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Everything posted by help4me

  1. Yes but the cocain was found under probable cause. A seperate charge and further investigation should be allowed. And again... if you don't want to get caught... don't do it. JEB... if you get stopped.. and searched under probable cause... and they find the dead body in your trunk... buddy you DESERVE to go have your nuts in a sling. Probable cause is good enough for just about everything else... why not police investigation? You're lucky I have to go to work... but if you care to continue this.. I will search out court cases too and this can go on until Wolf bans us both :p
  2. You are missing the point... If i get pulled over for a broken tail light... and I have a dead body in the back seat... in plain sight.. then yeah... the cop should be able to do something about that. Current law states that they can search your vehicle with probable cause. A dead body in plain sight might be considered probable cause. :P You are confusing purposefully searching for incriminating evidence and the right to deal with what is in plain sight.
  3. Gill... not to discourage you from trying out possibilities.. but how about you post what you've found BEFORE you try it out. These guys can then tell you if you will be wasting your time with whatever solution you have found. No need for you to do more pc repair than needed ;)
  4. And JEB... you're not getting that bet! :p
  5. Agreed... however.. if you get caught for something small... and it's blatantly obvious something larger is amiss.. then yes... you should be investigated for that. Such as the case that Seth originally made... Andf this point as well... The last a bit stretchy... but still relevant. How do you justify that? Ignore another obvious issue because you don't have permission? It's not a matter of digging for additional "charges" but rather acknowledging the ones that are in front of your face!
  6. Of all that you are going to pick at the authenticity of the letter? Who cares if it's Leno or not... the point still stands and I am waiting for a better answer than "you have to draw a line somewhere"! C'mon JEB... if the police stop by for a minor infraction.. and you have something to hide... then you DESERVE to get nailed for it! End of story! Don't want to get caught... then don't do it. Period!
  7. And here is another point for all y'all .... with my deepest respect and no offense intended...
  8. Yes I agree that it seems to work that way... "don't infringe on my rights but nail the guy next door". However the American system was designed to protect the innocent from injustice... but at the same time it is protecting the guilty. We have to live within a flawed system... are you saying that what was pointed out is unfair? Would you want a rehabilitated pedophile babysitting my kids? Your future step kids? How much are YOU willing to gamble to give people a second chance? And you know me... you know that I am all for second chances... to a certain point. But there is a point when is enough is enough! (not going to spell check this... so deal with it :p )
  9. Great to meet you John... welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help :)
  10. You're welcome hun :) We'll help you get this all sorted out. Partitioning is not something I feel comfortable walking you through, so I'll let the better techies coach you there :)
  11. Gill... partitioning is not my strength so I will leave you in the capable hands of the other techies here :)
  12. Here's a screen shot to show what I mean :) http://i36.photobucket.com/albums/e12/bonniekate2000/free%20pc%20help/system.jpg
  13. First...can you supply more specifics on your computer? You can access this information by clicking on START (lower left of your screen) > CONTROL PANEL > PERFORMANCE AND MAINTENANCE > SYSTEM > and then make sure the GENERAL tab is selected in the window that pops up and you will be able to view the system specs for your computer including the processor and the amount of RAM. This is usually the last paragraph of information listed just above the "Support Information" button.
  14. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help JagiBear. :) Our tech staff will help you get things sorted out in no time.
  15. Sometimes it's good to be female :p
  16. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help sbabeeee :)
  17. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help bekki :)
  18. Have you tried a firmware/driver update?
  19. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help janinebl. We have great tech support here. We'll help you get things sorted out :)
  20. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help airhead :)
  21. Welcome to FPCH, pcignorant :)
  22. Welcome to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help Mark :) There are no silly questions... seeking knowledge is never silly ;)
  23. ... *doesn't have to put up with kids tonight* ... :cool: ... ~:-( *picks up the phone* "Welcome to the INS hotline.... " .... >;-)
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