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Everything posted by PseFrank

  1. Hi Sebastian, sorry you've been waiting so long for advice. I'm guessing that at least for some of the other forum members, that they're unsure as to what to advise you to do next. My own suggestion is that you check to make sure that the Virgin broadband site is not on Firefoxes exceptions list...Tools > Options > Security tab...and then under the Passwords section click on Exceptions to see what is on that list. The only other thing to try might be to clear all of Firefoxes recent history...CTRL + SHIFT + DELETE Choose Everything from the time range menu, and checkmark every box before hitting Clear now. Now go to each of your sites and see what prompts you get when logging in.
  2. Hey Synapse, be cool! We are all entitled to an opinion. Has it occured to you that not all the users here have the confidence to deal with a Beta program playing havoc with their computer should it turn out to have bugs (And they usually do). Please make your peace with the person you directed your comment towards. The decision is yours.....
  3. I'm so sorry that your investigations have not revealed the results you hoped for. Lets hope that the company in question does the honourable thing and reinburses you. Please let us know how that goes. I have taken the liberty of removing the company name from your post (At least for now). We don't want Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help to be accused of some sort of slander. I will seek advice from the sites administrators regarding the inclusion of the company name. Thankyou for your understanding.
  4. Try this link.......http://www.microsoft.com/genuine/office/whyvalidate.aspx After clicking the link, look over to the lefthand side of your screen and click the Validate now button. You may be asked to install a plugin...just follow the instructions.
  5. Thankyou Starbuck, I answered this morning before having to rush out for an appointment. I did think afterwards...how did he know the type of logger? So I do feel a bit stupid...Lol Thanks for the heads up..:-)
  6. Hi Cney When I first read your question my thought was "Here's a mother who cares about what the young members of her family are doing on the internet." But now I see that you give your age as twenty two. So I'll say this to the 22 year old user of this forum. For me personally, if I thought I had a key logger on my PC I would do a clean install of the operating system. Having said that, some of the guys here would know what to look for in a log so they would probably not need to do this. I would also change my login details for banking, etc. If however I was talking to a mothers son...I would advise that you ask yourself why your mother does not trust you. Sit down and have a chat with your mother. Explain to her that you feel you need some privacy. Be understanding of her needs as well as your own.... Your mother cares for you....
  7. Hello Basil, welcome to the forum. Just one idea... 1) Go to the folder that houses all your PDF files. 2) On the menu bar at the top of your screen click View > Details. Note: If you just want the file names choose View > List. 3) Once you have either the Detail or List view showing, Click once on the first entry in the list to highlight it. Now scroll to the last file in the list and while holding down the Shift Key click once on the last file. 4) With all of your PDF files selected/highlighted....Hit CTRL + C on your keyboard. All of your files are now copied to the Windows clipboard. 5) Open up MS Word and give the page a heading of your own choice. Now place the cursor where you want the list to start. Hit CTRL + V to Paste your list onto the page. Hope this helps out...
  8. Thats a great idea BeeCeeBee, I wish I'd thought of it before. I'm going to start compiling my own desktop Word doc straight away...Thanks for the tip..:) While I'm here I'll mention that for anyone who uses MS Word alot. There is an option in the program to replace text as you type. What this enables the user to do is to just type a few letters or words and have MS Word automatically finish the sentence or paragraph for you. Example: I find myself almost on a daily basis typing........ "The following is an estimate of costs for the proposed work at the above address." But all I have to type is "The following"...then Word fills in the rest for me. To set this up on your own PC press F1 to bring up the help menu and type Auto correct options. What you're looking for is the Replace text as you type option.
  9. Not exactly sure myself, but if you follow the link below you can download a document from microsoft that should help answer your question. http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=E170EBA1-5BAB-401F-BBF5-00F0EE7FE0FB&displaylang=en
  10. Hello again Karen I should appologise as well. I should have said that if you saved the CrucialScan.exe file to your PC. You would have to navigate to it and double click it to run the scan. The scan will tell you both the maximum amount of RAM your PC will take, and also the type of RAM that goes with your mother board. The type of RAM might be something like DDR2700, or DDR2100. Look over to the left of the crucial screen. As far as the age of your computer is concerned I don't see that as a big problem. As long as you don't want to edit video's or do any intensive photo editing. Having said that I personally wouldn't spend much money on upgrading. You'll find if you upgrade the RAM this will speed up your machine..
