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Everything posted by alfa155

  1. whats up with this pc grrrrrrrrrrrr
  2. I have recently done a re-install and did have wmp 9 everytime i played a music track or played a dvd etc it would come up with box with message saying ( Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience) then it says tell microsoft about this problem ie send error report which i have done with wmp 9 and now update to wmp 11 and all it does it let me play one track or bid of dvd and i have to start again and again ??? any advice ??
  3. I have recently done a re-install and did have wmp 9 everytime i played a music track or played a dvd etc it would come up with box with message saying ( Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience) then it says tell microsoft about this problem ie send error report which i have done with wmp 9 and now update to wmp 11 and all it does it let me play one track or bid of dvd and i have to start again and again ??? any advice ??
  4. I have recently done a re-install and did have wmp 9 everytime i played a music track or played a dvd etc it would come up with box with message saying ( Windows Media Player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience) then it says tell microsoft about this problem ie send error report which i have done with wmp 9 and now update to wmp 11 and all it does it let me play one track or bid of dvd and i have to start again and again ??? any advice ??
  5. well just started with bt thats who i pay my bill for for broadband and loaded up the cd rom that cam with it
  6. bt yahoo browser sorry for delay but this site is working very slow on my pc
  7. tried what you said re-started pc and guess what still does the same, do you think it could have something to do with my browser etting somethings not right ?
  8. http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa63/alfasudjoe/mhotmail.jpg
  9. just a quick question have never used paint to crop or alter image any quick advice as managements will only allow size no more than 500mb ??????
  10. it comes up with this bit in new page on browser Sign in to Hotmail Help Please type your e-mail address in the following format: yourname@example.com. Need help signing in? E-mail address: This information is required. Password: Forgot your password? Save my e-mail address and password Save my e-mail address Always ask for my e-mail address and password Sign in using enhanced security Windows Live ID Works with Windows Live, MSN, and Microsoft Passport sites Account Services | Privacy Statement | Terms of Use ©2009 Microsoft
  11. Hi Again Dirty Polo, this is exactly what i meant great stuff, but just one last problem i go to click on top right where it tells me i have emails and again opens up another page in browser and i have to sign in again, thats not right is it Saluti alfa155
  12. Hi DirtyPolo, I will try and explain as good as i can. before this changed from factory re-install, i would turn my pc on and once everything was loaded i would have hotmail box appear ready to sign in, i would click to sign in and it would open up page and i would have alert bx botoom right showing me how many new email i had then if i wanted to do live chat with contacts i could do so, would not like now have little figure in bottom right showing me im signed in and once i click on there it would come up with messenger page. the difference is now when i go to this page i now have to go top right to click emails and it first shows me msn page welcoming me then i have to click again which opens up messages page in another page ????
  13. Hello again, I deleted both and went to install windows live again from link above aand it again got to 91% and started rolling back, so as i have some wndows updates ready to install did a re-start and it came up with load windows messenger so i clicked ok now have new version of messenger but still have to give password and and click for hotmail when as bove i could click and open hotmail and messenegr would be there all in one place it keeps opening up separetly, shall i uninstall messenger again and try download link from above ??
  14. Hello Again beeceebee, always easy with my computer not LOL, I have removed old windows messenger and tried link on this thread to download window live etc and all well until it gets to 91% and it comes up with download incomplete with code and nothing loaded try again which i have twice and still no luck. any ideas ? when i was removing older version i also saw msn listed should i remove that also ? Cheers alfa155
  15. its not listed in add & remove programs as windows messenger although it is lit up in bottoe right of screen ?
  16. how do i get rid of old messenger or will it do that automatically ?
  17. Hello Again Guys, I recently had to perform a factory re-install to get my dvd/cd roms players to work again in my HP Pavillion tower. What i have been left with is a tower that now has a fully working dvd player and cd rom player, but is a problem, before this when all was well before devices being corrupted for dvd and cd devices, i use to turn my pc on and my pc would load up as usual and my hotmail box would appear on screen. I would go to log in and it would open up as normal and i was on line. I would then open ISP home page up by clicking desktop icon for BT and clicking cnnect, now this worked great for me as i use hotmail alot for my emails and could also open up and have different webpages one on bt and other on hotmail. Now since my factory re-install, i had to get all programs that worked as above and i also get error messages come up everytime i turn pc on, i went to open up MSN messenger thinking this would do the trick but it was older version and allthough it shows my msn contacts etc i could not see my emails as when i went to open it would open up outlook express grrrrrrrrrrr. The only way for me to open my email from hotmail was to go onto MSN website and open up my hotmail emails from there but this meant logging on every time and now i dont emails as and when they come in unless i go onto msn page log on and keep refreshing page, as before i would have little box with noise alert that would open up in bottom right of, screen. Can some one run me through steps to get my pc working as it was before and the way i found easiest for the way i use my pc ????? Saluti alfa155
  18. Well thats that then, nevermind just means i will never find some photos i had and as for others will take me weeks and weeks to download them all again, i should had got a external hard drive. Can i just say a big thankyou to you and wolfy for you advice to a really novice like myself. Now just started new thread as i am trying to get my hotmail to work as it did before re-install. Thanks Again guys your advice and patience is much appreciated.
  19. Hello Again beeceebee, yes discs are cds not dvds, I have put them in one by one and checked properties of each disc and it does not look good, size on disc one is just 540 on 2 folders and 1.15kb on master folder, disc 2 is 640mb on 2 folders and again 1.15kb on master folder, disc 3 is 640 for 2 folders and same again for master, disc 4 is 471bytes and 639MB , disc 5 is 21.5mb 471bytes and again same with master and disc 6 is hp 21.5, 471byes on another 230 on another folder and tools 166MB. I have expolred and found no sign of photos grrrrrrrrr. lots of sub folders not anything that looks like my photos. that`s it is`nt it no luck at all i thinks, i have even tried to do a system restore to when my dvd devices were not working but it won`t let me go back to ant date earlier than the day i did a factory re-install.
  20. yes i have there about nearly 20 of them
  21. to re-install sytem i turned pc on pressed F10 then made a factory re-install
  22. No, No, i made recovery discs before i did factory re install, well before about a month or 2 before i started this thread about dvd devices no working.
  23. I have had a thorough look and cannot find it but always remeber since having this comuter which must be over 3 years now that with it being an HP there kept getting a message coming up sating you have not backed up your files please do so, and on one of these threads here a memeber said when they were trying fix a problem i had that I should back up my files so idid so and have now these 6x recovery discs, any advice please help lost all photos and music, although i have dvd devices back, and pc seems to be running a bit slow all of a sudden on this site and others. Saluti alfa155 P.S- am a bit late answering your question as i cannot seem to open my hotmail account, does not pop up in bottom right corner have older messenger yikes, whats going on ????????????
  24. OK no problem but i was only asking for some help just to get all as it was before. will post back as soon as i have found it, maybe the words i have used have been in-correct.
  25. i was told on one of the threads i have posted, do you think i have lost all my photos and music ? also can`t get my hotmail to work as it was before, but at least i have my dvd trays working.
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