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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. Asus as a whole do some fantastic products - I myself would not buy a MOBO from any other manufacturer. If the quality of the laptops is the same as their MOBO's and GPU's then I am sure you will be fine.
  2. All of those so called advantages are no different than say turning the 'eye candy' off - it is more common on laptops to try and get a minute speed increase - but as the others have said Mara - anything that says it boosts system performance or along those lines normally can but with some extremely catastrophic consequences if it goes wrong.
  3. At the moment - Intel for CPU's and ATI for GPU's There is no chance of any other companies coming in and dominating the market - AMD and INTEL and ATI (AMD) and NVIDIA - thats pretty much it, any others dont have the resources or the money to bid in the war :D
  4. No - it wont need watercooling - just make sure that you dont use the standard intel cooler as they are rubbish - have a look around and see what is a good fan - I use arctic cooler freezer 7 ones - but you have to have good airflow in the case for it to work - If you have a case with just 1 or 2 fans then you are going to struggle to cool the chip - and a new case may be in order.
  5. Have a look here How to troubleshoot a "STOP 0xC000021A" error
  6. Its not an easy one to say what it could be on this occasion - what do you have on the drive? if its just photos and used for storage and no programs then nothing will be running on the drive so feel free to use the safely remove hardware (I never use it if I am honest) and just whip whatever drive out, but if you have any programs running from the drive then thats what will be making it be accessed.
  7. Lol - it does look like you Randy :p the first one anyway
  8. What are the GPU models - the Q9550 will use a good chunk on its own. It really comes down to the GPU models post back and I will let you know
  9. Bonnie - I for one am glad to see you back on the forum, come back more often. Ignore the resident lunatics (you know who they are) :D Barry is one of our latest 'institutees' (is that even a word Bonnie :))
  10. Ok - open a command window - (cmd.exe) and type ipconfig /all at the very top there will be the settings for the adapter - can you please post what it says under all the IP4 and IP6 settings and the domain etc.
  11. Is this happening when you click the IE icon? Sounds like he has reset the home page to that page and its down. Open IE and then type google in the top bar and see if anything comes up.
  12. Hi Mara, I had a quick look and the most common issue is:- small pieces of paper in the pick up assembly gears. If you remove the rear door, you need to check the 2 small white gears on the left. turn the roller slowly by hand and clear any paper stuck between the teeth, the paper can be miniscule but still cause errors.
  13. Wolfey just needs the red suit to pass for santa :D
  14. have you named the drive anything yet? It is always best to name drives rather than leave them as 'Local disk' like windows does with the C:/ drive. Other than that you must have something that is transferring data over to the PC from the external - whether that be a program or a file - something on your PC is accessing the external.
  15. Or you can turn off automatic updates (this however is not recommended) incase you forget to do the downloads yourself.
  16. :)Its not really the CPU in the desktop that matters - CPU requirements are no where near as high as GPU requirements - single core will be fine - just make sure that the GPU is up to scratch
  17. If the MOBO was changed the OS would HAVE to have been reloaded, chances are that they have set it up incorrectly or not installed the latest Service packs. From memory SP1 didnt have a password log in screen - that was introduced in SP2 (don't quote me :D) Ask them if they installed the MOBO drivers and the latest Service packs and let us know.
  18. You need to install the latest drivers for your GPU - if its flickering in Normal mode and not in safe mode - then the drivers are corrupt.
  19. Christmas dinner with the kids is good :) Helping the youngest unwrap all the presents. Running around like a loon for batteries - as I always forget to stock up on them. Being able to have over a week off from work with my kids :)
  20. Sorry I was late on this one - belated Happy Birthday :)
  21. Hi, Welcome to FPCH :)
  22. Hi, Welcome to FPCH :)
  23. No worries - just one of those things im afraid
  24. You cant fix this issue - its just that some of the Vista disks are harder to read than others - they are very problematic and I have even had to send some back! Some machines just take longer to install to on Vista - no fix on this one I am afraid :(
  25. It will be a port issue - Come back with the router and we will go from there - also depending how you connect to the router - you can use the inbuilt windows to connect (this normally has issues) or you should have got a disk with the USB or PCI card - I personally would use that to configure the connection. If you just wanted to check if the router is ok - then plug an Ethernet cable directly into the PC and Router and that will say if there are any issues with the router or ISP
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