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Everything posted by danzil

  1. you could try this open notepad and copy this into it..... Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\HideDesktopIcons\NewStartPanel] "{871C5380-42A0-1069-A2EA-08002B30309D}"=dword:00000000 save the notepad document as ie.reg. then right click the file and click merge. You will need to refresh the desktop to see the shortcut.(right click your desktop then click refresh. if you still have a txt document instead of a reg file you will need to do the following.go to my docs>tools>folder options>un tick "hide extensions for known file types". see if that works...also do you use the quick launch bar...right click you taskbar and click on quick launch,there may be a internet explorer icon in there. one other way to load internet explorer is to go to start>run and type in "iexplore.exe" that will load up your internet.i hope that helps.
  2. have you tried booting in to safe mode yet....try tapping f8 on windows startup and select safe mode,then trying removing avg,and rebooting if that doesnt work reboot into safe mode again and do a system restore.start>all programs>accessories>system tools>systme restore. post back if that doesnt help.
  3. have you ran all relevant scans on your pc for spyware,mailware etc...i had a friend that had an tftp dos box popping up occasionally and this turned out to be a virus. not saying yours is though,have you also tried updating your network card drivers.etc
  4. there are many other ways..you could put your new hard drive in a USB caddy and then use cloning software like ghost,casper xp.to copy the whole of the drive.or you could put the hard drive in another pc that has space for your master andd slave drive....why can you not add a drive???.what operating system are you using etc.we need specs really...a USB caddy would be the cheapest and easiest way though. i hope that helps a little
  5. what operating syem are you running and what is the game,have you tried right click the game executable file and running the game in compatibility mode for the operating the game was made for....
  6. try this site it may help you http://www.vistahunt.com/compare-windws-xp-with-windows-vista.html
  7. does anything show up in event vewier that may help pin point the problem....before it restarts do you receive any blue screening how ever quick....when it has restarted is there any messages (your system has recovered from a fault)that message may be able to guide us through helping you more.
  8. regarding the windows 98 updates,what is the exact error you are getting...you should still be able to download all your windows 98 updates,up until the date microsoft ceased support for it........i cant remember when that was now but it should say on there site...a silly question have you checked to make sure your date and time are accurate as to the dvd question what software are you playing it through and have you installed any codecs,and ass maynardvdm said is it a copied dvd.....
  9. to maually remove it you can try the following....best make a system restore point 1st.. To Manually remove InternetOptimizer: For the Crmrest installer variant, open the Downloaded Program Files folder (inside the Windows folder) and remove the 'Media Manager' entry. Open the registry editor (click Start > Run and enter 'regedit') and find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Delete the entries: 'DyFuCA' and 'DyFuCA Active Alerts'. Delete the subkey 'FCI' in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software to clean up. Open a DOS command prompt window (For Windows 98 click Start >Programs >Accessories, or for Windows 2000/XP click Start > Run, enter 'cmd'), and enter the following commands : For the Iopti variant: cd "%WinDir%\System" regsvr32 /u ..\iopti130.dll Or, for the Nem variant: cd "%WinDir%\System" regsvr32 /u ..\nem207.dll Or, for the Wsem variant: cd "%WinDir%\System" regsvr32 /u ..\wsem210.dll Restart the computer. Open the Windows folder, find and delete the following DLL file: 'ioptiXXX.dll' (Iopti variant) 'nemXXX.dll' (Nem variant) 'wsemXXX.dll' (Wsem variant). The XXX differs for different versions; common versions are 'iopti130.dll', 'nem207.dll' and 'wsem210.dll'.). or alternatvly download ewido ,uodate it and do a scan with that (complete scan),that will remove any nasties on your pc...here is the link http://www.ewido.net/en/download/ i hope that helps
  10. what operating system are you using? If it is windows XP then it should be a case of popping the windows cd into the computer (make sure bios is set to boot from cd first usually to get into the bios you tap the "delete" key or f2 when the computer has just turned on,ie post....power on self test),then you can either do a repair install (saving all your files),or doing a format and then install.with XP it is really self explanitory (spelling ??). if it is any other operating sytem then you will need to state it then i can try and help you further. i hope that helps. good luck oh yeah and hi to you all great forum.im a noob to these forums and hope i can bring my knowledge to you all.
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