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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Hi Sam. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) You will learn a lot from these Friendly Techies. Enjoy your stay.
  2. Hi sandmandan. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Enjoy your stay.
  3. Will do Beeceebee.I will install SIW also,to see what this OS has now. He is there tomorrow,so I will ask him these Questions. Thanks.:)
  4. Clarification. The Computer Boots up, and Shuts down faster, but much slower accessing Web Sites.
  5. Hi again Dalo. Something is being missed as you say. I left after 3 hrs so don't know about Drivers,or the CPU Drivers. Boot up time now is fine, 60 Sec and shut down time is, 15 Sec. Just overall, the OS is definately slower,with half the start up Programs,and half the Software installed,compared to previous. I will return the faulty Hard Drive (Seagate) 160 GIG,and if the OS doesn't recognize,the new one,I will Post. Don't want to take the Tower back again. Thanks again,Guys.:)
  6. Hi Dalo,Been off the Net. and missed your post.Really appreciate your offer, of help,mate. I dont think the University trained Technician, knows himself. He allowed me to sit in, while he worked on it yesterday for 3 hrs. Something about updating something, for the Motherboard.Also went into the bios and something about chip sets.Evidently something about recognizing Hard drives.He tried to transfer 80 GIGs, and he said it should take no longer than an hour.After 20 mins only transfered 700MB,so cancelled.I left them to it, and they found the Seagate Hard Drive is faulty.They reloaded Windows, on the 500GIG H/D and give it back to me, to try and get the programs,docs,Images off the best way I can.When I tried to Cut and paste it wouldnt work.Then I got a Flash Drive and it was ever so slow.All my docs,images,Word Docs will not show on the OLD Drive,so I had to go to windows searches, and it found them.From there I cut and Pasted onto the 500.Software Programs were visable but nothing else showed on the original C Drive. They said when I can get the stuff off the Seagate 160GIG they will replace it again for the second time.They weren't prepared to extract everything off the it. That's were I am up to at the present time,installing Drivers and Software and getting Emails to work. So I will see if it behaves this time.If not I will take you up on an offer to help build one.Only thing is I dont know what part is causing the problem. Have had Windows reloaded 3 times, and they changed the Power supply, and put a better Motherboard in,and I think it's prob 4 mths old now. Hope you can follow this. Thanks Dougie.:)
  7. Hi Tootech.The law sucks here.They are obilgated to fix any problems under warranty. Doesn't matter if you are inconvenienced to take it back 50 times. No such thing as a Lemon clause.I will take it back today and see what they are prepared to do. There comes a time, to save ones Sanity, to simply lose the money it cost, and go buy a Factory one.Could have bought 2 Dells for the cost of this one. Thanks for your input.:) I will post when I get it back.
  8. Hi Guys.I still have serious issues, with the same Computer that plays up nearly every day, with a different problem.Not more than prob 3 mths-4 mths old. I need some serious advice on what to do with it.Not this PC I am on now. Should I take back and demand they rebuild? Been back 4 times already,plus all the valuable help you Guys have given me. Should I use again my old 6yr old Tower,which is very reliable, but lacks the get up and go. The Computer which is playing up, hasnt booted and wont boot for 4 days now,but didn't want to worry you guys every day. The advice I am asking is what would you do in my position. Thanks.:)
  9. Happy Birthday Barry.Hope you have a Top Day.:) http://i43.tinypic.com/msj889.gif
  10. Hello Amanda.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Enjoy your stay.
  11. Thanks Dalo.In that case I will stay with the Optical Mouse.:)
  12. Thanks Match.I have the Optical Mouse from M$. When you see something different,you wonder are they better. Guess it would save moving the mouse around all the time,but guess the ball would get dirty quickly.(Chocolate Lover):D Tech Guy said it would prevent RSI if I was on the PC long hours. Thanks for your input.:)
  13. At the Computer Shop, a while ago,and they were anxious to sell me a Track Ball Mouse. Wondering who uses one and if they are worth the outlay.$65 AUD. Thought I would ask first.Thanks.:)
  14. Hi Match.Thanks for all that info,and adding the hints. Great. Both Computers are networked,through a Netgear Router, and working fine. I couldn't set up printer sharing, for some reason,and that made me hesitant,and didn't want any stuff ups. I ended up buying a USB Share Switch, which solved that problem. Thought File sharing would be easier, than using a Flash/Memory stick, all the time.Appreciate you help.:)
  15. Congratulations,to your daughter,Bonnie. Makes one very proud, when one's Children, achieve awards like this.
  16. Hi Guys.I would like to set up Simple File Sharing between 2 Home Networked PC's.I intend to use this guide. Windows XP Simple File Sharing 2 Questions Please. 1 Do I have to do anything, to the second recieving Computer,set up wise? 2 Is there a Limit to File size in transfer? Thanks.:)
  17. Hello Judy.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Friendly Tech Guys here,will help you quickly, with any PC problems,you are having. Enjoy your stay
  18. You are dead right mate.I will send Emails to my friends and close some of the Emails. I really only want Outlook Express and I like Thunderbird for sending Emails.The rest will have to go.It is a mess at the moment.:)
  19. OK mate,I will have to live with it. Just checked and all the Email addresses start at A and run through the Alphabet,and 90% are hot Mail Addresses. Thanks Guys.:)
  20. I forgot to mention,all these addresses are in the main body of the Emails in Blue,and are Live.That what seems odd.
  21. Hi Wolfey.I have Hot Mail,Outlook Express,GMAIL,Thunderbird and Yahoo,at he moment. Hot Mail is for MSN Outlook Express is my main Email address. GMAIL is for Google talk for history of conversations. These Emails I am getting have up to 50 to 75 Email Addresses listed. Why send them to me.LOL
  22. I get Spam daily on all Email addresses,but this person is really driving me up the wall.Up to a dozen a day.I will figure it out,and thanks for everybodies advice..Much appreciated. From reading MailWasher,it is only good for only 1 Email address,so wont serve the purpose.:)
  23. I will configure GMAIL so it goes straight into the Spam Folder as you say. Gmail has been OK up until this person started with this crap. I just dont want to get any nasties. Should I post a screen shot? Thanks. Are they Pyramid Emails I wonder. Just never been hit with this type of Email before.
  24. Will do. beeceebee.I don't want to miss any either. May be a problem when you have multiple Email Addresses,with Mail Washer.:) Have to study more.
  25. Thanks beeceebee.I have downloaded Mail washer Free,just now. I will configure this program,and see if it helps.Thanks again.:)
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