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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. Have a good one pal, I cant remember if you are away at the moment :)
  2. PCI drivers come from the MOBO disk thats supplied with the PC also chipset drivers. have a look or failing that goto device manager and then click install and it asks where to look select CD/DVD rom with the MOBO disk in :)
  3. go into the BIOS and set the first boot device to HDD and not CD/DVD rom :)
  4. It shouldnt affect your PC that way at all, it doesnt constantly search for updates, it should search at specific times ONLY
  5. They will probably have to install a security certificate, its probably a VPN
  6. Media player uses different codecs depending on what the audio is encoded in. you can download codec packs such as www.free-codecs.com/download/k_lite_codec_pack.htm
  7. Basically its a hardware issue (one of your CPU cores is unresponsive), have you updated the BIOS for the MOBO, do you know how to? There are some hotfixes but they apply to Server 2008, none for W7 yet! Update the BIOS and then see how it goes, if you need help updating the BIOS then let us know but most MOBO manufacturers allow you to update the BIOS using a piece of their software in a windows environment (better than the old floppy way) :)
  8. It seems to say that the maximum is 1GB as already posted but it doesnt say what the max speed is, it states PC133 which is VERY old are these the ones you ordered Scan.co.uk: 512MB PC-133 RAM Memory - 0741 you should notice an improvement instantly, just remember to set the windows page file accordingly
  9. Dont worry about the beeps for now. you said in the first post that you turned the PC on and it came on (so by that do you mean the lights on the MOBO etc?) So if you remove the battery and wait for 30 seconds and then reinsert it, the MOBO goes back to how it was when the MOBO came to you (factory default) so it 'should' work unless there is a hardware fault
  10. Well you can turn off automatic updates, but what if one of the updates is to address a security flaw. Automatic updates and msconfig are too seperate things, while msconfig is used to control programs running at startup that you have installed. Windows updates address the OS itself
  11. If they were needless they would not be in windows updates. windows updates addresses flaws in software and updates them accordingly, if you dont need them then turn your updates off (not set them so you can choose when to install) and we will see you very soon :D
  12. But then you wouldnt get support ;) M$ like any other business discontinues products to make people move up a notch making them more money, Windows 7 is what Vista should have been, as W7 is based on Vista they are not too dissimilar, but I still prefer Vista, preference really as I prefer Server 2003 to 2008. Newer is not always better but XP is long past its sell by date, its only the most used OS due to corporate compatibility with servers :)
  13. So are you using the onboard video or do you have an add in card? have you tried clearing the CMOS which is removing the battery thats on the MOBO for 30 seconds and then reinserting it (do all this while the PC is off)
  14. I'm more than competent when it comes to Malware, I have ran MB and HJT plenty of times just to check all is ok, and it is. Not one thing over the years.
  15. I use IE and MSE and have done since it was released, used to use Windows Live Onecare (before it was replaced with MSE) and in over 5 years never had malware/spyware or a virus ;)
  16. Not always, can you give us some idea of the PC MOBO make model ect whatever you can give would help.
  17. You can try Avira :)
  18. Get it from here avast! Free Antivirus - Download Software for Virus Protection
  19. Glad its all ok now. Did they replace the power lead? the power connector at the back where the power lead attaches often becomes loose on the MOBO and can cause shorts this is the most common reason for symptoms like you have said you had. Its caused by moving the lappy around while its charging and bending the connector on the MOBO :) As for the Alt-Del thing you got me and I deal with PCs everyday
  20. No dont pull it off :eek: buy some compressed air and use that in short sharp bursts to disperse any dirt etc. to replace the whole keyboard your looking £50ish just for the parts - so not worth it, worst case use an external keyboard :)
  21. It depends on where it has been saved to... normally goes into my documents so have a look around there. Re download Avast and when you click save to - it will open and show you where it 'normally' saves downloaded to. Best place is to download to the desktop and run from there :)
  22. That board has onboard GPU and an Add in card - check that he has tried both, as depending how its set in the BIOS, (if he has pulled the CMOS battery) then it will revert to onboard GPU (near the USB ports) if he tried that port it should be fine. To use the add in card you need to enter the BIOS and disable the onboard and set the first device to PCI-E
  23. The system is searching for the HDD, have you been into the BIOS and made the HDD the first bootable device?
  24. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
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