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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. The fact that you cannot even access the HDD is very worrying - you cannot get in to any form of windows and when you boot to safe mode no icons are there - safe mode just boots the minimum drivers for windows to load - you may be better just doing a system restore from within safe mode
  2. No worries - any issues and come bck to us.
  3. If the HDD light is always on then its struggling - is this an older HDD that you swapped into the new build?
  4. You say the PC is 3 years old - and running at those temps - woul not surprise me if the thermal paste under the CPU heatink and ontop of the CPU is fried - get someone to do this for you if you are unsure - 2 minute job - clean the case inside and make sure that all the case fans are running - and it may also be worth getting an uprated CPU cooler as the standard Intel ones these days let alone 3 years ago are shockingly bad
  5. Still not convinced the res is right try 1280x1024
  6. You can run all programs in compatibility mode MARA - XP is by no means an outdated OS - Microsoft are just pedalling Vista at the moment - Windows 7 - the next OS after Vista is 'rumoured' to be here before the end of 2009 hold out for that or you will have the same dilemma then :)
  7. Hi, Welcome to FPCH :)
  8. Hi, Welcome to FPCH :)
  9. If it runs 98 by default then I doubt that XP will be compatible - you are far better off leaving laptops with what they have on as they build the laptop around the minimum specs for the OS
  10. If you are saying that the front fan as in a case fan is not working then the chances are that the MOBO got a surge when the power cut - case fans are controlled by the Motherboard (MOBO) unless you have an additional fan controller on the front panel
  11. They can be unticked - if you no longer use them - and if further down the line you want them on again you can just retick them - The best way though if you do not use them is to just remove the programs via add/remove
  12. Its toast - something is scratching internally - proably one of the platters - time for a RTM
  13. You firefox people :D Have you tried completely removing it and then reinstalling Polo?
  14. You firefox people :D Have you tried completely removing it and then reinstalling Polo?
  15. But after said and done Vista is far superior to XP, as the others have said - MAKE SURE that ALL your hardware supports Vista - some MOBO drivers you may not be able to find for Vista depending how old the PC is
  16. Agreed - does it make a 'clicking' noise when its trying to load? you can sometimes just get that HDD error if you dont shut it down properly, and when it has run itself - all should be ok - unless as Wolfey says the HDD is dying
  17. Sorry guys - but I am with Wolfey here - if you use the drive alot and leave it plugged in permanently then definately after as Wolfey says - if you just transfer data and then unplug it then just do that. If its transferring data and then you unplug all sorts of nasty things can happen :eek:
  18. The one that you have posted is a VERY good monitor - it is expensive though - is there any reason that you want to splash £200 more on a 24" version than say a 22"?
  19. Nev - do not worry about offering advice - we encourage it - as long as the advice you are offering is good. :)
  20. Hi - sorry yes - if you right click on the desktop then there will be an ATI or NVIDIA option click that and it will list the driver version on that page somewhere NVIDIA ones start for eg 166.13 and ATI are 8.6 etc
  21. If it all started when you took the battery out and then replaced it then that means that some of the settings in the BIOS would have changed and your system needs them the same way they were before - Who built/made the PC? If the battery was dying then you would get a message saying so at the post screen. I would not have thought you would get a diagram - do you mean of the Motherboard as there is one in my PC build guide of a Motherboard
  22. There have been a few issues with ZA of late - do you have the disk to reinstall it?
  23. Sounds like the GPU is overheating, do you have another monitor that you can try too incase it's that. Can you also tell me the GPU and what driver version you are using please.
  24. it could be a number of things:- The RAM on the GPU - The GPU itself The HDD. Did you do anything differently the last time you shut the PC down? installed any new software etc?
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