16-17 . i work as an IT engineer for a few corperate companies..and am head of the workshop where i work. so i see all sorts and feel its time to spread the knowledge. i can try my best to help with all aspects really,the only thing i dont do, is a lot of is programming...like php,java,vb. i can knock up the odd web page,and can do some server side coding. so if i can help anyone just make a post and i will reply. RandyL i too found it difficult to master vista especially when i was used to XP...i beta tested vista and didnt think i would be able to get on with it.....now i have the full release and realise just how good it is,and it is basically XP but all the wording has changed.and you have to go around the moon to meet the sun(my opinion). By any chance do you know anything about Vista? I recently had to get a new Windows computer. I'm ever so slowly working things out. let me know what you need i will try my best too help. once again thank you for your kind post RandyL i look forward to helping you, or chatting with you again kind regards danzil
  24. okey dokey. right try booting into safe mode.(tapping f8 constantly at computer startup) choose safe mode with networking...then once in your computer uninstall avg and download nod32 and ewdio ,they can be grabbed from the following places. nod32= http://www.eset.co.uk and ewido= http://www.ewido.com. update both of them and run complete sytem scans,remove everything found....then reboot into normal mode (just dont tap f8) and see if you still have this issue. if you do post back and i will help you some more. the above procedure should remove all nasties and any other crap on your hard drive. this will not effect your documents.unless they are infected which is unlikely. kind regards danzil if you cannot get into safe mode with networking then boot into safe mode and do a system restore,,,,,go to start>all programs>accessories>system tools>system restore...choose a date before this happened and restore. try these options
  25. just open the text files then copy n paste what it says in them.
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