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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. your using a 128M GPU (which is not ideal for most modern games) as Maynard has said we need to know what the MOBO make and model is before we can make any recommendations. Your screen size was also stating 1600x1200 again your GPU cannot handle this at present so you would need to run at a much smaller res 1024x768 for now (that should help with the crashes)
  2. I agree that you need to try and find out where the noise is coming from the PSU you are using is fine for that GPU. There isnt much that could be making a noise (HDD, Optical drive, PSU) have you looked at the fan in the PSU and checked its not wobbly or not moving properly (a bearing in one of the fans could be getting stuck) do yourself a favour and buy some compressed air and stop using a hoover (hoovers produce static which kill PC components)
  3. The 2 differences in the cards you think you have is that one is an 'M' which just meas Mobile as in laptop (a mobile GPU will not fit into a standard PC unless modified to such a degree that its not worth the effort) You will have the non mobile version of the chip - only get drivers from the 2 reference companies NVIDIA or ATI your GPU is from NVIDIA and you should be using this driver for 32 bit NVIDIA DRIVERS 195.62 WHQL Also do not try and overclock your GPU as the reference coolers are not adequate enough to handle the extra heat
  4. Hi, welcome to fpch :)
  5. AGP cards are expensive and no where near as fast as PCI-E cards, you may be better off buying a new MOBO that supports PCI-E and a PCI-E card rather than buying old technology
  6. Hi, do you know what GPU you are using? is it onboard or an Add in card? To be honest your issues point to the GPU being faulty
  7. From what you have said and tried, I would only think that a problem with the HDD or the MOBO, RAM could be at fault just out of interest was the belkin adapter a USB or PCMCIA?
  8. All the above could also point to a failing HDD
  9. It does store some information (back up files and OS) I would check that the disks you have are definately recovery disks before you try and remove the SERVICE001 partition You can only remove the service001 partition while in SAFE mode
  10. RAID is more used in servers TBH and high performance machines. RAID 0 is the fastest (but as you have found out if something goes wrong with one drive then you lose all the data anyway) I would use one HDD for the OS and programs and then use the other HDD for storage. If your DATA is extremely valuable to you then you could always configure RAID in mirrored mode (1) which stores any data you put on the drive to both drives at the same time (if one breaks then you have not lost anything) and when you get a replacement drive you plug it in and then hit a few buttons and it transfers the data back over to the new drive leaving you again with the data on both drives
  11. *CL: CAS Latency. The time it takes between a command having been sent to the memory and when it begins to reply to it. It is the time it takes between the processor asking for some data from the memory and it returning it. *tRCD: RAS to CAS Delay. The time it takes between the activation of the line (RAS) and the column (CAS) where the data are stored in the matrix. *tRP: RAS Precharge. The time it takes between disabling the access to a line of data and the begin of the access the another line of data. *tRAS: Active to Precharge Delay. How long the memory has to wait until the next access to the memory can be initiated. *CMD: Command Rate. The time it takes between the memory chip having been activated and when the first command may be sent to the memory. Sometimes this value is not informed. It usually is T1 (1 clock cycle) or T2 (2 clock cycles). From Top to bottom yours should be *4-*4-*4-*12 *T1
  12. Common problem with Norton unfortunately, it does take the system over......... ok do you know how to go into safe mode? keep pressing F8 at start up (BIOS post screen) it should give you the option to enter safe mode - choose safe mode with networking and see if you can update Norton or do a system restore from there :)
  13. Hmm, when you say it clicks, is it quite a loud click?? as a rule when HDD's click they tend to be toast as the arm is sticking or knocking. If there is data on the HDD that you need to get off then say and we can have a go with the old sandwich bag and freezer trick (this does well and truly render the drive inert though :D)
  14. Semprons can be overclocked, but for the gain you would get you would be better off buying a faster stock Athlon, and overclocking that. As said GPU depends on the PSU and the connectors the PSU has. and the wattage of the PSU. GPUs are also affected by the size of the screen you intend to use them on.
  15. Hmm, Right few issues here the Laptop HDD seems to be NTFS, I would guess that the External one is FAT32 (or it should be) or course if you were to format the external to NTFS you would lose your data. You are going to have to get the files off the external before you can add an OS to it (or you could lose some of your data) You normally have a system recovery disk/ or a recovery partition, not both. You are going to have to move the info from the external to the other HDD then format the external and install the OS to it, then transfer the data back from the (old) lappy HDD to the (new that was external) Make sense?
  16. You will need to enable the software that came with the lappy for the bluetooth, and if you havent already install the driver, there are somtimes a button on the lappy to enable bluetooth aswell.
  17. Just make sure you dont mistake them for 4 pin or 8 pin ATX cables :eek: 4 pin ATX (sometimes there are 2 of these to make an 8 pin one) The ones for GPUs are normally on much longer wire :) 4/8 pin ATX http://www.vebox.com/akasaart/8_4_pin_atx1_v.gif
  18. its under system model on dxdiag, but it may have been changed by the place that built it. Take the side off the PC (while its off and there will be a make and model number) or find yours on their website and post the link If you click start, there may also be a folder with some of your software for the MOBO in, your looking for ASUS ASROCK MSI GIGABYTE BIOSTAR to name a few, but you still need the model number
  19. They will be yes, just make sure you get the right ones - if you let me know what MOBO it is, I will get them for you
  20. Safe mode with networking is the 1st choice but if one wont let you in then the other one wont. And the files it appears to load are for the system PM SENT
  21. Right well if it doesnt show in there its a hardware fault from either the HDD or the enclosure or the USB drivers, sounds daft but check that all the cables are secure and you dont have the HDD plugged into a HUB (powered or non powered) as these can stop things like externals being detected as they cannot supply the power needed. Next thing is to try another USB slot on the MOBO (I always suggest that External HDD's are plugged into the back of the MOBO) any joy from any of that? Dont forget when you plug the HDD into the PC when the PC is powered on in windows it should make that annoying noise when something is connected :D
  22. When you say you made them (is the PC you are trying to use them on an HP?) Recovery set of disks (CD version) are normally 2 disks and a drivers CD Recovery disks (DVD version) is one disk which includes drivers. You have half a set by the look of it
  23. Have you gone to Control Panel>admin tools>disk management - is the drive in there?
  24. When you remove a program occasionally there are remnants left behind, in the C:/programs folder, manually delete any that you know are no longer there such as the Kaspersky one. The same is true of registry keys (you wouldnt notice these too much though) You could defragment the HDD, BUT be aware that it can sometimes cause you more issues than it resolves.
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