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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. We are safe in Sydney.The temps are down from 45C to 20C and light Showers. These horrific Fires in Victoria,makes one sick,to think someone, may have lit some of them. The Death toll, will never really be known, as people will also Die, from Burns and Smoke related Diseases prematurely. Makes me mad that even today,new Fires are breaking out, and Arsonists are thought to be responsible. They say also, over a Million Animals, perished. This is terrible,no matter what Country,it occurs in,and appreciate your thoughts at this time. Australia bleeds at this time,and it's nice to know other Countries care for our well being. Thanks Guys.
  2. This Sucker kept chasing my Cursor. Drag him around and Play. This is Fun.:D Play With Spider - Flash 3D - OneMotion.com
  3. Found out how to take screen shots of Movies,Dalo. I dropped the Hardware accelerator to Zero,and you can take shots,without Black squares,when saved. I downloaded Fraps,and that will be very handy also. A neat little program.:) Thanks for everybody's help.
  4. OK mate,I get the picture.CD's in future. I use Deep Burner,and it does tell you, how much to load. Things are much clearer now.Thanks.:)
  5. OK mate,I get the picture.CD's in future. I use Deep Burner,and it does tell you, how much to load. Things are much clearer now.Thanks.:)
  6. OK mate,I get the picture.CD's in future. I use Deep Burner,and it does tell you, how much to load. Things are much clearer now.Thanks.:)
  7. Thanks mate.This looks like, what I am after. Didn't dawn on me, to go to Microsoft.:) I know it's more expensive to use DVD's,but I wont use many. Nothing in comparison of what this pig of a PC has cost me.LOL.
  8. Thanks mate.This looks like, what I am after. Didn't dawn on me, to go to Microsoft.:) I know it's more expensive to use DVD's,but I wont use many. Nothing in comparison of what this pig of a PC has cost me.LOL.
  9. Thanks mate.This looks like, what I am after. Didn't dawn on me, to go to Microsoft.:) I know it's more expensive to use DVD's,but I wont use many. Nothing in comparison of what this pig of a PC has cost me.LOL.
  10. I thought instead of a lot of CD's to rat through,mate,I would burn them to DVD'S instead. Yes a play list,of the songs on the DVD, I can view,while playing back the songs. There must be a way,but don't know how to go about it. I moved WMP aside, and it only shows the current song being played,not the full list. They are DVD+R
  11. I thought instead of a lot of CD's to rat through,mate,I would burn them to DVD'S instead. Yes a play list,of the songs on the DVD, I can view,while playing back the songs. There must be a way,but don't know how to go about it. I moved WMP aside, and it only shows the current song being played,not the full list. They are DVD+R
  12. I thought instead of a lot of CD's to rat through,mate,I would burn them to DVD'S instead. Yes a play list,of the songs on the DVD, I can view,while playing back the songs. There must be a way,but don't know how to go about it. I moved WMP aside, and it only shows the current song being played,not the full list. They are DVD+R
  13. Hi Guys. I burnt my music files (Audio) onto a DVD,instead of CD'S. I want to have a list, I can see to select certain songs, to play back through my headphones.What is happening now, it starts at the beginning, all the time. Is there a solution to this.Thanks.:)
  14. Hi Guys. I burnt my music files (Audio) onto a DVD,instead of CD'S. I want to have a list, I can see to select certain songs, to play back through my headphones.What is happening now, it starts at the beginning, all the time. Is there a solution to this.Thanks.:)
  15. Hi Guys. I burnt my music files (Audio) onto a DVD,instead of CD'S. I want to have a list, I can see to select certain songs, to play back through my headphones.What is happening now, it starts at the beginning, all the time. Is there a solution to this.Thanks.:)
  16. Thanks Mara.Truely a tragedy. Not forgetting all the Burn Victims. The count is over 200 Dead now,and climbing. I ask everybody, to spare a thought, for the many Burn Victims,and Pray for their speedy recovery. Dougie. More on these terrible Fires. Royal Commission as fire toll continues to climb : thewest.com.au Victorian bushfire toll 'could top 200'
  17. You got that right,mate. Here in NSW,there are 50 Fires Burning. 108 now Dead. 108 die as wildfires raze entire towns in southeastern Australia - Yahoo! Canada News
  18. So far 93 People have been burnt to death in Bushfires close to Melbourne,and the toll is expected to go higher. What a terrible way to Die. Bushfire toll reaches 93, TV legend Brian Naylor dead | Herald Sun
  19. It was Mara's Birthday yesterday. :) Happy Birthday Mara.Hope you had a Great Day. http://i39.tinypic.com/2popsbb.jpg
  20. Was just a thought,and felt a need for something, similar. No worries. I was thinking along the lines, of a continuous Sticky,where simple questions can be asked. Someone wishes to answer,they quote the question, in their answer,post. If some issue requires a detailed answer,then the member is directed to a particular Forum. Thanks for the feedback.:)
  21. Hi Guys.Wondering what you think about having a Forum,where we can ask a quick question,on something,that requires a simple answer. Often, I need to know, how to do do something,but feel it's not worth creating a Thread over,just to get a quick answer.:)
  22. Hi Dutchman.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Look forward to your posts. Enjoy your stay.
  23. Hi Mara,44C tomorrow,then forecast to get some relief. Let's hope, this heat wave will be over. I haven't an IceMaker,but one would come in real handy,right now.:) http://i43.tinypic.com/mk99c1.png
  24. Thanks for sharing this lovely Photo,Mara. Glad someone thought, to leave water out,for this Koala. Very unusual for Koalas, to venture so close to civilisation. South Australia today will be 42C,same as here.:)
  25. Hi Dalo.I downloaded and installed FRAPS. Unregistered Version 2.9.8 It said only BMP,unless Registered.No JPG.Not sure of the difference. Think it will be a handy program,once I learn how it works.Slow learner.LOL I accidently came across a fix,and it worked. I reset the Hardware acceleration, from full back to Zero,and it worked. Took screenshot,and now reset back to full. Thanks to all, who helped me with this problem.:)
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