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Dalo Harkin

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Everything posted by Dalo Harkin

  1. I agree that they used to be good socket 754 and 939 days were had by AMD and ATI were the GPU's of the time too (not owned by ATI at that time :D) Then along came the core 2 duo's and they blasted all AMD's offerings out of the water! AMD made the 4x4 which (cough, cough) got cancelled as it was rubbish and not able to compete and then Intel realeased the Quad core and well, we know the situation we are in now AMD buy ATI :) and they have released some cracking cards that wipe the floor with Nvidias offering - BUT AMD are fighting 2 battles CPU and GPU where as INTEL is fighting the CPU war and winning and NVIDIA are fighting the GPU war and will soon be back in front - I have said from the beginning AMD buying ATI crippled them and they will recover but in the meantime they are losing customers hand over fist to INTEL. I buy INTEL cpu's and NVIDIA GPU's and I do so as they are faster for the money and in terms of the GPU's the DRIVERS that NVIDIA supply are always better and more reliable. If AMD and ATI release offerings better than INTEL and NVIDIA then I will buy them I am not in a brand war - I just buy the best technology at the time, for the money.
  2. Many happy returns :)
  3. Right - download the driver GeForce Release 178 then go to add/remove programs REMOVE the NVIDIA display driver. Go to the C:/ Nvidia folder and DELETE all the contents inside it. RESTART the PC and then install the driver listed above and then RESTART - should all be ok
  4. Yes - on the graphics display adapter, it will show 2 screens and you basically switch between the 2 on that when needed :) Glad that we could help
  5. Right The 6200 is an NVIDIA card GeForce Release 178 The ATI radeon 9250SE is an ATI card Catalyst™ 6.11 Display Driver for Windows XP Professional/Home Edition You need to try both BUT if you are trying the different cards you need to remove the other driver and install the ones listed above. Any questions please ask
  6. Glad its all sorted :)
  7. Yeah - the CMOS is not holding the settings - get a new battery ASAP and it should be fine :)
  8. you seem to have lost the internet settings - do you know how to do a system restore to an earlier point of time?
  9. Ok - you said onboard VGA and then mentioned DVI - DVI is normally a GPU (Graphics card) if this is the case then he can plug the DVI into the PC monitor and the VGA can be used to connect to the HDMI TV
  10. Your computer could be infected with Malware. Malware is software designed to infiltrate or damage a computer system without the owner's informed consent. It is a combination of the words malicious and software. The expression is a general term used by computer professionals to mean a variety of forms of hostile, intrusive, or annoying software or program code. Required Cleanup StepsDisable the Spybot Search & Destroy TEA TIMER if you use it and if it is enabled Run a Temporary file and cache cleaner (ATF) Run 2 Anti-Malware scanners (Listed Below) Run an Online Anti-Virus / Anti-Malware Scanner (Listed Below) Clear out old System Restore points If continued Malware type activity is present you may be asked to post a TrendMicro™ HijackThis™ Log file, do not do so unless requested. The reason to run multiple scanners is to ensure that no single scanner is missing something. The time it takes will vary depending on your system and your internet connection speed. Typically the SUPERAntiSpyware and Malwarebytes scanners will take between 10 to 90 minutes. The ESET online scan should take between 1 to 3 hours. In most cases, these scans will suffice to clean and disinfect your computer. Heavily infected systems or slower PCs can take much longer to scan and clean. For best results print the following instructions and bookmark this Web page To keep this guide printer-friendly, use your cursor to highlight the contents below. From your browser select File - Print and in the printer dialog box under "Print range" click the Selection choice to print out these instructions for removal of malware. http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn266/FPCH/Malware%20Guide/printer-selection.gif ____________________________________________ STEP 1 Disable Spybot Search & Destroys' TEA TIMER: (if installed, if not go to Step 2)Run Spybot-S&D in Advanced Mode. If it is not already set to do this Go to the Mode menu select "Advanced Mode" On the left hand side, Click on Tools Then click on the Resident Icon in the List Uncheck "Resident TeaTimer" and OK any prompts. Restart your computer. __________________________________________________ STEP 2 Follow these instructions carefully. Download ATF-Cleaner from Snapfiles.com to remove un-needed temporary files from your computer that may contain malware. You can also download it from Majorgeeks.com When you run ATF-Cleaner, check the items as shown below for Main. For FireFox, be sure to click on the FireFox tab on top and check the items as shown below for FireFox NOTE: If you don't have FireFox or Opera installed then they will be grayed out and can be ignored Then click on "Empty Selected". http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn266/FPCH/Malware%20Guide/atf-cleaner01.gif . http://i306.photobucket.com/albums/nn266/FPCH/Malware%20Guide/atf-cleaner02.gif __________________________________________________ STEP 3 Install and run the free version (not the Professional version) of SUPERAntiSpyware from SUPERAntiSpyware.com Accept any prompts to allow