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Everything posted by help4me

  1. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Albert :)
  2. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Joe :)
  3. Just a bit of information for you.... riched32.dll is a module containing functions for the Rich Text Edit control. If you do an internet search for riched32.dll you will find the exact way to download it and install it.
  4. Hi docman and welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help. :) I moved your posts to the appropriate forum. :)
  5. Also I think that nothing has changed so much in the "progression" of society. But because of the electronic age.... the availability of mass communication... we just know more and faster of things that happen. Computers, television, cell phones, newspapers, etc. are available almost everywhere. Humans are now linked to almost everyone in the world at a second's notice. News travels faster now days. And it's trendy to air your dirty laundry in the public eye. Nothing has really changed... the "word" is just more available to a larger number of people.
  6. Don't go bashing Catholics... some of us actually live/d our faith to the best of our ability without having the idea... "I can do what I want and just go to confession" Just as with any group of people... not all are bad, fake, insert your own adjective. Second, there is much debate as to why religion happened in the first place. Many believe that the belief in a higher power is the only way to get humans to behave. I have posted this viewpoint elsewhere. Human nature will not follow any set rules unless by fear. Very few can do the "right" thing simply because that's what needs to be done. Humans operate on a reward/punishment basis. Religion is the ultimate way to get people to behave, because no one can absolutely prove or disprove the idea of a supreme being. Thus.... more than a few people will follow the rules of their religion... just in case there really is a "God." Those that create conflict in the name of religion are liars. Those in power claim that wars and other such tactics are for freedom or done in the name of "God" only to gain support of their countrymen. People won't allow their government to send their loved nes of to die because of political greed. The government is wise to this and thus it will rally it's people under the guise of a Holy cause. As you said in your post Bob, you don't need religion to be a "good" person. But the laws of the land don't seem to be as effective as they used to be. Religion itself may be fake, but there are some good ideas in religion. The problems of the world today aren't based on anything other than the ready supply of easy answers. Society has made it easy to quit. Not many people today have the drive to going when the going gets tough. It's easier to lay back and let "the system" take care of you, easier to get a divorce than counceling, easier to acceopt what already is, rather than fight for what should be. In essence it's easier to do nothing. And in America, the government supports that. Those that do nothing.... receive all kinds of government help like food vouchers, medical help, housing, and so on. But should you try to help yourself, you get nothing. Maybe I should give in and do nothing as well. My life would certainly be easier ;)
  7. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help tommyd :)
  8. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Peter :)
  9. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  10. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Phil :)
  11. The Centers for Disease Control has issued a medical alert about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically. This virus is called Weary Overload Recreational Killer (WORK). If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues or anyone else via any means whatsoever - DO NOT TOUCH IT. This virus will wipe out your private life completely. If you should come into contact with WORK you should immediately leave the premises. Take two good friends to the nearest grocery store and purchase one or both of the antidotes - Work Isolating Neutralizer Extract (WINE) and Bothersome Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER). Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system. You should immediately forward this medical alert to five friends. If you do not have five friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.
  12. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Ree :)
  13. Welcome Freia22, to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  14. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Danny :)
  15. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Colin :) Best of luck with your new company.
  16. I remember when my mother had her heart attack and resulting bypass surgery in 1996. She said that she thought she understood what a caged animal felt like because of all the doctors and nurses watching her, entering her room at all hours, and even being discussed between doctors in training as if she wasn't even in the room. She said she felt more like a lab experiment rather than a person. On the one hand I can see where animal parks and such, no matter how "posh" they are and how much the keepers try to provide the best for the animals, it still fails short of freedom. No matter how nice and cushy you make a jail cell, it's still a jail cell. And don't even get me started on the circus. Talk about animal cruelty! But on the other hand, we need to learn about animals in a more in depth way than what we can achieve by studying them in the wild. Perhaps even to the point that we can indeed save a few species from extinction. How does the average person learn about animals that are not native to their homeland? Can they really learn only through pictures and text books? I ask those two questions seriously. If we can find an answer, maybe we can do something about it.
  17. I've been there myself. I usually quit for about two or three years at a time, then something drastic happens and I pick up the habit again :o
  18. Well done Bob!! :D That's fantastic. I'm proud of you :)
  19. Greetings Bowler, welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  20. Because parents and school boards want our kids to score high on tests so that our schools can look like they are competing with schools in other countries, namely Japan. Americans want their kids to be as smart as the tests show other kids are in other countries. Thus the need for "useless" facts. On the flip side.... those things should be taught. Kids need exposure to everything in order for them to have a well rounded education, and thus have more choices available to them. And I promise you.... you use basic algebra more than you think you do. ;) College is more of a time for choosing your own educational track. And because of the "useless" knowledge kids were exposed to in lower grades, they will have more experience to draw on to select a course of education that is better geared toward their interests. As for past Prime Ministers.... why shouldn't they have to know that? If you do not learn your history, you are doomed to repeat it. Your daughter should have to know about her country's history in order to make her country's future a success. Just like a science experiment... if no one knows what's already been tried, then you will never move closer to finding a solution. Basically you will always be stuck at square one. At age 12, kids may have a general idea of where they want to go in life. But if they are never exposed to anything beyond the basics, then how will they know for sure which direction they are going. At age 12 I wanted to be a psychologist. But now, because of my "new" exposure to computers, I have discovered that my passion is web design and photo restoration and such. I wonder sometimes how much more I would have learned if I would have had a computer at home as a kid, or a better funded computer department at the school I attended. (granted this back in the day of FORTRAN :p ) But you get my point. You won't know if you like apples or not unless you eat an apple! And... the more knowledge you have the better. You never know when you might need obscure knowledge. Why limit yourself with the idea... I'm never going to use it anyway? You can't know for sure that you won't. Many times in general conversation, I have wished I had a better understanding of quantum physics. Yes, general conversation and debates. How is that practical in day to day life? It's not... other than for conversation. And... what if the world went nuts, and there were no computers or electronics... wouldn't those that knew how to do things the "old fashioned way" fare better? Most of today's society operates with ready made, user friendly, most of it done for you, technology. With your line of thinking, most computer users shouldn't have more than a minimal understanding of computers. They aren't going to actually use any more tech knowledge than that are they? But I bet it would make computer repair a whole lot easier if everyone who used a computer knew more than how to turn the dang thing on. Thus it is with education... you just might need more than the basics. I would rather my child have a head full of knowledge and only use 10% of it rather than not have the information they need.
  21. Vespaguy, what operating system are you using?
  22. Ooooo....dancing :D Care to cut a rug? ;)
  23. LOL... that has a bad sound to it. :p I guess what I meant is more along the lines of caring about them in a motherly way. Or something more akin to the sweet old fashioned lady that dotes on all the kids in the neighborhood. The kind old lady that seems to be a grandma to everybody. That's more what I mean by "love" in this sense. And you are right, it's not the teacher's responsibility, but more often than not teachers are becoming more and more than teachers. I have heard parents say more than once "When my kid is at school, they are the school's problem." No one else seems to be "teaching" these kids how to function in society, so the teachers have to. At my school, we do cooking activities with the kids. Mainly to teach them about food and nutrition, but also so that the little ones might be able to fix themselves something to eat when they are at home and mom is passed out. Our cooking activities include such things as how to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, how much milk goes in a bowl of cereal, so on and so forth. Yes... I have had kids in my class where the only time they get to eat is at school. Now please tell me... if the parents fail, whose job is it to "teach" these kids life skills? Do you see now why the basic needs must be met before learning can begin?
  24. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Mau :)
  25. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Diane :)
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