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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. I agree with your good advice,BeeCeeBee. Better to be safe than sorry. Unless you really know your way around Computers,best to wait for the final release. You have no comeback, if your Computer goes belly up. No real benefit playing with betas.They seldom work properly, and normally have compatability issues. I have 4 Computers and wouldn't risk any of them.:)
  2. What a beautiful voice,and what a future she has. Thanks for sharing,BeeCeeBee.
  3. Hi Mikey. NPSSTARTUP. is a registry command and should NOT be deleted. I don't like any registry cleaners. Deleting the wrong entries can cause your Operating System not to boot,and you will have to reinstall Windows, so be very careful.
  4. Your method works excellent,BeeCeeBee.:) I never thought of doing that. So easy.
  5. I always use the Copy and Paste option,however forgot to mention.:rolleyes:
  6. I miss read your initial post. I thought you wanted to use a key stroke to enter email addresses in your emails. Sorry. Now your intentions are clearer,if i find something I will post.:) What Browser are you using?
  7. Hi Trazza.Yes there is a way without having to continually type in email addresses. Firstly.What Email are you using?
  8. I agree,Nev. I once saw a Video of this Guy parked in the Street picking up everything the Guy did on his Computer inside the house.Amazing what information can be stolen with wireless set ups. I prefer wired for everything.:)
  9. Hi WarezMaestro. Of course you need to use encryption.:) Do you know what Encryption is?
  10. I read somewhere that an add on called Ubiquity can cause this problem. If you have this one then I would delete this one first, and try again. I agree with Nev,it's a case of one at a time.
  11. You are in deep **** Try This you`ll need to restore it from xp cd get into recovery console from the cd, and after entering requested info, write this: copy E:\i386\ntldr C:\ntldr just replace E with the cd-rom drive letter and C with the windows partition drive letter press enter restart further Help. Windows may not start and you may receive an "NTLDR is missing" error message if Windows is not up-to-date and there are too many files in the root folder
  12. Hi Sonya. I am pretty sure you are able to burn DVD'S. Download and install IMGBURN and under their Help section,has step by step guide to do what ever you want. HTH. ImgBurn - Download
  13. Try this. Go to “Start” and “Run”. Type in “e:\boot\bootsect.exe /nt52 ALL /force” (without quotes, and replacing e: with the drive letter of your Vista DVD). Restart the computer, the boot selection menu should be gone.
  14. Hi neddy01 First thing to check is you haven't got a rootkit or some form of malware trying to mascquerade as a legitimate windows service. I would run a rootkit Scan,with a Rootkit removal program. Also use MalwareBytes free, and run a full scan,for some Virus.
  15. Hi Disbeliever. Welcome to FPCH. A Techie should be along shortly to help you with your Computer Issue. There is absolutely NO request for Payment for any Technical Help, whatsoever. If you have been helped and you wish to help with the running of the Site, that is completely up to you.:)
  16. Hi dineshrao. Please read post 6 carefully.:)
  17. Have you installed the eSata Drivers from your Mobo CD?
  18. Hi. Try a System Restore prior to installing "Tune up utilities" in Safe Mode.
  19. I don't believe so. I have had conflicking Programs slowing my OS down. I would not be cleaning the Registry. Only absolutely necessary programs running in start up. If your R.A.M. is set correctly,your Browser Cache empty,nothing odd showing in Event Viewer, no site checking programs running,then it may be the No of programs installed. A guru here may have another opinion, on what could be causing your slowness.:)
  20. Hi James. Has this slowness been there from Day 1,or did the System slow suddenly.?
  21. I know if you have already used a trial of Winrar,you won't be able to install it a second time.
  22. I have Dual Boot XP Home and Windows7 Ultimate. I still use XP 80% of the time.
  23. Sorry I read you were having trouble with only 1 CD. Follow Dalo's advice in this case. Dalo is our Wizard.
  24. VLC will play just about any CD. My guess you haven't got a Genuine Copyrighted CD. They will play in any Computer. I would take the Copy back to the shop. I think it's a burnt Copy.
  25. Please post in normal Font. I would 1. Install VLC Media Player VideoLAN - VLC media player - Open Source Multimedia Framework and Player 2. See if this CD plays on a friends Computer. 3. If not then use the CD as a Frisbee.
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