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Everything posted by DSTM

  1. Thanks Randy.I wasn't aware what the defaults were for Forums,or any of the others I mentioned. Where do I find out what the default scripts are for Outlook Express and Word.? Sorry to be a pain.:o
  2. That's for sure,Nev. My Mother was a Music teacher years ago.She gave up on me quickly.:D One part of all this,I am not sure of,and would like some guidance,Please. What script do I enter,in the top box, for the following? Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Forums. Outlook Express Emails. Office Word. Is it Ariel,Times new Roman,or Verdana,as Kaje mentioned,or was that just an example?Thanks.:)
  3. A List of Things You Don't Want to Hear During Surgery: Oops! Has anyone seen my watch? Come back with that! Bad Dog! Wait a minute, if this is his spleen, then what's that? Hand me that...uh...that uh.....thingy What do you mean he wasn't in for a sex change! Damn, there go the lights again... Everybody stand back! I lost my contact lens! Well folks, this will be an experiment for all of us. What do you mean, he's not insured? Let's hurry, I don't want to miss "Bay Watch" What do you mean "You want a divorce"! FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out!:D
  4. Thanks mate.That link will come in very handy.:)
  5. Thanks for the hint, beeceebee. Practice will make perfect.:) I like Open Office,but the Boss will only use Word.:D
  6. I thought it was a simple Question.:D Want to thank everybody,who explained all this so clearly,and gave all the alternatives.I didn't know Character Map even existed. I was always puzzled, how members inserted these Symbols. I have Open Office,and Word 2007,and I managed to insert Symbols, in both,OK. For Outlook Express, I used Character Map. Forum Posts I used Alt+0176 on the Numeric Keyboard,for degrees. I will google the numbers, for the different Symbols, I think I will use,for this Forum,and put them in Notepad. Good Idea Randy. Appreciate all your help,Kaje,beeceebee and Randy.:)
  7. Is there a problem me asking this simple question? If I knew I would not be asking.
  8. Hi Jeremy.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) I am sure,the Techies here,will have your Computer working fine, in no time.
  9. Yes mate. Thats what I would like to know.Often see the cents, after the dollars raised, also. Thanks.
  10. Guys.Where do I find super script? Example.When one writes Celsius Degrees,how do you get the small 0,to be raised, after the C.Thanks.
  11. Hi,and Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help,Salfrodian.:)
  12. I run a modem/Router between the 2 Computers. Have a USB Switch box for the Printer. Use a USB Flash Drive/Memory Stick to transfer Data. Simple, and works for me. The Tech Guys will have a more fancy solution.:)
  13. No wonder,there are many Train Deaths in India. We live in a Lucky Country.:) http://i43.tinypic.com/abqm93.jpg
  14. Suppose it beats Walkin.:D Anyone think of a Caption?LOL http://i41.tinypic.com/saza54.jpg
  15. Thanks for the reply,Randy. I have disabled Java. Adobe says it will be March 11, before it can be patched. Adobe Product Security Incident Response Team (PSIRT): Adobe Reader and Acrobat issue
  16. Hi Guys.All the Security risks with Adobe reader,of late,and no patch yet,wondering if you guys think it safer to uninstall Adobe Reader 9, and get a substitute like FOXIT READER. Thanks.:) Adobe Flaw Heightens Risk of Encountering Malicious PDFs - PC World What Forum does Security Advisories go?I wonder.
  17. Hello Kaje.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) Enjoy your stay.
  18. You will get nowhere,being aggressive.Best to kiss Butt with these Guys. I average 4-5000 KB/S download speed.If it falls, to say 1500 KB/S, for an extended period of time,I am straight on the phone, asking them why, and to check my line speed. There are no set minimums,I am aware of,Douglas. Have you asked them yet? You have every right, to ask them Questions.:)
  19. I find the speeds vary all the time. In London now at 3.40pm, I would think your speeds are slower, as beeceebee says, more bandwith is being used,in the busy part of the Day. Here in Sydney,it's 2.40am and I find my speeds are fast, at this time of the morning, when most people are asleep. You can do tests at different times of the Day,and all results vary.:)
  20. I had a slowdown problem, with the same modem router, and got onto my ISP.Their techies from Moombi, said these modem routers, if left on for long,actualy fall into Sleep Mode. They said to pull the power,wait 30 sec and replace.It fixed mine. Also they told me to get the modem up off anything, if it's sitting flat on, as they tend to get hot,if not ventilated on all sides. Fixed my slowness.
  21. Hi Douglas.Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help.:) The friendly Techies here,are only too happy to help you. Enjoy your stay.
  22. Thanks for fixing it Guys. Saw other larger Avatars,on this Site,and had me confused.(often happens):D Happy now.:)
  23. Wonderful,that fixed whatever it was,mate. Thanks for that.:)
  24. Hi Wolfey.The current one was 100x100 until I just uploaded.Now 50x50. I will upload the same,elsewhere and see what happens.:) EDIT. Site had 90x90 limit, and software reduced the same 100x100 Avatar, to 90x90,so your 100x100 limit is not working on my Computer.
  25. Thanks for the response,Randy. In actual fact the current Avatar was 66x66 and 4.23 KB's,and your Software automatically reduced it to 50x50 and 3.4 KB's so I can't see where the 100x100 limit is even allowed. Your software says 50x50 limit,and that's what it changed the current Avatar to. I won't worry,just making a point,mate.:)
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