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Everything posted by PseFrank

  1. I'm assuming that you where not given an OS disk. If this is true you should be able to repair your operating system with a disk borrowed from a friend. (It must be the same version of Windows that you have on your machine) You must however have your own Product Code. Do you have a product code sticker on your computer?
  2. Hello Mrs D... In my opinion your question has no definative answer. You could ask several people the same question and get a different answer each time. I think that it is more important for all computer users to think about how they use their own computer. Let me use an analogy... There is a certain Swedish car company that has a reputation for building strong and robust vehicles that have passenger safety at the heart of their design. There are also companys that build kit cars made of fibre glass and maybe plastic. If you own the Swedish car and drive around at 150mph all the time, then sooner or later you will crash!! And if you own a kit car and stick to 40mph or 50mph all the time, along with keeping it well maintained, then you increase your chance of never having a crash. Using a computer is just the same. The Swedish car driver (The best Browser) may visit every dodgy site on the internet...He may also never bother with a resident Antivirus program, or use an on demand Anti Malware program...He may well think that clicking every link in those strange emails is a perfectly safe thing to do. He will however find that sooner rather than later he will need the services of a PC repair man. The kit car driver (Any old Browser) who keeps his AV program up to date and doesn't use peer to peer (P2P) sites, and is careful which links he clicks on stands a far better chance of not running into problems with his/her computer. Having said all that, my personal choice of Browser is Mozilla Firefox. Other forum members here at Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help will also have their thoughts on this subject...It would be nice to hear from others as to what they think....
  3. Hi Woodtik Could you clarify for me whether or not you see anything at all on your monitor?
  4. Could you give us the exact make and model of your computer please. Is it an Asus? And also roughly how old it is? Which program/s did you use to try and get rid of the trojan that Kaspersky found? Do you have an operating system disk? (OS) Sorry about the questions...
  5. Late in the day now Seedy...but I hope you've had a good one...:-)
  6. Have you tried booting into Safe Mode...Can you boot into safe mode? You will will find the safe mode option in the same menu as Last known good configuration. It would seem that you still have Malware, so if you can boot in safe mode we'll hand you over to the Malware removal guys.
  7. My advice would be to wait for one of the Malware guys to turn up. Although the problems may often seem similar....the way to deal with them may be different...:-)
  8. I'm not much of a photographer, but this is the best pic I ever took.
  9. Glad you're sorted out Jim...We're all here to help each other...
  10. The shots where taken with Canon camera. Included in their software is a program called Photo Stitch (Cannot be purchased seperately). I marry the shots together with Photo Stitch and then move the image into Adobe Photoshop to tidy up and make sure everything is just so...:)
  11. There could be a bug in the works Jim...I don't know if you'll see this post either?
  12. Here's a panorama from the East of England. I took six shots to make up this picture. And of course it is The Ship Of The Fens...Ely Cathedral.
  13. Hello mij, it does sound like it could be a codec problem. In any case I would suggest that we go down that route before trying anything else. Click the link below to go to Cnet's Download.com site and download and then install the K-lite codec pack. Cnet is a safe site to download from. K-Lite Mega codec pack Let us know how you get on...
  14. Hello Amber, Can you tell us the exact model of your Acer computer please. And also, did it ship with Windows Vista?
  15. Hi xeldor, there's not alot of information to go on here. I think your PC has a recovery partition though. If it does you may have the option of restoring your PC to the factory default. It's been a while since I've done this on an Acer, but I think that when booting your computer in the normal way, as soon as you see the Acer logo Press Alt + F10 on your keyboard. You should see the options that are available to you. One of them being to restore to the factory default. Note: For users with Acer Laptops...you need only press F10. Before doing this you should first try and back up your personal files. You may still be able to start your PC in Safe Mode. To get to Safe Mode Press F8 after you see the Acer logo. Then choose Safe Mode from the options you see on the screen. If you are unable to get to Safe Mode, and have files that you do not want to lose. You may be able to gain access to them by removing the hard drive and placing it in a Caddy (External closure). Can you first tell us if you can get into Safe Mode...
