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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. So have you installed the software that came with the card or are you using windows to try and connect to the router? When you turn the PC on, in the bottom right there should be an icon which looks like a tower or a set of bars (indicating wireless) right click on that and connect to a network, it should show networks that are within range and show what security they use. choose the one that it yours and click connect. you will then be prompted for a passphrase (if there is security enabled) input that and you should connect. Hope this helps
  2. SP3 needs 1.5GB of ram as opposed to SP1 and SP2 requiring 1GB get more RAM and increase the page file size
  3. I have only just seen this :- The error is related to the CPU (dual core or more I suspect) It was skipping clock cycles and causing the BSODs When you installed the OS, you need to make sure that you install all the Chipset drivers and drivers that came with the MOBO these are the mostly responsible for errors like you got. Sorry its late, but now you know what it was :D
  4. You'll be wanting Linux then, BUT its not an easy transisition from a Windows OS to a Linux one...
  5. Any data would be better moved completely away from the system so onto DVD/tape or backup shares if possible. It's all well and good having all your data backed up, but if something happens to your backup drive (and it will one day as its mechanical) your back at square one. You need to invest in a more robust system, I have a server that duplicates data across more than one drive and there are also backups incase the server eats all the disks (as has been known to happen) and I have important stuff stored off site in the cloud :D Backup in itself is a very softly softly broached subject as people either think they dont need it (until something goes wrong) or they have it and think its a be all and end all
  6. Well I have all my PCs backed up every other day by my server
  7. It all comes back to the same thing, people want to try and make their machines faster and think that these programs will help but thats not always the case. Nothing can beat an image of the OS when it is first installed (something you can always go back to regardless what state the PC gets into) All these issues, defrags, reg cleaners, spyware and malware 99% of the time occur because people 'mess' with things that are not broken.
  8. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  9. Registry cleaners are dangerous and can leave a system needing a reinstall. If you think you need to use a registry cleaner then you should be comfortable editing the registry and know what does what..and then remove obsolete entries yourself. I don't even recommend defragging the HDDs (unless you have a specific reason to do so) so I know where you are coming from :D
  10. The safest browser would be the least used....as mentioned above by Erik As browsers much like AV programs get targeted by malware/spyware etc due to a 'user' rate the more popular browsers such as FF and IE are most targeted. Opera was the 'least targeted' due to a smaller user base, a year or so ago. Your best bet would be to opt for a security suite that encompasses a firewall with the AV and spyware/malware protection. If you are looking for a paid one I would use Eset Nod32 and no others
  11. They are meant to be run that way, not all MOBOs have more than one IDE channel. As long as the jumpers are set correctly then there wont be issues.
  12. Hi you didnt say if the card is a GS or GT so look here on the Nvidia site for the latest drivers Drivers - Download NVIDIA Drivers * Download the drivers to the desktop * Remove the old display driver from Control panel>add/remove programs * Restart * go into C:/ Nvidia and delete all folders * install the new driver you donloaded * restart You will then need to reconfigure the displays, if you get the same thing then there is a fault with one of the DVI/VGA ports on the GPU The minimum PSU requirements for a 9500 GT is 350 Watt Let me know how you get on
  13. Pretty much everything is incorporated into the chipset drivers (these are not found within windows update) you can get them from either the MOBO CD/DVD or the manufacturers website. Can you give us the make and model of the PC also are the HDD IDE or SATA?
  14. Your looking at this http://img.hexus.net/v2/motherboards/intel/asus/900/Pins.jpg Also note that there is a + and - for EVERY pin furthest left red is +
  15. Its more likely to be a Chipset issue, did you install the latest chipset drivers after you installed Vista?
  16. It would seem that its an error with the patch itself. if its stopping at the same place on all 3 sites (you will normally find that the 'file' is only mirrored from the official site anyway) check with EA or whoever the developer is on their website and see if there is an issue listed and a fix
  17. As long as its Male to Male it doesnt matter on the brand, just get the cheapest DVI cable - Google Product Search
  18. Also check that you are not using any Molex splitters (to the HDD anyway) as these can cause issues. As Nev has said check the basics, all wires, replace HDD cables if you can, check the settings on the back of the HDD (master/slave etc) 1.5/3.0 for SATA make sure that if you are using SATA that the new drive is plugged into SATA 1 on the MOBO and that it matches in the BIOS as the 1st boot device. If you need any more help then let us know
  19. From reading through your original post again, you are just after the fault reader, I have a VAG one that I picked up from ebay for £20. All you can do is see the fault and then delete the fault. Anything else (remapping etc) I use my lappy and software (software was meant to be £800, I didnt pay that for it :D) I have the Ford software knocking around but I know its old, and again you would need the wiring port that connects your lappy to the diagnostic port
  20. Hi and welcome to FPCH :) I'll look for your post......
  21. On the back of the 4550 cards there should be a DVI and a VGA cable, if you have any adapters you can run one DVI and one VGA. Is this your monitor? shows both VGA and DVI http://bebefore.com/ci/10274/samsung-syncmaster-b2230h-2.jpg
  22. Happy Birthday mate :)
  23. I'll just say dont ever use converters when it comes to drives, you should have bought a SATA PCI card and used that rather than an adapter cable. IDE runs much slower than SATA and this would allow for future upgrades too....
  24. If you were using the onboard then you need to go into the BIOS (it tells you how to do this at the POST screen if you can see it) and disable the onboard, where you disable the onboard there should be a section that says initialise display first - make sure this is on PCI-E To do the above unplug the add in GPU card, then plug the monitor cable into the socket near the USB and keyboard ports on the back of the MOBO you should then get a signal :)
  25. FF14 specs havent been released yet, so you cant choose a card based on that. PCI-E is good, as is 750 Watt. ATI and Nvidia are the ONLY 2 companies that make the GPU boards, they then sell the boards to the likes of PNY, ZOTAC, GAINWARD etc and they stick there own coolers and overclock the RAM and core of the GPU So its down to your personal choice, as for deciding on a card the main factor when buying a card is the resolution of the monitor you plan on using it on, no point buying a powerhouse if your playing on a 15" monitor :D so come back with the res etc and we can go from there...hope this helps 8600GT - whats wrong with it?
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