SUPERAntiSpyware to install the latest rules and infection definition files. You do not have to send them your e-mail address, just click next. You can leave the automated check for updates on. You can uncheck "Send a diagnostic report to research center" if you don't want to send the information. DO NOT allow SUPERAntiSpyware to protect your Home Page settings. On the Top Left select the Scan your computer button. Make sure there is a CHECK MARK on all Fixed Drives. Click "Perform a Complete Scan". Click "Next" to Repair issues found and reboot the computer when prompted to do so. __________________________________________________ STEP 4 Install and run Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware from Malwarebytes - (direct download) Accept all defaults for the installer Allow the program to update the definitions Click on the Quick Scan and click Next. If any items are found allow it to clean them and then Reboot your computer. __________________________________________________ STEP 5 Run an online scan with ESET from Free Virus Scan: Use ESET's Online Antivirus Scanner You must use Internet Explorer for this online scan. FireFox, Opera, etc will not work for this scan. If your computer is running Window's Vista, then you must first start Internet Explorer as an Administrator. To do so, right-click on the Internet Explorer icon in the Start Menu and select "Run as administrator" from the popup context menu. Accept the terms and click "Start". Once the scanner is ready, check "Remove found threats" AND "Scan unwanted applications". Click "Start" to begin the scan. When completed restart your computer __________________________________________________ Make sure your internet firewall security is enabled, and then please return to Extreme Tech Support - Free PC Help and tell us how the computer seems to be operating. At that time, you will receive instructions to assist you in removing malicious programs from your Add/Remove program list if warranted. If required this is the download link for TrendMicro™ HijackThis™ Unless instructed to by the Technician helping you then do not download this tool. Once you and the Technician agree that your system appears to be clean then you should delete all your System Restore points and recreate a new one. Please follow the instructions here How to turn off and turn on System Restore in Windows XP How to turn off and turn on System Restore in Windows Vista
  11. Hi, The best thing to do is get a VGA to HDMI adapter and then he can run whatever he likes to the TV. vga to hdmi, Consumer Electronics, Computing, Video Games items at low prices on eBay.co.uk
  12. You are going to have some serious issues upgrading that machine with anything - you would be far better investing in a new case and then transferring all the parts over.
  13. That is VERY unusual - and the fact that it works in another PC aswell and not yours - right - pop the CMOS battery out for 2 minutes and then reinsert it - leave it with the USB card in and then see what it does - see if it boots normally
  14. When I post under the red and green writing there is one saying PC Build - have a look there and yes £25 is a joke for them to install anything NO component takes more than 5 minutes to fit. Static - yes and no - but you VERY RARELY get any issues from static - If you are overly concerned about it then before you fit a component touch the bare copper pipe at the bottom of one your radiators. I have fitted hundreds of components and not one has ever had a static issue.
  15. Glad its all sorted - :) Feel free to ask any other questions you may have
  16. The green light indicates that the MOBO has power - so just check all the MOLEX's are connected to what they are meant to be HDD's etc. Check that all the cables are ok on the GPU (graphics card) and anything you took out - just double check its all connected to the power
  17. Did you take the MOBO (Motherboard) out - double check that you have connected all the wires from the case to the MOBO and that the ATX power cables are all firmly clicked into place
  18. You paid £20 for the RAM and they charged you £25 for fitting it :eek: have a look at my sig - it literally takes 5 seconds to fit it! HDD's are expensive from PC World as are all parts! I would just save the vouchers for things like games from there and when you upgrade the MOBO and CPU do the GPU then. As long as you get a GPU that is 16x PCI-E then it will fit in your new board when you get it -
  19. No problem - its all passively cooled so other than it being a heat issue. Have you been in the BIOS at all? I would next try popping the CMOS battery out and leave it out for 2 minutes and then reinsert it - There should be no custom settings in the BIOS for any of your hardware and therefore you will lose settings but it should make no difference and we can set them up again later anyway. try that and come back and let us know
  20. That seems very odd - if you boot the PC with the card in - can you get to safe mode? you may have to do that first so that it can pick up the device and then reboot normally.
  21. I am not sure if this is what you need - USB - Midi Audio Interface Cable Keyboard Adapter Vista on eBay, also, Midi Audio Interfaces, Pro Audio Equipment, Musical Instruments (end time 22-Oct-08 14:02:23 BST)
  22. Right - I doubt you can get a card for that.
  23. Are you overclocking at all? - the distorted picture could also be a corrupting GPU driver or the Northbridge overheating. Northbridge is only really a viable reason if you are overclocking -
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