  16. Hi xeldor, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help from the south east of England...
  17. Although I'm certainly not an expert on the subject matter in this thread, I think that for the benefit of those users who are not used to delving inside their computer towers/cases I'll just clarify a couple of things pertaining to Hard Drives. 1) Only IDE hard drives have jumpers that relate to Master/Slave configuration. The jumper its self will normally be found between the Data ribbon and the Power cable. Note: You can tell if your Hard Drive is an IDE drive because the Data Ribbon will be about 2 inches wide (50mm). 2) Where as a SATA hard drive does not have jumpers relating to the Master/Slave configuration. Its Data cable will be only about half an inch in width and is often yellow or red in colour. Note: On some SATA hard drives a set of jumpers will be found. But these jumpers control the speed of the SATA drive and not the master/slave configuration. Note: Mother boards that support SATA drives will often have two or even four small sockets for plugging in the data cables. (Seperate cable for each hard drive). However...this does not answer the OP's questions, but may help forum members who read this thread.
  18. Hi Bob...I've not come across this program myself. Have you used it yourself? And if so, do you recommend it? I'll perhaps give it a whirl myself, and report my findings back here in a couple of weeks. I'd also be interested to know how you came across this software?
  19. Hi Jayden, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. When you say you've checked the Bios battery, do you mean you've renewed it?
  20. Hello Lainey, I've had a look around on your behalf and have come up short. So my suggestion would be to phone Medions tech people and see what they have to say. You'll find the number at the link below. MEDION UK
  21. Glad you're sorted out Karen. Upgrading your RAM will have a big effect on how your computer performs. I think you're wise to stick to the programs you know and trust. Do be very careful of using any registry cleaners...even better still, don't use them at all. You can end up with a bigger problem than you had in the first place...
  22. Hi Sinbad, and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Now I know who to come to with my questions about MS Excel. Enjoy the forums...:-)
  23. Hi wrensolares Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. Just so I'm understanding what your problem is could you please clarify that you have a green light on the front of your moniter, but no sign of power to your computer tower? Forgive me if I'm being slow here... If your tower has no power, check at the back of it for a small rocker switch that has "0" on one side and "1" on the other. The switch must be set to "1".
  24. Many things have been mentioned in this thread, and of course the problem could be one or more of several things. Although it does sound like it could be broken/failing cabling. Here's another ten cents worth.... Problem: No picture on screen but computer seems to boot up correctly Before anything else, check all cables are plugged in correctly. 1) Boot the computer (Speakers/Volume ON). Do you here the Windows intro music? 2) Shine a bright torch directly at your screen. Can you see an unlit version of the Windows welcome screen, or your desktop icons? If the answer is yes to the above two questions, then it is almost certainly a screen problem (As apposed to a computer problem). 3) Connect an external monitor to your laptop to see if it works correctly. Note: After connecting an external monitor to a laptop it probably will not work straight off. If this is the case then you need to press a Function Key. Look for a key that has CRT/LCD or similar on it. Quite often this will be the F8 key. While holding down the Fn key press the CRT/LCD a couple of times to toggle different modes. Tip: Hold it down for a couple of seconds each time. Ok...so now you've proved beyond any doubt that it is your Laptop screen that is at fault. Now assuming that you cannot see any visible damage to your screen it will almost certainly be one of three things that is causing the problem. Depending on your fixing ability and experience you may decide to call the PC repair man at this point. Possible problem 1...Loose internal connection or damaged cable Note: Sometimes you cannot see that a cable is damaged. They need to be tested! Possible problem 2...The laptop Inverter has developed a fault or has died. Note: The Inverter controls the power that goes to the screens Backlight. The backlight is a very small version of a tube light (Same as on your kitchen ceiling). Possible problem 3...The screen Backlight tube has blown/died. Fixing difficulty: Zero to ten.........Ten being hardest Problem 1...If you have the correct testing equipment and some no how: Six Problem 2...Cost of new Inverter= About £20 (£10 for secondhand) Fitting: Eight Problem 3...Cost of new Backlight tube= Under £10....Fitting: Eleven Hope this helps some of you out....
  25. Hi oseyio One of our senior moderators has recently come across some free software that enables the user to install windows from a flash stick. This may be the way forward for you. Although you will need access to a computer with a dvd/cd drive that is working. Install Windows from a flashstick The software concerned is still in Beta (At the time of writing) but has been used by a staff member here with complete success. I myself have earlier today used the software to load my own copy of Win 7 Pro onto what is now a bootable flashstick. This will enable me to reinstall Win 7 should I need to do so.
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