to maually remove it you can try the make a system restore point 1st..
To Manually remove InternetOptimizer:
For the Crmrest installer variant, open the Downloaded Program Files folder (inside the Windows folder) and remove the 'Media Manager' entry.
Open the registry editor (click Start > Run and enter 'regedit') and find the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. Delete the entries: 'DyFuCA' and 'DyFuCA Active Alerts'.
Delete the subkey 'FCI' in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software to clean up.
Open a DOS command prompt window (For Windows 98 click Start >Programs >Accessories, or for Windows 2000/XP click Start > Run, enter 'cmd'), and enter the following commands :
For the Iopti variant:
cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u ..\iopti130.dll
Or, for the Nem variant:
cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u ..\nem207.dll
Or, for the Wsem variant:
cd "%WinDir%\System"
regsvr32 /u ..\wsem210.dll
Restart the computer.
Open the Windows folder, find and delete the following DLL file:
'ioptiXXX.dll' (Iopti variant)
'nemXXX.dll' (Nem variant)
'wsemXXX.dll' (Wsem variant).
The XXX differs for different versions; common versions are 'iopti130.dll', 'nem207.dll' and 'wsem210.dll'.).
or alternatvly download ewido ,uodate it and do a scan with that (complete scan),that will remove any nasties on your is the link
i hope that helps