Hi Match,It's a small world,isn't it,having your Sister,living in the same neighbourhood as I do.
Hope sometime,you can visit,as it is a beautiful Country.
Most of the year here,where your Sister and I live,the Temps are quite comfortable,just now, we are experiencing a heat wave.
Today 40C Tomorrow 42C and Sunday 44C.
Winter,rarely gets below 0 Celsius. :)
Hi DirtyPolo. The Seasons seem to be Hotter and Colder,than normal.
Something Magical,looking at a fresh heavy snowfall.Not so nice as it starts to melt,and you have to shovel,your Driveway.LOL.I spent many Winter Holidays in Austria,and loved it. Can't Ski though.
The first effort was to hit the only tree,in the vicinity.:p