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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Good Photo.Remind you of anybody?:D http://i43.tinypic.com/28b8n0n.jpg
  2. The Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Experts,already have.:D It's the only place on the Net,to get the right advice.IMO.
  3. That's my motto.:D http://i43.tinypic.com/5xlp90.jpg
  4. Hi bwalker,Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Enjoy your stay.
  5. Hi Wolfey,I found I had Open Office Quick Start ,in Start ups,disabled also. Enabled and Now,it's even faster again. Can't remember, doing that.:)
  6. Thanks for that advice,Dalo. When I got 3 different results, from 3 different Sites,Alarm Bells started to ring. Thought, the best thing to do,was ask the Experts.:)
  7. Hello Colette.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) I am beyond help,but not PC related.:D Enjoy your stay.
  8. I uninstalled, and reinstalled,again. Now, it is much quicker. Didn't think, to reinstall. Thanks Wolfey.:)
  9. OK Thanks,will do. I Googled this problem,and it seems common. http://www.theinquirer.net/inquirer/news/867/1008867/how-to-speed-up-open-office Some of the fixes,I'm not game to try. I will reinstall and get back.Appreciate your quick response,mate.:)
  10. Hi Guys. I am finding Open Office 3 a pain to open.It's sooo slow. Wondering any quick Fixes. Thanks.:)
  11. Came across this Article, and gives a detailed explanation,re Drivers. Well worth the read,IMO.:) How, and when, should I update drivers? - Ask Leo!
  12. Hi John.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:)
  13. Thanks Randy. It's all a learning curve,for me.I was confused at 3 different results.Will leave the ON-LINE Scanners alone and ask here,in future,if I have a related problem. I want this Computer to run Optimal,hence running the Scans. This relatively new Computer,has given me nothing but trouble,and trying to sort. Appreciate your advice.:)
  14. I don't wan't to HI-JACK Mara's thread,so thought better to ask here. Which is the most credible Scanner to use,when checking for Drivers updates required? I just ran 3 different Driver Scans, and got 3 different Results,so who do you believe? Thanks.:)
  15. Thanks for that explanation,beeceebee.
  16. Thanks for the quick reply,beeceebee.If I was to list what I have,would somebody tell me, what to dump, as some, I dont understand, what they are? Thanks. EDIT.Not as simple as that.There are a lot of entries from Microsoft in Add and Remove,that has me confused.That's not hard.
  17. Hi Guys,I seem to have too many.Net Frameworks.How many do I really need for normal Computer use? Thanks.:)
  18. Just wondering what is the best month to visit different Countries. Here in OZ,the best month is April,as temps are around the mid 20's Celsius.:)
  19. Hi Casswilf.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Enjoy your stay,and look forward to your Posts.
  20. Thanks Dalo,for clarifying that point. Much appreciated.:)
  21. Going by Mara's "DSL-3001 DLINK"The part No, says mara has a modem, on her desk, and not a router.A router has a different part No.:confused: I have a Netgear wired modem-Router, and would never get to it quick enough. I tried the 4 second hold advice,and it works great.By far the quickest. I have learnt so much from you Guys. I have a Question, and sure Mara won't mind,please Guys. When the Techy was here,he kept stopping the Computer, by swiching off the on/off switch, at the back of the Tower. Was this safe practice,and could it have had an adverse affect, on the Hard Drive? Thanks.:)
  22. Your instructions, worked for me,Tootech.Have had that Popup for months.Thankyou.:) Hope it works for Alpha 155,as well.
  23. Tower internals,could be positioned so much better,than they are now,so they run much cooler.Cases also need to be designed better,IMO.:)
  24. The New Towers I have,each have an 8" Variable speed fan in the side Cover. The Computer Shop forgot to hook up the fan,on one,and the GPU temp was 68C,which had me worried.They hooked it up and now the GPU is 46-48C. So getting a fan in the cover,would help to a degree,in these old design Towers.IMO. Same Shop Wolfey.:rolleyes:
  25. Fixed my GPU overheating Problems.:D http://i43.tinypic.com/sm67ab.jpg
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