  11. Hello Karen, First of all we'll try and sort out your Virtual Memory (Paging file). Follow the directions given please. 1) Click Start 2) Right click My Computer and then click Properties. 3) In the System Properties window click the Advanced tab. 4) In the Performance section click Settings. 5) In the Performance Options window click the Advanced tab. 6) In the Virtual Memory section click Change. 7) Put a check mark in the System Managed Size. Now click Set > OK. 8) You will see a prompt to restart your computer. Click OK. 9) Ok everything that you need to before restarting your PC. The amount of RAM you have installed will also be contributing to the slowness of your computer. You might want to consider increasing this. To find out the type of RAM and also how much your Motherboard will take you have the option of going to the Crucial web site. Memory upgrades from Crucial.com - About Crucial:Media Toolbox Following the above link, check the Terms and conditions, and then click DOWNLOAD THE SCANNER. Crucial will scan your computer and tell you what RAM you have installed, and also the maximum your motherboard will take. Please let us know how you get on.:-)
  12. It could be that your paging file is incorrectly set. With Windows Vista the general view is that it's best to let windows manage the paging file. To check this....... On your keyboard press the Flag key + Pause Break In the left hand pane click "Advanced system settings" Under "Performance" click settings In Performance Options click the Advance tab Under Virtual Memory click "Change" Check the radio button beside "System managed size" Ok everything that you need to and reboot your computer. PS. I don't have Vista...but in this respect I think it's the same as Win 7.
  13. I would still suggest that you hang on for one of the malware guys. One thing you can do though is to download Malwarebytes Anti-Malware from the link below. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware - Free software downloads and software reviews - CNET Download.com When you download, just save the file to your HDD. If you cannot download using the infected computer, don't worry, download using another computer. Just save the .exe file to the HDD. You can transfer it with a flash stick or some other external media. I repeat though, wait until one of the malware guys comes along be you actually run any program.
  14. BankerFox.A is not a real threat to a computer. The trojan is only reported by rogue security programs trying to make an image of badly infected system. Do not buy anti-spyware or anti-virus applications that warn you about BankerFox trojan! It’s a fraud. The above is a quote..... Be patient and one of the malware guys will come along soon and advise you as to what to do. In the meantime do not click on any links given, or purchase any software that is offered via a popup.
  15. I've been having a look round and found this.... Troubleshooting Microsoft Word I can't be responsible for the accuracy of the information I've linked to as I've not tried it myself. But the section near the beginning headed "If word is not launching for you at all" etc, etc. made for interesting reading. I'd suggest you try that. Have you tried reinstalling Office 2007. And also is Office 2003 still on your computer?
  16. This may or may not help you but I'm assuming that your copy of Word 2007 is a legitimate copy with a paid for licence. Has Word 2007 ever worked on your computer? Or have you only just installed it? A couple of things you could try (If you haven't already) are Microsoft's Office 2007 own diagnostic tool or failing that, a System Restore. Microsoft Office Diagnostics Go...Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Tools > Microsoft Office Diagnostics Follow the prompts given and see how that goes. And if Word 2007 has recently worked for you you could try a system restore. System Restore Go...Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore Sorry I cannot be of more help.....
  17. This is me working away at my old address. I'm about to move again and will have a better setup at my new place. However, wherever I am I always feel strangely drawn to my work!!
  18. I've just had a quick read what Microsoft has to say about this problem. The link might help... You cannot log in to or connect to secured Web sites in Internet Explorer
  19. Need to know the exact model of your laptop to find out about the likely cost of replacing your screen. However, I've done a search for you and I've found the company below... ALINA SYSTEM AB Kungsgatan 111 753 18 Uppsala Sweden Tel: 018 12 90 90 My suggestion would be to contact them and see what they have to say. Sorry I can't be of more help..
  20. Hi Sam... If you have MS Word on your computer then you can do this by scanning the blank document and saving it as a .jpg File. (Original size) After you have the doc saved as a jpeg open up your word program and insert the jpeg as a watermark. You must check "Picture Watermark" and uncheck the "Washed out" option. Note: Before inserting your picture watermark change the documents margins to the minimum. On word 2007 the minimum is just 3mm. Now just save the document as a .doc File Hope this helps you out. If you need any help with this I would be happy to make you a template. Just personal message me if this is the case. Frank.:-)
  21. Thankyou gentlemen, the thoughts appreciated. PS. I hope I'm going to be wiser now I'm older...Lol
  22. When I first came to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help I was hoping that I would be able to help out a little. But it has turned out that I personally have been the recipricant of knowledge more often than I have been able to hand on what little knowledge I have. So I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone here for furthering my knowledge. I hope that given time I will be able to even up the score by way of helping and advising the members here. Thanks guys....You're the best on the net!
  23. Is the CD you placed in the drive a disk you made yourself, or is it one you brought from a shop/store? Has this suddenly happened, or have you never been able to play a music CD?
  24. Ok Steve, Try this... I assume that you are getting into safe mode via tapping the F8 key during boot, which opens up the Windows Advanced Options Menu. Try the option that says Last Known Good Configuration. If that doesn't work try this: From the Advanced Options Menu choose Safe Mode With Command Prompt. If you've not seen it before, the command prompt window is black with white text. A cursor will already be flashing for you, inviting you to type a command. Type the following text with no gaps. %systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe Now press the Enter/Return key. Follow the instructions given.. Let us know how you get on.
  25. Hi Steve, I would suggest setting the Bios to its default settings. You can do this by pressing F1, F2 or maybe the delete key when starting up your computer ( depends on Bios ). Once in the bios you should be looking for an instruction that says "Fail safe" or Default settings.
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