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Everything posted by alfa155

  1. Yes a complete re-install, but i was told that with my HP Pavillion if i made a set of 6 system recovery discs i would still have settings, music and photos from before, please explain ? I put disc number into tray and i can view whats on disce but nothing happens, where as if i load 1st disc into tray and re-start my computer it asks me do i want to perfoem a full recovery or a part recovery ????????????????
  2. I ave got my 2 dvd devices to work, dont ask me how but i was just fiddling about havivg a look and it came up with that the drivers for both devices had been corrupted, so unfortunately i had to do a full system recovery. so now my 2 dvd devices work which is great but now i cannot find my photos and pictures anywhere and have lost all my music, i did make a set of recovery discs 6 in all but they do not seem to want to download, please help me through this next step ? Saluti alfa155
  3. So thats it then ? i only replaced the Lite on one a year ago surely thats not dead allready, could it not be the lead/ribbon that connects the 2 devices together ????
  4. as you must of been writing back got what you meant der !!!!!!!! sorry again, i rebooted computer pressed F1 and came up with set up and it was or should i say both dvd devices were listed next to - Third Channelk Device 0 Lite On & Thried Channels Device 1 Samsung.
  5. they are not listed in storage and disk management, wha do i do to see if they are in post screen on boot up ?
  6. Hi, downloaded them both came up with message saying was up to date did not need them, what next ?????????? Sorry
  7. what do i select and download off of this link ?
  8. could i be a real pain ask you what i do to follow Dalo `s dvice , Please help, apologies for my ignorance am only a home pc user on my pc tower.
  9. here is the message i get when i look at device manager please advise, i have even opened up pc tower disconnected connectores into both dvd devices and re connected and still no change in my computer it does not find dvd devices , please help asap ? Saluti alfa155 http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa63/alfasudjoe/DSCN1272.jpg
  10. tried the later and it came up with after i re-booted would you like msn as home page or keep bt yahoo, i kept what i allready had ie bt yahoo as homepage, but still same problem ???
  11. I have this come up everytime i use my pc when i am on line, is there anything i can do to get rid of this ???? http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa63/alfasudjoe/DSCN1270.jpg
  12. Whenever i log on and go online, i log into MSN messenger and get this error message coming up everytime i use it , is there anyway of getting rid of this ? http://i202.photobucket.com/albums/aa63/alfasudjoe/DSCN1271.jpg Regards alfa155
  13. Hi Goku, Still nothing working, what should i do next, have been without dvd / cd roms for over 2 months now grrrrrrrrr ????? Saluti alfa155
  14. tried what you advised and would not let me delete first thing came up with message to words like cannot delete error while trying to delete, but it let me delete lower ????
  15. Hi again, not sure which one to download, you said (Scroll down to the optical drive section and ascertain which are yours) not sure what you mean , please let us know so i can try it out ? Thanks Again alfa155
  16. By cd writing software what do you mean ? Thanks in advance alfa155
  17. i forgot to mention over a year ago i had to replace one of the dvd devices with new one made by Lite, would this make any difference to what you said in this post ? a;so which one would i have to download ? Thanks in advance alfa155
  18. tried properties on one of them and it came up with this message (Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware. The driver may be corrupted or missing. (Code 39) and same message for the other ?????????
  19. as i did this it came up with both dvd devices with yellow circle and explanions mark in so did what you said removed and re-booted opened up device manager was the same as before ?????
  20. do forgive me but its been a while how do i find device manager ?
  21. Hi Guys, I had this problem at end of November and tried system restore and it cleared problem temporarely, but now its gone again when i go into my computer everything comes up except for my 2 dvd devices ?????? I have tried to do another system restore to roiginal date i did before and it stops itself after sometiem saying system restore incomplete. Any advice and help on fixing this would be most grateful. Best Regards alfa155
  22. everytime i use my PC everyday at least one this message pops up in small box in middle of screen it reads as follows - (RUNDLL - error loading C:\Program Files\Common Files\ParetoLogic\UUS2\UUS,dll The Specified module could not be found any advise please would be much appreciated.
  23. Thanks Wolfeymole Much appreciated, i suppose this program would work ok with an external hard drive ? Yes your right the d hard disk contains recovery program Cheers alfa155 :D
  24. Well what can i say Seth, Many Thanks that`s done Thankyou Very Much Saluti alfa155 :)
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