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Everything posted by help4me

  1. Ok then... same quote "This is no good. I'm not killing anybody." it's a 2005 musical comedy with a few big names including Will Ferrell who was the actor that said the above quote.
  2. LOL... I can see where you might think that... but no. HINT: it's a musical comedy
  3. Well... I suppose so... but from a chic p.o.v. it explores the inner workings of relationships very well. ;) Ok.... quote: This is no good. I'm not killing anybody.
  4. Armageddon.... great movie btw.
  5. The one draw back of chrome though, is that it use twice as much memory... as say IE. For people like me who have well outdated pc's.... that's not good. I'll stick with Opera for now ;)
  6. Would you post a screen shot of the template you are trying to edit? :)
  7. Hi fpmnet and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) I'm sure you have alread done this... but you have cleaned the inside of your pc and made sure the fans are working properly...correct? The most common reason a pc freezes is from overheating as Seth suggested. Also... what are you doing with your pc when it freezes? Is there any common trend to what programs you are running when it freezes or does it seem to be more random?
  8. Was the working computer on or off when you plugged the keyboard back into it?
  9. Welcome to FPCH. :)
  10. Them's fightin' words buddy boy :p ;) LOL... :D :D
  11. And even with all that it's still not enough to keep our kids safe. Without parental guidance, police and metal detectors won't do any good. One time my dad took my two girls for the day to spend some "grandpa" time with them. He took them to a dingy dive of a bar for dinner. Granted he didn't drink, he only went there because they served turkey fries (google it if you don't know what turkey fries are :p ) and they sat in the section that had tables... but when I found out about it... I nearly knocked him into next week. Bars....even sports bars... are for grown ups.
  12. Have a look here... How to capture video - Windows Movie Maker Tutorials
  13. Welcome to FPCH :)
  14. Awwww....we're nice people here... and dedicated to helping where we can and learning from the wealth of information that everyone has to share. Don't hesitate to ask a question, as you may indirectly be helping someone else by seeking answers. It's good to have you here ... I look forward to reading more posts from you. Welcome to FPCH :)
  15. This thread appears to be solved and is now closed If you are the original poster of this thread and need it re-opened, then please PM (Private Message) an Administrator or Moderator
  16. This thread appears to be solved and is now closed If you are the original poster of this thread and need it re-opened, then please PM (Private Message) an Administrator or Moderator
  17. That's some good information to have on hand. Thanks for posting it :) We depend on the members to help us with feedback, help us answer posts, and share useful tips. So check back with the forum when you can. Maybe next time you can help a member with a problem. That's what it's all about. People helping people. Once again thanks. :)
  18. Hey Pete.... I'm always checking the stats for my site as well. Handy dandy little tool ain't it :)
  19. Hi SlientX, welcome to FPCH :)
  20. Bob dear...I don't come anywhre close to qualifying for "old timer".... but I remember carbon paper. Welcome To FPCH Steve :)
  21. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Dave :)
  22. Keep us posted Bob. It's rough being out of work. Reading through the post and the link... we call it "downsizing" here in the US. Best of luck to your son.
  23. Hi and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :) What browser are you using? Internet Explorer? FireFox? Or another? More than likely it's just a feature under the browser's settings that needs to be changed, which I can walk you through that. The steps are just a bit different depending on which browser you are using to access the internet.
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