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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. Nope - just take one from a PSU (molex) I wouldnt recommend it though unless you really know what you are doing :eek:
  2. Depends on the make of the car as they all use different plugs. Software is not easy to come by and normally requires it to be bought with the plug and cables you need as a set
  3. lol - love the ancient terminology IonO - does it come with any other connectors? serial port devices are really designed to be 'hanged' off servers. Get a newer device rather than try to mess around configuring it
  4. BeeCeeBee is spot on, the router will need to be reconfigured if you did a rest (there will be a small hole on the router that you have to push a pin into to reset it) then all the settings are lost. Go into the routers home page, the address will be on a sticker under the router with a username and password - type the IP address into your explorer, a windows log in box will appear asking for a username and password and hey presto. configure the SSID, encryption etc. Wired as in Ethernet cable bypasses all security within the router (you need to connect with the ethernet to set up the wireless and log into the router) before you will be able to use the wireless. If any of this you need help with then let us know.
  5. You mentioned that the Firewall blocked the programs, you need to enter the firewall settings and Manually set the permissions, you may have to search and find the programs in C:/ program files when it asks so that you are using the correct .exes. If a Firewall blocks a program, you will have to manually allow it, unless the firewall is set to 'always ask' for permissions. Have you checked that the router (if you are using one) is also set up correctly?
  6. You have to add the command line prompts. So the BIOS update comes a file, is it on floppy disk? F:\phlash 16 then FULL FILE LOCATION It will have a process on the Acer website
  7. I have seen this issue on many Toshiba lappys, The screen is off until you reach about a 45 degree angle and then it comes on, I have repaired 3 or 4 where it has just been the ribbon, but around 10 that are the screen.
  8. When you say that it only works at one angle, there is a ribbon that connects the monitor to the MOBO in the lappy, these can come loose, but chances are that the screen is shot
  9. ExFat is fine AKA FAT64 it's used in W7 and Vista, can also be supported in XP and Server 2003 via updates if you need to use it in an older system. Did it come as Exfat then? or FAT32? I would be looking more into why its not working as NTFS as it should do.... did you check the manufacturers website for formatting tools
  10. There are normally some 'tools' from the manufacturers website that can help you out if you get stuck. If it came in FAT32, use FAT32, thats where your issue will lie. Do it from the disk management area of windows (admin tools>computer management>disk management) as opposed to right clicking the drive from my computer
  11. PC3200 and PC2700 can be bought from ebay fairly cheap now, stick to 512 modules to keep the cost down. XP with SP3 really needs 1.5GB as opposed to the 'recommended' 1GB of XP with SP1/2
  12. Hi and welcome to FPCH :)
  13. The only way I can think of doing it would be to open a notepad type your email and then CTRL and C to (copy) then everytime you want to copy the email address you just need to CTRL and V to (paste) Its not a permanent fix as you would have to do this everytime you start the PC, it also stops you from being able to use the CTRL C and CTRL V method with any other programs/text
  14. Are you formatting as FAT32 or NTFS (99%) of pen drives use FAT32, but it depends on the size, 64GB should be NTFS, but if you plan on using the flash drive in an older system (pre XP) you will need FAT32 And dont partition the drive as its not worth it, especially for a non attached device
  15. So you removed the old CPU and installed a new one (board supports the new socket type and quad etc) So im guessing socket 775 processors. Have you physically checked the CPU pins on the one that is not in the machine to check none are bent or snapped off? removal and refitting of a CPU would indicate that you have knocked a capacitor or something if its not booting. if you removed the CMOS battery then the MOBO should have been reset to defaults, and 'out of the box' may not support quad cores it may need a BIOS update
  16. Are you trying to launch word from start>all programs>MS Office 2007>Word or are you trying to open a document you know is in word format? if you are doing the latter then you can right click on the document and select OPEN WITH, then select WORD. If this does not work then you have a problem with either the document itself (unlikely as Office 2007 has a compatibility built in to open 2003 docs, 2003 however cannot open documents created by 2007.
  17. Does the website you access through work require a security certificate? or is it secure as in https:// rather than http:// I would only say that it could be the security settings if its one particular page, can you still access other pages with IE8 ?
  18. It all depends on what MOBO is in the PC, can you provide the model number or name of the one you got from Cyberpower. Also what GPU is in the system at the moment
  19. When you see the Compaq screen you need to keep tapping whatever the key was to get into the BIOS normally DEL or an F key.
  20. Sounds like Malware or a corrupt OS (Operating system) for the problems you have listed I would just to a complete reinstall. But you need all the drivers etc. Do you have an original OS disk or some manufacturer recovery ones?
  21. You can get fax cards for PCs but its very very outdated technology and most of it has been discontinued. Is this for business use? as your best bet would be an MFD (multifunction device with print/scan/copy/fax) or MFP (Multifunction printer with the same above but not copy) most of them come with fax boards built in
  22. If anyone has changed options in your BIOS or Overclocked the system, when you pull the CMOS battery all the info stored will be lost (make sure you save any settings) If you have always ran onboard and recently bought the 7600GS then yes, it could be an issue with something, but from the sounds of it you have been using the 7600GS without problems until recently. SO something must have changed between it being fine and it now not being.
  23. Well if you are using the DVI cable with the add in cards, And disabling the BIOS onboard graphics (which is being saved by the BIOS) Not having VGA and DVI cables plugged in (VGA into onboard and DVI into add in card) then there is not much else it can be
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